which 223 load should I use for a hog?

Sorry, maybe I was being a little grumpy, O.K.. Didn't mean to ruffle the old feathers. I heard them little piggies are extra yummy, is that true?
Yes. Extra yummy.
Every harvest season the pigs follow the harvest and eat all the wheat that spills on the ground around the grain bins. The season lasts about a month in the area we shoot most and the pig population concentrates with all the pigs migrating around from farm to farm.
Grain fed pork, and no chemicals. Who could ask for more?

Yep, you thought right! Those photos are from 1992 and that handsome young man is now a balding father of two.:D
If you are a primary producer (someone who makes their living directly from the land) and can demonstrate to the police minister in your state that you have a genuine need for a semi auto then you can get a licence for them, otherwise you are not able to own even a rimfire s/a.