Where to shoot a hog?

Sure Shot...I don't keep the large boars at all, and have a common dump site that coyotes and buzzards watch over. I do take hind legs at least off of boars up to about 100 lbs. The sows I save the hind legs off of basically all of them, and the backstraps off of the larger ones. I have a good bunch of people that want the meat, and have no problem with passing it on.
Some folks seem to keep and eat the larger boars too, but I don't personally want to pass on potentially nasty meat to these people.
I skin and wash the legs, and they are passed on frozen in plastic bags.
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Wouldn't it be nice if someone were to invent some kind of a trap like these for the hogs? I have a coon invasion of sorts at one of my feed sites and just started to lower the numbers again. I have to do this once or twice a year it seem like.
Probably killed and gutted it with one shot?

I was stepping over large pieces of material in the blood coming from it (the land had sloped slightly towards the shooting position) and my wife, who had accompanied me, asked me if I knew it was dead.

Yep... sure did.
That is a Duke's dog free trap. They are basically just a piece of pipe with a spring affair and a trigger. I use floating fish food, but fish flavored cat food works pretty good too. You just pour it about half full and they reach in to dig the food out and bingo, it grabs them around the leg. I occasionally catch a possum in one, but not often. I have found them to be the best way to catch coons and you don't have to deal with wire cages that catch skunks and all kinds of varmits on a regular basis. You can buy those traps on ebay and they aren't very expensive.
Don't have feral pigs this far North Old Stony so I don't really know how good they are to eat or whats considered appropriate you fellers do with em. It is pleasing to know some of the meat has not gone to waste.

Racoon hand hold works pretty well so I've been told. Haven't tried one yet. I'm still old school. Get by using a victor leg holds to catch em up this way when their bothersome.

BTW: If that were a muskrat caught in a hand hold? Undoubtedly the animal would chew its foot off to be free of the trap. Raccoons think to much about their caught situation and typically catch a 22 for doing so.