Which anti-gun laws should we repeal?

My ideal world:

Every man, woman and responsible child (I know 8-year-olds who are more responsible than some 58-year-olds) can own and use any rifle, shotgun, handgun, machine gun, grenade launcher, flame thrower, etc, no background check, no more paperwork than I fill out to buy a gallon of bleach. Violent types will get their hands on weapons anyway, so why infringe the rights of the vast majority of people in order to minorly inconvenience a few.

The only people prohibited from ownership would be politicians at the local, state and federal level. Let them remember who holds the power.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited December 09, 1999).]

I suggested the $200 continuation as
pure pragmatism for the political arena.

No other reason. If the ideal world laws
went through - we could dump it later.

In fact, there is a silenced Ruger 10/22
fully automatic in Bastrop that would
be a joy to have.

I don't believe ideologically in the fee
but just a way to get the whole package through.

That's assuming there are going to be
any private guns left in the USA or
manufacturers that will sell to the

This new lawsuit tactic is hideous. If
the GOP has guts or really supports the
RKBA - they would move against now.

Oh, that's a dream world also.

I agree with your posted answer, and NO it's not too radical. If the framers of our Constitution were to instantly and magically appear today, upon inspection of the current affairs in America, they'd most likely call Americans to arms, that is, after they got through throwing up and regained conciousness. They'd do so (call Americans to arms) for the very reason they included the Second Amendment in the Constitution in the first place...in order to have a "free state" (which we no longer do). We've allowed our freedom to be swallowed up by the monstrosity of a Federal bureaucracy gone wild.

They couldn't help but see the leftist change in direction our Country has taken. And it just wouldn't be gun rights they'd be spitting up about. You name it.

The NICS system would be abolished because there would be no FBI, no BATF, no corrupted attorney general, and certainly no morally corrupt leftist as president.

See, if you all take the approach of compromising the original intent of a "free state" outlined in our Constitution, you automatically get less than the original intention. You have to return the form of government to its original intended form, in order to regain a "free state". Anything less, would be compromising the principles set forth by the framers and the document which gave us America in the first place.

Would that process be radical? Of course it would seem that way initially. Why? Because we've gone so far away from the basis of the original Constitution intentions that returning to that par would be a cause for sweeping changes in Washington D.C.

An analogy...Americans today have been slowly conditioned into recieving a certain amount of a "drug" through an IV that has been slipped into their veins while asleep. They've become so dependent on that "drug" (the government bureaucracy) for their survival, that jerking that needle out in one sudden motion, would do great harm. The instantaneous removal of that drug from their systems would do a few things...1) For many, it would cause a violent withdrawal, with "addicts" clammering to get back on the needle. 2) It would allow millions of former "addicts" to see how they've been controlled and oppressed, with clear minds. 3) It would expose the oppressors...and 4) The calamity created by this instantaneous dissolution of the federal bureaucracy would be like throwing a toxic insecticide into a cockroach infested cellar, with roaches (politicians and bureaucrats) running for their lives.

Radical? What is radical is the federal monstrosity we've allowed to invade our precious freedom. Radical, is the idea that we will continue to sit idly by while more and more freedoms are taken away. Radical, is a complacent and apathetic America who is propagandized into believing in giving up some freedom for a little security. Radical, is the complete disregard sworn politicians take to their offices to defend and protect the Constitution. Radical, is what lies ahead for America if we the people allow this course to continue.
Paul Revere,
Your post took me from belly laughes at the beginning to a terrible apprehension of the future.

We've got to get this done at the polls - no, not the danged CNN nonsense - where we vote! (That's for the First Felon, in case he needs clarification from the folks at Ft. Meade who read this for him!) :)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!