which .45? Glock, SIG, H&K or Kimber


New member
Well, I am in the market for a .45 for general target shooting. I believe I want a full-size .45 for accuracy and recoil reduction. But couldn't decide between Glock 21C, SIG P220, H&K USP or Kimber Classic Stainless. All these are around $600 so price is not the factor here. Please give me some tips and your experiences with these guns. Any one of them a lemon? Since this is a target gun, I am looking for accuracy with all sorts of ammo/loadings. thank you! :)
Of the guns you mentioned, I would definitely opt for the Kimber. Every collection should have a 1911, and Kimber for the most part is a very nice gun.
No question! The Kimber. For REAL accuracy, it must be a 1911! You can modify it as you gain proficiency. Bo-Mar sights, Bar-Sto barrel, or buy the Target model from Kimber. The others mentioned are excellent "combat" guns, but NOT suitable for target shooting. The 1911 can easily fill both roles! Plus, with a .22 conversion unit, you can learn to shoot the .45 properly. Same grip, same trigger. Most of them are even accurate enough for .22 match shooting. So one gun, with a conversion unit, can do it all!
I've owned three of the four. Sig-Sauer P-220; Had one long ago and just got a new one. This is certainly my unbiased opinion :) but it's the finest DA 45 on the market today. Pride of ownership reeks with this pistol. Legendary reliability, lightweight, attention to detail, accuracy, and workmanship all contribute to one of the finest pistols available. H&K USP45 full size; Bought one when they first came out. Had it for about three years. Stone cold reliable, durable, lightweight, and accuracy on par with my P-220. Highly recommended. Glock 21 (not compensated); Not as accurate as the other two, worked okay for awhile but then the "springs" got tired and then malfunctions started. My final chapter with Glocks, won't have another. Wouldn't recommend the compensation..not necessary IMO. Just my thoughts, J. Parker
Get the CZ 97B as one poster earlier mentioned. It is simply the BEST (non-custom) .45 ACP autoloader on the market! It is worth every penny and then some (I would buy another one even if the price shot up dramitically). My CZ 97B makes my Sig Sauers look inaccurate. The CZ 97B is the most accurate (non-customized) .45 out there. IMO, the out of the box CZ will also hit more accurately than most of the (overrated) out of the box Kimber pistols. It is also very reliable and the ergonomics are great (for me).
I have both the HK and a 220 and in my opinion
if you want a DA .45 the Sig 220 is the finest.
The Kimber is a fine 1911 and is on my buy list.
Although they are all reliable and accurate, each of the guns listed are very, VERY, different! So by default, I'd have to say go with the one that feels the best to you. Either that or narrow it down to two. I can see it going one of two ways. Either Glock and H&K or Sig and Kimber.

Now for my biased opinion. The Glock and H&K are both double stack which makes them wide and blocky in my hands. Also, the Glock's point high for me.

I've got sm/med hands, and the single stack Sig and Kimber fit me better. I've got a P220 and a 1911 clone (S&W 945). If I were you, I'd get the Sig. Don't get me wrong, I like my 945 slightly better than the 220, but I wouldn't keep the 945 if it wasn't better considering the money I paid for it (i.e. custom). I've heard that some of the stock Kimbers (I'm gonna get flamed for this) have feeding problems with certain ammo. The Sig is totally reliable. So unless you're willing to sink some additional money (now or later) into the Kimber for some action work, I'd stick with the Sig.

A Glock for $600? Where are you shopping? I'm getting mine, for $550 w/night sights, and a high cap. The others might be $600, and that's for a base model. My first choice would be a Glock 21, although I don't know what you need the ported model for, as in my opinion there's little recoil on it at all. My next choice, in a close second, would be the HK. Gotta love the USP!

Para LDA

I think its pretty hard to go wrong with a Kimber, if you want a 1911. If you want DA, has anyone tried the Para Ordanac LDA .45? I read great reviews about it?
All are good.

If you are just punching paper,you might want to go with the Kimber,as the trigger pull will be better than the others. Reliability will not be that big of a deal,and you call doll up a 1911 all you want.

If you are not opposed to the da/sa transition, I dont know if there has ever been a better 45 produced than the Sig 220. They are as accurate out of the box as any custom 1911 I have seen. Regardless of what some post,you will not find a more reliable 45 either.

If you want a 45 to shoot a whole lot,and abuse a little, consider the Glock. Face it, they are as ugly as they are going to get the day you buy them. They are also very reliable,and you can get a lot of add ons for them.

And now,H&K.

It is true that many like the USP series. All I have come across have been reliable. It just seems to me like they knocked off features from many other designs, mixed them up in a blender, and said "HEY LOOK AT ME NOW!!!!" To me they are Rugers on steroids,with the high bore axis and clunky look.

I guess if I could only pick one,it would be the Glock. Parts availability,reliability out of the box,and ease of manetanince would be my deciding factors.

Like I said,all are good,it just comes down to which you like and shoot the best.

Have fun!
My advice is to go to a shooting range that
rents guns and take 'em for a test run.
Buy the one that fits your hand and you shoot
the best.
All the pistols you mentioned are quality
shooting irons.
(I chose HK)
All the choices you mentioned are great weapons.

As for a personal preference, I like the Glock. No tweaking, nothing to mess with, simple straight forward design. The only drawback is that it is highly reccommended that you shoot FMJ or jacketed type bullets in the Glock due to the rifling type. You can always get an aftermarket barrel to remedy this situation if you love to shoot lead bullets.

With the HK you are at the mercy of HK for anything you need. Magazines are a real pain. And the HK..along with the Glock, you need big hands to comfortably hold them.

Sigs are nice, beautiful weapons, but the design of the P220 and the P245 combined with the alloy frame makes the weapon recoil in the hand a bit more, with a bit more muzzle flip. I used to own the P245 and it was nasty with some loads. I shoot a G36 .45, and although its not a pussycat, its tamer than the Sig.

And finally the Kimber. Beautiful guns, ageless design, aftermarket parts abound as well as any type of grip or grip modifications you could dream of. For a just to the range gun and home defense and the occasional family outing, it gets my vote. Steel guns for shooting, Polymer for carry is what I go by.

Good SHooting
Mr. quickad -

Another gun to consider is the older model Ruger. I read a review of them in G&A (?) a couple of years back where they tested all of the major 45's on the market at the time. The Ruger was the most accurate of the bunch, beating out Sig, Glock, and Colt. And it should be cheaper than any of the guns you mentioned.

As for me, I bought a Kimber Classic Custom Target model and don't regret it a bit. I use this for target shooting (185 & 200 grain LSWC) and carry (185 grain Golden Saber). It is a great gun, but it was not perfect from the factory. I had to add a slight bit more bend to the extractor. I did this by hand. It has been perfect since then, about 1,500 rounds now.

I will not flame Redhook for his post regarding the Kimber, but I will point out that what he has "heard" does not coincide with my actual experience with the gun. I will buy another Kimber.

You have a great dilemma because you can't go wrong no matter what choice you make. Enjoy whatever it is you buy!
As someone said, please at least hold and point the gun in YOUR hand. I had the same problem yesterday, deciding between the Sig p220, Glock 21 and HK USP. The USP though a nice gun, pointed low and to the left for me, the Glock point high for me, but the Sig p220 pointed dead on center. My decision was made for the Sig at this point as all of these guns are excellent. By the way I have a Kimber Classic and can tell you that after breaking it in ~300 rounds it functions perfectly. Presently have ~4000 rounds thru the gun with no complaints.