Where did the coyotes come from?

The coyote was orginally a marginal desert predator. They operated in the area were the wolf was not present.

When we eliminated the wolf they moved in to fill the void. For years the Miss. River served as a barrier to their expansion. When they learned to use the bridges, expanded dramatically.

To understand the impact on the deer population one must look at the effect they have had on the antelope population in AZ and Idaho.

Their hunting technique is to identify a Doe who is ready to drop her calf. They follow her and have been video taped by Idaho game management biologist literally pulling the calf out of the Doe. This hunting practice is devastating on the Antelope population.

The Antelope herd in the area were I live is about 50 animals. My neighbors and I counted only 2 fawns from the 2011 crop. AZ Fish and game has opened coyotes to night hunting in certain Antelope Management areas in order to increase the Antelope population.

Additionally, they are scavangers and have learned to live in close quarters with humans. In addition to the garbage and handouts generated by humans, they found that domestic animals, cats and dogs, are tasty.

I apologize if I used improper terms for Antelope. I still have not learned the correct terminology.
posted by Itc444:

Their hunting technique is to identify a Doe who is ready to drop her calf. They follow her and have been video taped by Idaho game management biologist literally pulling the calf out of the Doe.

Well said Itc444

Yotes also regularly use this technique on cows, sheep and other domestic livestock. To the point that if there's a herd of cows in the pasture and a birthing cow is down, the herd has learned if yotes show up, the other cows will form a circle around the birthing cow trying to protect her.
Some times it works...sometimes not.
Speaking of which, if the cows are accustomed to your presence pay attention when you call, they are pretty good at knowing where they are. Donkeys even better, with those radar dish ears
I spent my youth in rural areas near Toronto Canada and 40 years ago if someone said they saw a Coyote they were laughed at and told to learn the difference between a Coyote and a Shepard. There were no real Coyote sighting for almost 100 years in our area. Today they are every where. They became a problem in the late 1990's but a mange wiped out the majority of them and now they are back again with a vengeance and right in the middle of town. My old hunting grounds are now all developed into expensive housing and there are miles of wooded ravines and hiking and biking trails that run right behind million $$ homes. A young girl was bitten here recently by a Coyote on a trail. He was tracked and shot. That was the first bite recorded but there are many reporting of small dogs taken right of of leashes and posters of missing cats are common near the ravines. They no longer fear humans here and I have seen a Coyote crossing a busy 4lane road and carefully watching for traffic then wander up to a bus shelter, stick his head in to look at the 3 people inside then wander away in to the bush trails. He had no fear of people at all. Dogs are not always that smart. Coyotes are often solitary hunters but also pack up for hunting bigger game and they are precision pack hunters that can bring down much bigger game than you would expect due to the precision and perfectly coordinated attacks. Where did they come from after disappearing for a 100 years ?? Damned if I know.
A previous post mentioned donkeys!! In western Canada many farmers with sheep have bought Donkeys because for some strange reason, Donkeys have a natural hatred of Coyotes and attack them on site. Strange but true. Donkeys are the watch dogs for the sheep.
Contributed to protecting the Antelope population in Apache County today.

Popped a Coyote at 75 yds with my wifes 9mm. Am going to start carrying a long gun in the PU. Miss my rifle rack of yesterday.