Where Is a moving target range?


New member
I ask because that was absolutly the most fun i had at basic trainning at ft. Benning, was on the moving target range. The post i am curently on doesn't have anything even close to the moving green Ivans. i will even be willing to travel one 4 day to go to any that you guys might reccomend, or that you know of. Thanks.
It used to be that you had to shoot at a moving target to get your license in Germany and probably some of the Scandanavian countries.

When I took artillery training back in the 1960's, part of the course consisted of direct fire at a moving target and that with a 105mm howitizer. Most fun I ever had.
I have shot at moving targets during gunnery with the ol' 25mm bradly chaingun but, I want something that is more of a challenge, though gunnery is about the most fun i have ever had out on a range. Just something about that ump..... ump ump ump ..... ump ump ump !
I failed to mention the obvious: I don't know of any range with a moving target. Nor have I heard of one but that doesn't mean there isn't one. You might be able to improvise one if you have a private place to shoot and someone to help out.

Personally, I enjoyed the falling targets used in the army under the system used when I was in. I was amazed that I was able to hit some of the more distant targets and even more amazed that I could miss the closest ones. Sort of over did the holdover or something. I probably would enjoy metallic sihoulette targets (and I hope I spelled that right).
We have experimeted with moving Ivans at the RWVA range, but the next shoot with them of which I am aware is out at Camp Guernsey in Wyoming in November. The match director is a great guy, and those Wyoming boys (and girls!) can shoot, fer sure.

Details below:


DATE: 19-20 November, 2005

LOCATION: KD Range, Guernsey, Wy

TIME: 0830 firing commences each day. Report to range NLT 0730.

Entries and Fees: $15.00 per day, $7.50 juniors per day. 5.56mm/7.62 ammunition is included in the entry fee for junior shooters, 18 yrs. old or younger.

Entries to: Mark Spungin
P.O. Box 94
Guernsey, Wy 82214

Saturday, 19 Nov. Semi-automatic Rifles

This will be a fast moving competition/training event. Firing will be from 300 yds to approx. 50 yds. Targets will be Fig. 11 (full silhouette) and Fig. 12 (half silhouette). Positions will be standing, kneeling, sitting and prone. There will be several short sprints. Sufficient opportunity for establishing good zeroes will be provided.
You will need at least 150 rds of ammunition, enough magazines so as to be able to load 60 rds at one time and some form of web gear. Binoculars or preferably a spotting scope will prove to be very useful.
This match is exciting, challenging and will serve to make you much more familiar with your semi-automatic rifle and it's capabilities.

Sunday, 20 Nov., Semi-automatic Rifles (Advanced Marksmanship)

Very similiar to Saturdays match. Firing will be from 500 yds to 100 yds. Targets, positions and ammunition requirements are the same as Saturday.
Due to the relatively small size of the targets, unless one possesses exceptionally keen eyesight, optical sights would be of enormous benefit. These do not have to be megabuck Trijicon or expensive tactical mil-dot (although these work well and bring one if you have one). Some fairly inexpensive scopes designed for the AR-15 style rifles work quite well. Good results have been obtained with Scout mount, long eye relief scopes on M1A rifles.
Binoculars or preferably a spotting scope are absolutely necessary.
Participation in Saturday's match will give one an enormous advantage as this match really starts where that one left off. This match is extremely challenging and will really push your marksmanship skills and abilities.

Camp Guernsey KD Rifle Range: is south of Guernsey, Wy approx. 1 1/2 miles south of Hwy 26 on S. Wyoming Av. Cross the river, go past golf course which will on your left and the obstacle course on your right. (You are now on S. Guernsey Hwy.) When the road makes a sharp turn left (east), turn right through marked gate onto range.
Camping is allowed on range although there is now water, but a porta-potty will be on site.

Motels and campgrounds: Bunkhouse Motel- (307) 836-2356, Guernsey Hotel -2998, Sagebrush Motel- 2331, Town campground-2335.
Thanks cabinboy for all the info i sure wish i could make it to that shoot out that sounds like alot of fun!
And that deer shoot sounds too cool i have never heard of anything like that.
Hey bluetrain i know exactly what you mean that was the hardest thing for me in Brm in basic was getting the right amount of holdover. Thanks again for all the responses it is very much appreciated.
Yeah high speed, ft.bennings moving target range, while at Infantry school, You might think I am a fake but i ain't stupid. Qual ranges pop-up these were moving in which we used the cco"s to engage with.
CCO's in basic? Sorta beats the whole purpose of BRM and basic fundamentals, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

I went through Army Infantry basic when CCO's were plentiful in the military and never once saw one till I got to the 82nd.

About the most highspeed thing we got to use in basic was the PAQ4c during a nightfire. They only had enough for 4 weapons so we took turns getting a feell for them. Again, I never saw a PAQ4c or PEQ2A until i got to the 82nd.

But maybe things have changed since i went through basic regarding CCO training? Regardless, your range doesn't stack-up.

Where on earth do you get your information us.army"sniper" ??? Do you like what you see in the mirror? At what point in your life did you start to seriously believe yourself?

Go to this link! go to the left and scroll down to trainning and click. look at week 7 on the trainning calender, there is all you need to know. If you click on the zero and engage targets m16a4 and cco's that will have ever thing you need to know. i trie to get a direct link but it wouldn't work. And if you look to spaces to the right there is the moving target range with cco's!
While a Navy Gunner's Mate, they had us shoot 5" 54's at a sleeve towed by aircraft on a long cable. On one shoot, the fire control radar started walking up the cable. You should'a heard those guys on the plane! :eek: :D
Hey SF Guy/Blackwater:

I think he may be referring to that Malone (forgot the number) Moving Targets Range that used to be called "the million dollar man"...The green sillhouettes were on tracks behind shallow berms, etc...

i've seen something like that -"The green sillhouettes were on tracks behind shallow berms, etc..."---on tv.think it was on the military channel.a show om sniper school.

they also showed the new version of those.torso mounted on a actual remote robot that the r/o could move around on the sniper.trains in shooting a target that will change directions.

(i'm sure alot of you have already seen these)
Any Outdoor ranges close?

Do you have an outdoor range close to you? If you do, talk to the owner/range master to see if you can try this:

get a 4x4 remote control vehicle, modify it with a wooden dowel to hold a balloon (100mph tape works good for this). Tape/Tie a balloon to the dowel, have a buddy drive the car. Cheap man's moving target :D

Change it up a bit, use two balloons, different colors (1 good guy 1 bad guy)

Use helium balloons, and don't use the dowel, use string really changes the dynamic)

Heck just be creative, improvise adapt and overcome