Where is the 22 lr ammo ?@#$%

interesting, live in Lewiston ID, home to an ATK ammo plant so most of our stores are rolling in CCI, American Eagle and Federal 22lr all the time....prices are just as bad as everywhere else but they seem to be able to feed demand well enough here.
I think a lot of people are buying up .22s just to have a gun with the current rush to gun ownership and you also have Christmas coming up so I expect the .22 sales are pretty good this time of year for gifts (both guns and ammo); at least the second thought was how it worked in my house growing up. I expect .22LR ammo will be more available after the holidays.
I buy a couple boxes every week or two depending on the prices. If I see any good deals I buy a case or two. Stock up when things calm down a bit. If ya keep it dry it will last for years and years so no reason not to have 10-20k rounds laying around.
The lgs here, in addition to Wal Mart, has plenty of .22lr ammunition. I don't doubt j270's dilemma but I have never encountered a time or place when .22 rimfire ammunition was sold out.
No problems here

I buy 22lr whenever I see a good deal and usually can get my favorite (Federal bulk, either 525 or 550 count) but if not available then Remington, Winchester or CCI on the shelf. The one store that seems to have the lowest stock and choice is Dick's Sporting. No problems at Cabela's or Walmart or local gun shops.
My toy store knows if he has a 1000 rounds in an unopened box when I walk in he won't when I walk out. I look in that corner when I walk in and if he has it he just puts it on the counter for me. I still can't get my inventory over 17,000 rounds, some durn fool keeps shooting it up.
I have a couple of thousand rounds from my own past and given to me.

I am giving some away to my nephew! I don't shoot it a lot anymore (I don't have a 22 I can shoot that well with the older eyes).

Funny, as I get older people give me ammo and booze. When I needed it I had to buy it. Now I can't use or handle much of it anymore and I have more than I need. Hmmmm
no shortage noticed here. Reminds me my stash is getting a bit low and I need to watch for sales to pick up a few 000 more rds.
I don't doubt j270's dilemma but I have never encountered a time or place when .22 rimfire ammunition was sold out.
Where were you in 2008? :eek:

There is plenty of 22LR in my garage. About 30,000 rounds. :D
I just bought an ammo can with 1600 rounds of CCI mini-mags in it at Wal-Mart....for $104 out the door. That's a pretty good deal on premium 22 ammo.

My Ruger 22/45 is pretty picky about what it eats, lol. The CCI's have never given me a problem.
Seems to be sufficient stock on the shelves in my part of Virginia. OP, hopefully you'll see some soon in your part of the woods!

Probably the best thing everyone can do is remain calm... buy a box or two if you see something you really want or need. Panic purchases are not necessary (IMO), and bragging about hoarding ammo does not increase one's "firearms cred" on TFL (as far as I know).
Folks are just getting a bit more serious about arming themselves. Stuff is flying off shelves all over. It will even out after a bit.