Where Will Loyalties Lie

Count me in for $50 and .sig

Martial arts, teaching and practice of, were illegal in the USSR. Same for any effective defensive weapons. Making on offensive weaponis easy...a shak made from a metal file would go through kevlar easily...but decent tools for self-defense turn out to be firearms only.
RANT mode ON:
There are always "good citizens" willing to take the side of a government. What happened in Nazi Germany or the USSR could happen in the U.S.

The government will not declare itself to be the "enemy of the people". WE will be the "enemies, foreign or domestic", that government-serving military and/or para-military forces will attack.

If you doubt me, remember the Whiskey Rebellion, the Bonus March on Washington, Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc.

I'm not a historian, sociologist, psychologist or a PhD. But I know there will be people willing to turn in their fellow man for the proverbial "thirty pieces of silver". Always. In every country.

This is almost always carried out "for the people". Proletariat of the World, Unite! is merely a recent effective example. Good God, look around you! There are still many people supporting and defending Clinton! Do you really believe these twits would fight our government for liberty and freedom!

If the insurrection ever occurs, the vast majority of Americans will sit back and wait for personal advantage. The true Spirit of '76 is virtually dead - replaced by big screen TVs and computer CDs!

The USSR enslaved more people and greater land mass than the U.S. - and they didn't have the modern tools available to OUR government.

Just ponder how many times you've heard someone say, "I don't make the rules. I just enforce them." Or, "I'm sorry, but it's policy."

Listen to Cornered Rat. He has the most first-hand experience and the "marbles" to express it.
RANT mode OFF:

We, as gun-owners, need to unite ourselves and then find a way to bring in the NON-gun-owning lovers of liberty. Else we perish.
Mikey: Yeah, I remember Kent State and 1970 quite well...I was in South VN at the time in a combat unit, so I really didn't give a S*%$ about Kent State at the time...in reality, the Ohio National Guards' murder of those unfortunate students was due more to poor training and even worse leadership than any government plot...perhaps the intent of one or more mis-guided so called patriots who fired their weapons, then presto, an entire squad/platoon unloads. By the way, I've never read the text of any official investigation on this event so what I've just passed as to what occurred is just my opinion...I don't place a lot of faith in what comes out of "official investigations". The only thing that really matters is what you know leader's strengths and weaknesses are and how they lead the people they are responsible for cuz you can SEE THE RESULTS!
Dennis, we have already been declared the enemy. Check out this site, click on "Enter Info Vault" (left side of page) and read the first two reports under "Emergency Powers & Executive Orders":



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 03, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 03, 1999).]
Wouldn't you know it...I get a really bitchin' thread going and Rob has to go and make an absolutely BRILLIANT and AWE INSPIRING (accidental?) mission statement which should be immediately embraced by all gun owners everywhere!

Thanks Rob, and count me in too.
Before you think it'll never happen, consider this. Goverment is paraniod to begin with. They spy on any group that might be a threat. Militia, KKK, Black Panthers you name it. They're watching.
Further consider that if any group were indeed planning an attack or attempt a take over of our government, What better time than Y2K? Especially if things do go to pieces.
I'll bet that right now some agency is working on what to do. I'll also bet that Martial law and gun confiscation are being seriously considered.
BTW: they ain't getting my guns, no matter what.
I would *really* like to see some more information regarding a page in USA Today. I'm sure it's murderously expensive, but there are a lot of us...
John Az/2,

Thanks for the link. Although it's pretty upsetting.....

Wasn't it Pogo who said something to the effect, "We have met the enemy and he is us"?

Yeah, I know. I had a hard time swollowing that one too. But it explains so much that has happened.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 04, 1999).]