Where CANT'T you CCW in Indiana?

I have been a cop in Indiana for over 22 years. I have never seen anyone arrested for violating a Personal Protection Permit. (We have two types here, although since the Protection Permit opened up years ago I haven't heard of anybody getting the Target & Hunting type). I work for a Sheriff's Office and we do like 800 new and re-newals a year.
Be very careful around schools.. If somepeople know your carrying at a school it tells me your carry technique needs work or you need to keep your mouth shut. The fewer people that know your carrying a weapon the better. If you have the misfortune to get caught up in an emergency, life & death situation you don't want people looking at you wondering what YOUR going to do.
I have seen and arrested a couple people that had permits.. always for something other than a weapons charge. For OWI (drunk driving) I've more than once locked the guys gun up in his trunk or he gets it back on his release from our Detectives.
If your not screwing around you should never have a problem in most places.

Thanks for the reply, that is pretty much the feedback I have been getting. Indiana is a good state to be a gun owner in, as I'm finding out, but after reading about evetybody elses woes I started to wonder if it was as good as it seemed. So far, if you have common sense you shouldn't have a prob. Hell, just tonight, I picked up the owner of one of the companies I represent at the airport. I told him to bring his shot gun for some trap shooting. He neglected to bring a case (flew his own plane) so we toted an open shot gun into the hotel tonight. There was an officer BS'ing with on of the gals at the counter and as we walked in did a quick doubletake, then looked to see if the chamber was opening and delayed us for about 20min talking about shooting, ranges etc.. I would have prefered that he had it cased but I wasn't going to leave it in the car. Another nite, really late I stopped to get some gas and locked my keys in my car engine running. This was in my early days when I was still printing prety bad. There were 4 or 5 of or local sherrifs in the station so I walked in and asked if anybody had a slim-jim. It was almost comical, 4 officers, one at each door, for about 1/2hr until the girl behind the counter came out and did it w/a hanger in about 5min. Anyway, on of the officer noticed my USP and it lead into a discussion about ammo,etc. These and other "run-ins" with the law have really given me a new respect with the LEO's in Indiana. I have never had a bad exp with any of them. I just wish we would pay our Troopers more. As far as the school thing goes, during the course of business I am on public school property several times a week. I shoot regularly with one of the supervisors and at his request I had a quick meeting with the Superintendant. I explained that I CCW and that it would be difficult for me to take my gun home, storeit, return and still provide the level of service they are used to. We compromised (he's a good guy) and life goes on. Sorry for getting so off topic but my finges just kept rambling on....


NRA Life Member
Sometimes it is eaiser to apologize than ask permission
David'sUSP, Glad the information was of help. I shoot a good bit at Jefferson Township, near Winamac, Indiana. Jim Reinholt, current president of the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association, is the owner. I also do some instructing there.

As a board member of the ISRPA, I do see some of the other ranges in the state. Spent the spring Indy 1500 show working the NRA/ISRPA booth, selling memberships. Got to meet a lot of new people. If you went to the mens room at the show, you walked past the NRA table.

If you need any more information, e-mail me. GLV