
The light bulb blew over my computer and I fired a few rounds of Federal tactial buckshoot into it :).
Otherwise, just watched the show.

How many of you are going to eat MREs for a year? Some dude in San Antonio bought $8000
worth of the stuff, was in the paper.
Regarding the big fireworks - there's been a quantum jump in what's available fireworks-wise. I hadn't bought anything in a couple of years, and stopped in TN at Xmas. You can now get these reusable plastic mortars with shells you drop down in them. Very reasonably priced - $40 for the tube and 18 double shells. The guy in the store said they were just coming out this last July 4th.

The shells look like two spheres with a small cube in the bottom, and a long fuse . I think the cube launches the two spheres, then the two spheres give you the very good starburst effect. This thing was launching 200'+ into the air. It was great!

There were at least two others visable launching nearby here in the burbs, and it's somewhat hilly here, so you can't see very far.
Well I am still alive, I guess thats a plus. Everything in Michigan is A-ok, The power is still on and the computer is running I guess.

Well I am happy you all had a great New Years, Stay safe everyone!


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944


[This message has been edited by Kimber Man (edited January 01, 2000).]
Maybe this subject needs a seperate topic, "the stories begin", but what the Hey.

My brother called from South Carolina with this gem. The Spartanburg H.S. team won a spot in Pasadena's Rose Parade. They sent two van loads of instruments via Ryder trucks ahead of time, planning to fly out later.

The day before New Years the trucks reached Boulder Dam. The drivers decided to have a look and parked the trucks. The FBI was ALL over them in minutes. Took 'em 6 hours to get things straightened out. I guess they made the parade, and hopefully this is as hairy as it gets.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.