Where do you keep your handgun at night?

(This is only a funny (joke) and no part of this is real whatsoever.)

Claymores rigged to the front and rear doors, flood lights scanning yard and wife denied coffee......:D
Glock 19 15 in the mag and one extra mag right next to it in wife's nightstand, Sig 556 with 30 in the mag right next to my side of the bed.
At night I put my pistol in the nightstand. When I get up I put it up, since I have a 3 year old son who could get into the nightstand.
I live alone no kids, etc. I keep my pistol @ the head of my bed, under the mattress. The Shotgun is under my bed on the safe side or propped in the corner.
Wife and I (no kids) live in a four level house, that follows up the line of a hill. Front door entry is on the bottom floor and is where the living room kitchen and dining rooms are. Half a flight up is the garage entry with 1st bathroom. 180 deg turn and half a flight up again is the 2nd bathroom and 1st bedroom. Another 180 deg turn and another half a flight up one more time gets you to the master. The master windows are a full 15 feet off the ground.

The way we figure it, someone entering at night to steal something is going to rummage around down below us. So we keep a loaded but not chambered HD shotgun under and at the foot of the bed. Idea here is the racking of it, preceded by a "Listen up MFer'" followed by a "GTFO" is probably going to be enough to scare away the baddies.

If not, and/or if they're set on violence, the wife takes the shotgun and I've got a loaded and chambered 1911 with a Surefire in my nightstand. I turned one of the lower drawers over, creating a sort of shelf that the gun sits on and stays. Easy to reach without moving something out of the way, but also protected from the half awake grab for water off the nightstand.

We plan to add another handgun in the future for her; something she chooses and likes to shoot with. We'll do the same shelf/drawer turn over when that time comes.

Not sure if this is the best way to do things, and I hope we never need to find out. But we took our time, experimented and so far this setup seems to make both of us feel comfortable, and rest well.
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no kids yet, but i have given this some thought (because they will be here in the next few years, lord willing)...

i would keep my maverick 88 12 gauge behind my headboard with the tube full but nothing in the pipe

i would also have a pistol (probably my S&W 5904) loaded and in a flimsy nylon holster for quick access (while sleeping...if its not on my hip)

all of my other firearms will be locked away in a nice gun vault/safe.

i am certain that the minute my wife mentions that she is pregnant, the "where will you put your guns?" discussion will take place
Under the covers on my right side, the grip within finger tip reach. I lay very still when I sleep. I guess that comes for years of training from cats. They don't like it when you disturb thier rest position. :D
My husband keeps his on the night stand since he flops like a tuna all night.
to the left of my bed I keep a smith 686 3 in revolver in
the second drawer of the night stand near the back of the drawer
under a folded up towel.

In the dark I can quietly open the drawer and reach in and
get it with no noise or getting up.

I have a daughter who is 11 but there are no issues while we're

She has been taught and knows where the firearm(s) are kept.

She currently owns and practices with a pellet rifle.