Where CANT'T you CCW in Indiana?

David's USP

New member
I hope there are some fellow Hoosiers here that can help me out. The more I research this topic the more I love living in Indiana
I have been CCW in Indiana for about 5mos now and have been looking around for laws in regards to places I SHOULD NOT carry. From what I have read, with exception to federal law, I can carry anywhere in Indiana (except when operating an off road vehicle). Now I need to brush up on federal law! The only thing I could find in regards to schools is: "The firing, displaying, or threatening use of a firearm constitute grounds for expulsion or suspension of a student in a public school corporation." Now this relates to student's of course. During the course of business, I am generally on public school property a few time a week with school officials. I think it is more responsible to CCW than to leave it in the vehicle where it could get stolen. A few of the people I am with know I carry and have not discouraged me to do otherwise even though they are not allowed to do so on school property. TIA David

OOPS IC 35-47-9 makes it a class D felony, unless I get permission from the Superintendant, to carry on school grounds.

[This message has been edited by David's USP (edited June 15, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by David's USP (edited June 15, 1999).]
What is this about NOT being permitted to carry when operating an off-road vehicle? What kind of vehicles are they refering to?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

The only restriction, as far as I know, is written on your permit. Suggest you read it. I have had an Indiana permit for 30 years, and the restriction has remained the same. GLV
Here is an excerpt from the NRA/ILA summary from Indiana Code: I'm to lazy to dig through IC an find it myself right now but I have come across it a few times: 'A person shall not operate an "off road vehicle" or a snowmobile while transporting a firearm, unless unloaded and securely encased or equipped with and made inoperative by a key lock trigger housing mechanism.'
GLV: When was the last time you renewed? The newer ones are pink, and have dotted lines so you can cut and laminate them. I think I recall seeing a new code requiring the permit to be reduced in size to they can be carried w/out "crumbling". Anyway, the new ones do not have the restrictions printed on them. Just says that it may be revoked for felony arrest, irrisponsible discharge, not valid on aircraft. Please tell me what is printed on yours!TIA David
Yes, I have seen the new permit format. They have always been pink, at least since 1970. the restrictions are the same, regardless of the format. GLV
Most likely a "law" thrown up in you state legislature that had something to do with poaching or someting like that.
Remember the mindset of these "lawpassers"
Hello fellow Hoosier CCW's.

The restriction on off-road vehicles refers to ATV's and the like. You can not drive around with a loaded weapon, although I'm pretty sure it's mostly in reference to long guns. And from what I remember it is a hunting regulation, not a CCW regulation.

Any of you know of a cheap place to shoot around Indy. I've been going to Don's Guns on the North side but would like to find someplace cheaper.

If anyone is interested in learning more about off-roading in Indiana please contact me by email. I can hook you up with just about any type of club in Indiana.

KAM, I shoot at the Marion County Fish & Game Association on the west side. Membership is around $75 the first year and $50 per year after that. Compared to the prices that Don charges, I had my membership paid off the in a few weeks. The dues are collected at the beginning of the year so if you joined now you would pay $75 for half a year. If you join around sept or oct (I think) then you get some of the year for free. They keep the gate locked and only members have keys. You can only join on the first Tuesday of the month. Drop me a line if you would like to go out there and shoot/check it out sometime. You can also goto www.shooters.com-mcfg for more info.

HankL. I haven't seen any "nusience" laws on guns in Indiana. As I mentioned above, many of the state level democrats are pro-gun. I owuld guess more saftey related than anything else.

You might try the Libary that is on this forum. I know that it has a break down from state to state regarding gun laws. I am short on time or I would gladly look for you. I hope this helps you out.

GLV, try to be more on the helpful side than negative side. Remember we are all on the same side here.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
Highpower1, you may have lots of time to make all sorts of flowery posts. I don't. The information I gave is correct.

Anyone that can find TFL, can find Indiana state laws. Yes, I have seen the blurb about snowmobiles etc. This might be some DNR rule, so I would check with AG office. GLV

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Any of you know of a cheap place to shoot around Indy. I've been going to Don's Guns on the North side but would like to find someplace cheaper.[/quote]

Check out the Eagle Creek area, there is a great range there that was open to the public about 3 years ago when I was in the area.

John - NRA - Lifer

I hope you found out what you are looking for.

GLV, I will not even justify your *attitude* with a response. I see now that you are bitter and your negativity will not be viewed by me. I hope this flowery post helps, pal.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
GLV and Highpower1,

IMNAO(*), this isn't an appropriate place for a flamewar. I've asked DC to ask you to take it offline.

(*In My Non-Administrator Opinion)

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
I have and I responded to it. I say that I am sorry if I have caused any problems. That was not my goal nor my plan at all. My point was not taken, so I tried. Again, I am not trying to step on anyone's toes. I was simply giving an, we are all on the same team approach. My approach failed. Sorry to everyone.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
While GLV's reply's weren't exactly what I was looking for, I personaly didn't find them negative. GLV has a point, anybody who can find TFL should be able to find the information on the net. At one time I lived with/dated an attorney so I have a little more insight in regards to finding and interpreting current laws. With that said, sometimes the laws aren't always where you would expect to find them. I have looked over IC (Indiana Code)on the net and I still seem to find things that I have missed previously. What I REALLY wanted to see was what_restrctions_were_printed on the older permits so I could see how they differed from mine. If anybody else has one of the older format Indiana permits, and has the time, would you please post or e-mail a list of the restrictions as they read on your permit?

:)I think this has gotten a little out of hand. Since GLV's remarks were directed at me then perhaps it might have been apropriate for me to respond if offended. I wasn't offended therefore I didn't respond as though. Oh well, thanks for those of you that went to bat for me even if it was a bit overzealous! :)

'nuff said...



NRA Life Member
Sometimes it is eaiser to apologize than ask permission
David's USP, If memory serves, I applied for and received my first Indiana permit in about 1970, shortly after I retired from the military.

Now, in 1999, after several moves, I cannot find a copy of any permit dated before 1/29/75.

The major change in wording took place in the late seventies regarding registration of carry gun/guns.

The 75 license said: "xxxxx is hereby licensed to carry on person, or in a vehicle, any pistol properly registered by Licensee with the zzzzz Co. Sheriff Department and the Indiana State police, for a period of two years from date. (NOT VALID ON COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT) THIS LICENSE IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION AND ANY PROVISIONS ENTERED BELOW OR ON REVERSE SIDE. REASON FOR LICENSE: jjjjjj"

That about covers it, as you can see, looking at your permit, there have been some changes, the major ones, no fees for retired officers, or gun dealers, no registration of your carry guns, good for four years instead of two, and the size and stock on which printed.

If I can be of further assistance, let me know.

Highpower1, sorry you do not like the way I post. I will not again respond to your comments. I will not take part in any flame war. GLV

Thanks for the info! Being rather new to shooting sports and CCW I'm still soaking up whatever info I can like a sponge before I start acting like I "know it all" :)

I tenk to cover quite a bit of land in Indiana so if you'd like to shoot sometime just drop me a line!

!! woohooo, Just made senior member!!! NOW_I_KNOW_EVERYTHING!!!! ;)
NRA Life Member
Sometimes it is eaiser to apologize than ask permission

[This message has been edited by David's USP (edited June 21, 1999).]