Where has CAS gone?

Decline of disposable capital

As the global economy continues to decline unabated, people have less disposable capital to pursue hobbies yet alone the struggle to pay off existing debt (student loans, car payments, mortgage, credit cards). The economy hit a wall in 2007 and TARP along with QE only bought time and neither restored the prosperity we enjoyed from the late '80s to 2007 nor prevented its further decline. The American standard of living is not what it once as depicted in Leave it to Beaver. In the post Y2K family, Ward (if he hasn't gone LTD/Long Time Deserter) still works, but June is selling real estate or working at a grocery store instead of playing hausfrau, Wally is flipping burgers if he's not in school practice and the Beav is selling drugs.

Also consider that the youth are into video games (Call of Duty, etc.) and not actual shooting sports. That along with the media stigma against anything that can go pew, pew, pew, makes it harder to attract younger generations to it. We face that very issue with a greying membership within the NMLRA.

Sorry for going off topic, but if we want our sport to continue, whether it is reenacting the F&I War, American Revolution, Civil War, Cowboy Action Shooting, we must recruit younger members now.
I believe most people have a negative view of Cas because they do not understand
that Cas is not reenacting it is a cowboy themed shooting sport. There are some
shooters that use full power blackpowder loads and have fun shooting them and they
are fast! Most of us cannot handle the recoil of the pistols without having sore wrists at the end of the day. If you like reenacting with pre 1900 weapons look here
Cas shooting is more than just shooting it is also the friends you make and the
anticipation of socializing with them every shoot. There are different levels of dress
and equipment you can use so it is not as strict interpetation of the old west and was never meant to be.
As far as costuming I used to be a target muzzleloader shooter at a local club.
It was well represented at Friendship in the 60's and 70's. I would hear them talk
about the Halloweeners camped across the creek at Friendship. But everybody learned to live and let live because everybody was promoting shooting in their own way.
I think we should encourage all the shooting sports as long as no one is getting hurt!
it's been a while since I've been to a club match... but I have my own range, & am now working on my 4th complete CAS set... so I like to have company over, & borrow out my extras... younger people love this kind of shooting, as much as any of the "old" guys... it's just really hard to buy all the guns needed, let alone the ammo needed to go to a CAS event every week...

I think if a person came up with a regular shoot, that used one handgun, & a lever action, that the interest would be there, as the cost would be less... in fact I've thought about putting together an informal shoot, like I used to do, on our farm, that is just that, one revolver, & either a double barrel shotgun, or a lever action, & limit shots to 5 handgun rounds, & either 4 shotgun, or 5 lever gun rounds per stage... doing so, I could probably outfit 10-15 people, without guns of their own... just to get them intertested...

BTW... I don't shoot much semi auto, so I look at CAS type shooting as good self defense training with my revolvers :)

BTW #2... I have my own PACT timer... my thoughts on the compeition, would be everyone competing against them selves... 10 stages, & most improvement from early stages to later stages... if this was done week to week, you could use average times & improvement over the previous average time... something informal, but fun :)
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The cost is one factor, but in the beginning (as it is writ) more shooting was found to be more fun.

Reducing the number of shots fired by reducing equipment and/or stage complexity would probably result in lessening the Fun Factor. :)

"Oh, that's it? I'm done?"
welll... you know the other option...

that darned 22 that I lothe so much :o

would be much easier to keep young people involved with using 22's... providing 22 ammo resurfaced regularly enough to shoot organized competition with it...
AT our club we have a class for .22 rimfire rifle and pistol and whatever shotgun you have. Only a few people take advantage of it, I would have
thought more would just so they could shoot with us.
I wouldn't mind trying it with a 22 LR, but that stuff is scarce around here. We still have hoarders that snatch every shipment up. :(
No,I meant it's coverage on magazines and on tv. It is like it has been forgotten about!I think it's so cool!
Regarding magazines, check out Guns of the Old West. One of the authors is member here. I have to say it is one of the better written magazines out there and I buy a copy every time I see it at the Navy Exchange.


Whenever I get home for good, I'll get a subscription.
