Which anti-gun laws should we repeal?


New member
There was a great Far Side cartoon that showed a bunch of penguins on an ice floe. In the middle, unnoticed, sat a polar bear with a phony penguin beak strapped on. One penguin tells his buddy, “And now Ralph’s gone -- I just don’t know what’s going on.”

Well, instead of us wondering who the next Ralph will be (which gun will be confiscated next), how about our side discussing which anti-gun law we should repeal next. Let’s get the anti’s worrying about who THEIR Ralph is going to be.

In fact, regarding a “shotgun approach” comment in another thread, let’s also add which PRO-gun law should we enact next? If we can get some of the pro-gun pols firing a blitz of these laws at the antis, THEY’ll be the ones scrambling to ward off all the Incoming.

Here’s mine --

1. Repeal the Brady Bill. Ok, I’ll “compromise”. Keep the background check and dump the info gathering, as originally intended. Ok, I’ll “compromise” some more. If the system “goes down” for ANY reason, sales via the 4473 form will suffice, and no seller will be held accountable.

2. ADD a law to immunize ANY CCW holder from civil suits if the courts find he/she innocent of wrongdoing in a shooting.

OK, whats yours? Make it simple and give one repeal and one enactment. The likelihood or strict 2nd Amendment interpretations about any suggestions can be handled in another thread, but it’s ok to explain why.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Pro-gun enactment: National CCW. Let those of us in California (who will otherwise never have the privilege of self-protection) benefit from the wisdom of the majority of states (31, I believe) who have shall issue laws.

Repeal: Anything with the words "assault weapon" in it.
Go for the throat and rip it out:

US v Miller.....it was bogus, has been misinterpreted and is the precident for every single fed gun law. Without Miller the Feds have nothing, no legality for any of this BS

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The NFA of '34, kill it. It was the basis for US v. Miller.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Not to be too radical.

But why don't we start by either not enforcing or repealing all unconstitutional federal firearm regs. That means "All" from '34 on.

That still leaves plenty of fighting on the state by state level. Thankfully many states recognize the right to bear arms. But at least some of the States, probably mostly out West, would allow us to own small arms unmolested.
1) Replace the NICS with a Felon-Only ID card. Simple barcode on licenses lights up a reader if the person is a felon, stays black if not. Market it to Law Enforcement as an extra safety measure for them.

2) Spit can that idiotic Assault Weapons/10 Round Magazine Ban.

3) Kick the pins out from under GCA '68.

It's a start.

Either the Second Amendment means what it says or it doesn't.

I believe it means, "...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Therefore, wipe out all the gun laws for adults (over 16 y/o). Make it impossible for employers to forbid adults to carry small arms - teachers included.

For those people who require "extra supervision", give it to 'em 24 hours a day in a prison with a level of security appropriate to the perp's offense.

Also, if a militia *IS* necessary to a free state, institute mandatory firearms training (at least rifles) for every person who reaches a certain age - probably 16 - after which they can own a gun. Keep 'em there until the learn or starve.

NICS should only have the names of those persons who are NOT permitted to have a firearm.

Have a sliding scale of punishment appropriate to the offense and offender.

Keep offenders in prison until they have served their sentence then, after society has consumed its "pound of flesh", even prior felons should be able to protect their own home. (If they screw up - back to the Big House!)
somebody mentioned "everything from 1934 onward", which sounds like a good idea. Failing that, my listing would be as follows: Brady, assault weapons and magazine restriction legislation, gca 1968, then let me think for a moment.
Repeal the 10 round magazine restriction and the "assault weapons" ban.

Enact shall issue CCW in all states that don't currently have it.
Realisticly, it's basic troubleshooting.
Go back to the last know good state and work from there. You have to ask. Did it ever work? When did it quit working? Failing to find a clear answer, go back to a halfway point such as '68. Did it get better or worse after '68. Failing that go back to the last change, and work backwards from there to a point where it no longer is broken. Certain controls are inevitable, it would be silly to deny it. As much as I would love to have a rnage in the back yard, it's the suburbs. I wouldn't do it, but someone might. OTOH, in their basement w/proper equipment? Great.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited December 08, 1999).]
One small step that I'd like to see would be a repeal of whatever federal law prohibits bringing a firearm into a post office.

Earth to Congress: It's a POST OFFICE, a place where people send and receive mail. It doesn't need to be treated any differently than the hardware store or the laundromat.
In my reply last night, I asked for a moment to think on it. Have the following to add, NEW LEGISLATION, read before you scream at me.

Upon conviction for the possession or use of any "dangerous weapon" during the commission of a crime of violence, (the weapon MUST be in possession at time and place of the offense) that person or persons so convicted shall be excuted in such manner as may be prescribed by law.

Jurisdiction of federal law is relatively narrow, and should so remain, however the several states could be encouraged to enact such legislation.

Other efforts have demonstrably failed, who knows but that my idea might work. It is as much worthy of a try as are any other proposals for "new laws".
Its real easy lets start with the newest ones first and work backward till we get to the 1934 law.. that should do it :)
Which anti-gun laws should we repeal?

Every single goddamned, unconstitutional one of them!

Why? Because, "Congress shall pass no law abridging.........".

But, whaddaya know, we've sure let them, haven't we? I can't believe that this is happening in America; after helping to free so many people from the tyranny of Communism and Socialism, we now don't seem willing or able to free OURSELVES.

I have no doubt that this country WILL have to hit rock-bottom before it wakes up. What a waste.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Almost all of us would agree with Nekron. But our current government will never do it. They are too busy "regulating" and otherwise "protecting" us and whittling away at us until we are "protected" from conception to grave.

Come to think of it. Aren't there federal laws governing grave sites? Sheesh! :(
After posting the original topic, I had a late-night liverwurst and onion sandwich, aided and abetted by a pint of Foster's Bitters. As usual, God talked to me about 3 a.m. and proposed the following:

Any new gun law sunsets in five years.
Any old gun law sunsets in five years.

The pols would be so damn busy trying to keep the old ones alive, they wouldn't have time to push any new ones.

Come to think of it, sunset the current form of government in five years.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Here is my ideal world.

Felons and mentally ill - no guns.
All other adults can own long guns
and handguns (see fully auto below).

Kids only have access to guns with parental
permisson (or guardian).

Get rid of all capacity limits.

Allow new fully auto purchases with current
$200 fee.

Ban on explosive weapons like mortars, etc.
can stay.

National shall issue CCW (what system - TX?

No location restrictions on CCW unless
there can be a truly demonstrated safety
issue. Sorry, private property guys!

No local pre-emption.
Just a question. Why have the $200 punitive tax on ANY type of firearm?

"...shall not be infringed" + "except for guns we don't like"???