Where has CAS gone?


New member
I k esp searching for videos and info about CAS and the TV shown don't eve have segments anymore? My Club is still active and suppotive

King am very intere $teddy in the pistil events!
I simply adore my Pietta standard sizeNavy. 36 and especially my .36 Piethis Sherrif's.36 Cal 5 1/2" rerite up some curgevolver
Please write up some posts about these (and other)C&B really revolver
Happily these revolvers are very accurate and reliable! Definitely capable of self and home Defense.
Modern manufacturing, powders, ammo and caps make them dependable a,d accurate!
For Plinking and targets the new Piedttias are grand
Uh, Oh!
I think I actually understood that.
Now I'm really worried.
The Single Action Shooting Society is alive and well, as are many independent clubs.
Is that what you mean?
And the CAS web site looks like it's still going strong, too.
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Actually I think you want to visit sassnet.com, home of the Single Action Shooting Society.

CAS is alive and well here in Central Virginia.

Maybe he's asking why there isn't more CAS discussions on this particular forum which is titled "Black Powder and CAS" with only an occasional CAS discussion.

If that's the question, it's probably because there is a CAS forum over at sassnet.com. Maybe that's where all the cowboys (and cowgirls) have gone...

Trying to interpret what the OP was asking (a job in itself) I think he was asking why there are not more CAS events shown on TV.

My take on that is that CAS events are down a bit in popularity, so TV is just not as interested in broadcasting it anymore.

'King am very intere $teddy in the pistil events!'

There are no 'pistil events'. Most CAS stages require 2 pistols, a rifle and a shotgun. It is very unusual for a stage to just consist of shooting the pistols only.

The problem with lumping Black Powder and Cowboy Action Shooting together on this forum is most CAS shooters use Smokeless powder. So there is not a lot of incentive for CAS shooters, like me, to visit here except that I am the rare shooter who uses Black Powder in my cartridges.
CAS has peaked & is no longer a rising game.
Less interest nowdays.


Yes, CAS is no longer growing at the rate it did about ten years ago. But we still have newcomers all the time. But as most of the shooters get older, the overall numbers are probably shrinking.
At my last match (also in central VA), there was one college age gal, and maybe one other fellow out of 20+ that was younger than me, and I'm on the brink of 40. The vast majority of folks couldn't even kneel down for one stage.
We badly need some buckaroos and buckarettes. :(
I have 4, but all are too young.
Ain't you guys ever heard of that newfangled invention called a gym?
At certain times of the day, ours is full of retired folks who are still functioning very well.
Me included.
A little exercise goes a long way.
Just make sure it's the right kind for old bodies.
I'd say the average age of regular competitors in our group of about 75 cowboys and cowgirls in the Richmond, VA area is 60. Some younger, some older. It's not an inexpensive sport to get into. The crappy economy isn't helping.
Same thing in the N-SSA, at least here in the South. I'd say most participants are retired. A lot of people don't want to talk about it, or downplay it, or try to play up getting used equipment or borrow equipment, which you can do if you have cash and/or patience.

But if you want to get into the game *right now* by pulling out your credit card and ordering gear, you're easily looking at couple of grand to get in the game.

Younger people are still joining, but not at the rate they used to.
They don't have the traditions & nostalgia of the old Westerns many of us grew up with.

And the older generation that does is aging out of the game and/or dying off entirely.

The closing of the Roy Rogers Museum a while back is an illustration of that.

It's a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
I totally agree. The good news is you dont have to be at a cas match to use your gear. So get out there every chance you get, and use your tools to keep the tradition alive!
Some people are more interested in the actual history of the Old West, not the goofy bastardized 1950's TV version. The total lack of authenticity and cheesiness of the whole thing might not interest many of today's younger history buffs and shooters. Yes, I know that some CAS shooters are more authentic than others when it comes to how things were really done back then, but the vast majority are not.
I'm about to step my foot in some doo doo here, but Model12Win got my dander up.

He (Model12Win) is right. I'm a black powder shooter since 1993 and have always skirted on the edge of shooting CAS. I've done it a few times, either with percussion pistols (when none of the CAS shooters had any idea what to do with me), or black powder cartridge.

I have to admit, that my biggest problem with it is the strange application of historical accuracy. I'm not allowed to wear jeans that have a modern label on them, but I am perfectly allowed to shoot smokeless loads at 600 FPS and light bullets with no recoil. No recoil means I can shoot immensely faster than anyone could in the 1800's.

I've shot percussion and cartridge black powder for more than 20 years and there is no way you can shoot that fast with a real .38 or .45 in the original configuration.

My point is that Model12Win's comment about the disconnect between the sport and actual history has driven me away from it.

Note: I do realize that there is now a black powder category, but it just hasn't quite grabbed me. Maybe it should.

I'm not attempting to denigrate CAS, as I see it as a way to interest folks in shooting in a historical context. I wish all those idiots with AR-15s would do it instead.

As a lurking outsider, maybe the road ahead is less of "how can I shoot short range targets as fast as I can with totally unrealistic loads" and more of "how can I experience what it was like at that time, and how can I do it well".

My rant is complete,
I compare Cowboy Action Shoots to Renaissance Fairs and Halloween.
Everyone loves a good costume party. ;)
Ipsc, silhouette, bullseye and various shooting sports are still out there. CAS has had a good ride considering or maybe because of how goofy they are. I suspect it will be around for a while just like the rest.
A better example of a gun game that's disappearing would be the NRA Action Pistol matches.
Other than the well publicized Bianchi Cup, by comparison CAS is still going great.