Where can you fire fully automatic?

Found this: "Federal law imposes harsh penalties for machine gun violations, including imprisonment of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $ 250,000, or both for possessing an unregistered machine gun."

The above is a fact.

20 or so years ago I knew of a guy that was a very good machinist and converted two rifles. I think they were Colt AR’s but I don’t remember now.
He was caught on his deer lease with them.
The judge gave him 20 years and a 500,000 fine plus another 5 years for hunting with them.
His family lost everything they owned over this.
I told him if he ever got caught he would go away for a very long time.
His attitude was “where I shoot no body will ever know”
I guess he never figured how far and how distinct full auto’s sound.
Full auto rental in Washington State

You can go to Wade's in Bellevue. They have it worked out as a business to rent full auto firearms out.

They have several to choose from. Basically you rent the gun and you buy the ammo from them. Project about $50-$75 for the gun and then all the ammo you will be shooting. Remember you'll go through a box in about 8 seconds (2 magazines). So bring a bank roll.

Full auto machineguns available by appointment - call for reservations.
Uzi 9mm: $50
M16 9mm: $50
MP5 9mm: $75
That rental UZI for $50 really isn't a bad deal. Ammo is pretty cheap. And, since these things sell for about $7,000 +/-, you would have to shoot the thing over 140 times before you would have been better off just buying one.

I've owned a full-auto AC556 now for about 9 years - shoot it about 2-3 times a year. At best that's 27 times over almost 10 years. At this rate it will take me another 60 years or so to get my money out of it.:D
I have an M11, with an old can.

The full auto aspect is nice, but, the suppressor is what really makes me smile.

I find it as much fun to able to fire without earmuffs, as I do to rip off a full mag.

Hence, my attraction to going further down the suppressed weapons route.

Its good to see your state possibly allowing the use of them, because you can get in on the fun, for alot less than going full auto.
My gunsmith has his tax stamps paid for his full auto's.
He has a MAC 11 and another full auto that I think is a Sten. He's let me go out back behind the shop and empty a couple of magazines from the Sten before. I haven't hed the opprotunity to shoot the MAC 11 yet, but I'll take a box of ammo down with me next time I see him. Then I'll get the opportunity to shoot it too.
Of all the machine guns I've had the chance to shoot I still like the M-2 the best out of all. For hand held full auto rifles I prefer the M-16 over the AK-47. Machine guns are a whole bunch of fun to shoot, that's for sure.
There are events all over the country where you can shoot Machine Guns.

I run one here in South Dakota, and we are also a 07/02 Dealer, we sell any and everything Class 3 related. Find a local Dealer and talk with him Im sure there is a event your area, you just have to look around.

Alittle info on what we do:

400ft of firing line and 650 yards of down range fun.