Which .308 rifle to buy?

I hope you are going to shop around a few other gun dealers before paying that kind of money on a rifle. If they are NIB, then I think that is a fair price.
Unless you are going to be sniping from a few hundred yards in varying climates, the wood is fine. I prefer the look of wood, but I bought the figerglass because of the texture on the grip areas. Very nice. In fact, everyone comments on it. In the end, if you can't make up your mind, you can buy a second stock! then you can pretend you have two different M1A's. That's my plan.

Live Free or Die

You're right about it taking thousands upon thousands of rounds before any problem would evidence itself. My apologies to our members if I unnecessarily raised the hue and cry over headspacing on the M1 family. What I was trying to point out, albeit not very successfully, at which point I must attribute it to my recent stint working graveyard, that headspacing on the M1 type actions are not based solely on the barrel & bolt fit and that if a M1 did not headspace properly, it may not be remedied by replacing the barrel. Be that as it may, the M1 remains a sound design which has and shall continue to provide yeoman's service into the next millenium. If it were not so, I would not own more than one myself.

By the way, I was not aware of the ensuing panic over CMP Garands and cannot divulge the source of such unwarranted concern.

In closing, I'd like to thank you for providing a balanced perspective to our members at The Firing Line.

Thanks, Gary.

I was not referring as much to your posting but to another site where a lot of CMP stuff is discussed and everyone advises the newbies to buy headspace gages because the CMP M1s could all be bad and blow up, etc.

You may not be old enough to remember the same thing when the old DCM sold M1917's and M1903's. There were big warnings about excess headspace. I never saw one that actually had excess headspace, but panic reigned, complicated by folks who had no idea how to use a gage and hammered the bolt shut on it.

Oh, well, it sells headspace gages.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited April 27, 1999).]
FYI, emailed Hesse for some info on their H91 rifle.(G3/HK91 clone) They DO NOT have magazines available for the rifle!! Just the one that comes with the rifle. What the hell? Shows they have zero commitment to the rifle if you ask me. They sell a butt load of different spare parts but not the magazines. Jeez.

Life is hopelessly complex for those who have no principles.
In the Marine Corps JROTC program at my school we have our own rifle drill team. We use M-14 rifles and we toss, spin and throw them to each other. Sometimes we drop the rifles during a throw on hard concrete. The rifles always survive the crash, although the wooden stocks do break. I would consider a M-14 as an extremely durable rifle compared to the toy-like AR-15. Besides, the M-14 was used by Navy SEAls during Desert Storm because of its long range firepower.
Alpha, actually they use the M-14 on a regular basis because it's one of the few ways one may use .308 without carrying an M60. Besides, there are still quite a few still in the Navy (for line throwing and whatnot).
I watched the marine corps silent drill team throw around those m-14 with the bayonets on them. damn thats cool. i wish I could do that, but I'd probably kill myself the first day when I started day dreaming about Halle Berry as the bayonet plunges into my heart
The SA M1A is a fine rifle. I have the wood stock version. If you want precision, I would think the synthetic stock would be more consistent than wood. M14 stocks are available in SGN for unbelievably low prices so don't let the type of stock on the rifle you're considering be a major stumbling block.

Although there are some hK freaks out there, I am not one of them. I have had experience with HK products since the '60s when they brought out the HK4 interchangeable caliber pistol to the G3 German service rifle, to the current PSG-1 precision rifle. They are not my cup of tea, either from an engineering standpoint, pricing, or asthetically. The guns are clunky, destroy brass (if you ever find it), and extremely overpriced for what you get.

I'm told the Armalite AR15 type weapon is very good. If the AR10 is as good as the AR15, it would be a good choice.

I don't think the FAL is one of FNs better efforts. But the ones being currently imported can be had for $5-600 which makes them more attractive.

You pays yer money and you takes yer choice!

Son of Liberty