

Staff Alumnus
I'd like to take a minute to say "thanks" to the American people. Seriously.

I expected, nay KNEW that there would be some overt act of asininity that would give the feds an excuse to clamp down. I've been watching the Times Square video feed nervously for the last hour, waiting for the hammer to fall. Obviously, it never did.

I like to tell my friends who accuse me of pessimism that there are two good points about it: you're never disappointed, and occasionally pleasantly surprised. Tonight falls into the latter category.

I've never in my life been so happy to admit being wrong than now.

So, to America and the world: Thanks.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Well, that's what ya get for living in Chicago. ;)

Yeah, there's bound to be something, but not on the scale I was imagining (if you knew what nightmares I've been having...). I expect some brawling up the road in Denver. I've heard one siren here all night, along with the obligatory fireworks. My dealer hasn't screamed for me to rush to her aid, and my buddies haven't ICQed me for armed assistance.

Sorry about the rowdies, Miss D. Had to happen, y'know? :(

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Sounds like a war zone here! I walked outside and all I could hear in the distance, from almost every direction, was whoopin', hollerin' all KINDS of gunfire, fireworks, and I think one of the oldtimers up the road was settin' off dynamite!
I came back in real quick before some of that lead came down on my head.

Screw the Anti's!!
The guy across the street is having a party which they decide
to take outside. They were getting all rowdy and bloing off
half sticks in beer bottles. There was glass everywhere. The
cops came and they all went in.

Chicago.......near Cabrini Green.....gunfire.....14 year old
boy shot in the foot. A two year old got her hand blown off
by an M80. Other than that fire works going off, power on,
water looks ok :), and the sky is not purple. :)

Lets not forget handguns and fireworks are illegal here!

Happy New Year all! :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
That wasn't me firing in the air. Oh well, I guess it was. But it was a shotgun and where I was firing there was no danger to man nor beast.

Actually I've been trying to debug a new DVD player, after going on the web and ranting and raving I got it working! Still I advocate violence against those firms that don't include documentation with the software. You really shouldn't have to go on the web to get it. So I guess I can't blame it on Y2k. Out in the boonies here lots of gunshots, fireworks, etc. But no bullets have rained down on the homestead yet.
I'm drunk as a scunk(sp?), but every thing is Y2-OK is the great state of Georgia!!!!

Wait, is that a black helocopter I hear, just joking!!!

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Just got in after a 4-midnight shift in the small Southern Illinois town I'm a part time LEO in. We had six officers on the street from 4-midnight, up from our usual four.

It was totally uneventful. An illegal burning complaint at 4:10 (City Ordinance can't burn after four, some people have nothing better to do then call the police on their neighbors because the fire is still glowing at 4:10 but that's another thread).

By 8:00 pm the streets were deserted, it looked like it normally does about 2:00 am. Only one of the local bars had any kind of a crowd.

About 11:30 the fireworks (illegal in Illinois) started. Surprisingly, no complaints.

Heard on the radio while driving home that it was estimated that 65% of the American people celebrated the turn of the century at home.

All in all I think the entire nation was well behaved tonight.

Well, my machine booted up at 12:05, got on to TFL at 12:07. Watched everybody ring in the New Year in Las Vegas with no problems.

The biggest event in my small town is that the neighbor's dog tore through the fence and we had to quite the poor bugger down -- kid with fireworks and one of the Casinos in shooting off a million bucks worth of fireworks drove it crazy.

Just checked the taps and we still have water, as well as electricity. Let's hope that's the way it stays.

Sorry, I can't help myself, Millenium or no:
I wonder how long it will take Willie to take credit for this apparent non-event -- probably due to all the gun controls that were passed. (Just to start the new year off in the proper mode.)

One last glass of bubbly and off to bed. Our best to the camp.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I would expand the "Thanks" to include everyone in the world that kept their head. Mother Nature played an important part also with no major events anywhere. "Thanks" also to the people behind the seemingly smooth rollover. I sorta wish there had been a couple of lights go out briefly though. Methinks people are feeling cheated in a twisted sort of way, which isn't a good thing long term. Glad people for the most part decided to party hearty all over the globe.
Maybe it's time to announce my new business venture. I think I could really clean up buying and selling little-used firearms and generators. What do you think?

If we have dodged this one, and it looks as if we could have, I will be the first to admit that I over reacted. Or I could say that I am stocked up the way I should have been in the first place.

On the other hand maybe it was olslick's way of stimulating the economy.

Better days to be,

I, too, am relieved that the 'change-over' when pretty much hitchless. Around here the LEOs seemed to be on every street corner! Just watching... Roadblocks and checkpoints were few and far inbetween - strange, given the saturation the city and county gave us last year. Hope the backlash from the folks who are upset and disappointed that "something" didn't happened won't be too great. Somehow, Clinton will be able to take all the credit, once again. Rats! :( I'm gonna hang on to my supplies - it'll be interesting to see how many neighbors try to unload theirs at 'yardsales' this spring! All the best...

ff ...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
Other than that speech Clinton gave about freedom wisely, last night was alright. Shot the shot gun at 12 but couldn't hear it for all the other fireworks going off. Local LEOs were having a good time chasing down gunfire in town, but pretty uneventful. Now if they'll just quit talking about it I'd be happy..

all systems go here except one:
my model T ford wouldn't start this morning.
who would have thought?

good day!
Yes, nothing of event to report in Indianapolis. We had our usual spat of fireworks, and I'm sure there was some gunfire but that happened last year to.

Water, power, gas all ok. TV is on and the most important thing, the Internet is available.

More than likely Al "I'm the father of the Internet" Gore will be taking credit for making the whole world run like a top.

Also let's not forget that the potential side effects may not be immediately apparent. Could take many more hours, days or weeks for something to fail. A bit might have gotten flipped last night and isn't ready for several more days, then ???. So don't go into condition white as far as Y2K is concerned. Then there are all these terrorists that were planning something. I'm betting a bowl game, since they are broadcast all day.

Well, Peace and a Happy New Year to you all. Hope all your plans, hopes and dreams come true for the year.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Now if all these new gun owners will deceide to unload their guns I'll be all set. Saved up my money figurin that the 'New' used gun market should be good for us buyers sometime after the new year. :)


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Well here in the deep pine thickets of fla, nothing at all unusual, same amount of gun fire as most nights, some fireworks that we dont normally have, and some durn kid on a crotch rockett winding that thing out so tight I though it was gonna blow....too bad....everything works,,,,,,,and I just gotta ask ya as Im crawling out from my fortified position "did ya'll really not think it wouldnt be working this morning?"

Bookie, great minds think alike.........here's to new (used)gun purchases to start off the new millineum......fubsy.
Some neighbors apparrently had been taking all of their spare money and purchasing fireworks all year. Big fireworks. Big Fireworks. Like professional grade.

And they set them off on the golf course behind our apartment... needless to say, me with my pack of bottle rockets and firecrackers felt a little "short"... :D

Anyhow, it was really cool, I pity the groundskeepers...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Hope they had the decency to stay off the greens when they set 'em off :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Spark- ditto on the neighbors with the fireworks. I set off a bunch for my kids-fountains and stuff- and figured that was it. About 12:10, from up the hill behind our house, I hear "WHUMP!" For about 15 minutes, every 10 seconds or so, these guys are launching professional looking stuff- big star clusters, aerial bombs- the whole works, illegal as hell even here in the mountains. All the neighbors were out cheering and applauding, must have cost big $$$.