Where are the Pictures?

I just realized while unpacking My van that we never made popcorn. I also never left any money in the donations jar for the club. Wow... I got free housing and food for nothing.

I'll make it up next time.:o
Darn it ! I am just calling in sick next time. Everyone had a great time and I am rather envious!

What pray tell is the haunted bunk and the haunted fireplace?
If you didn't show, you missed a good shoot.....

Yes, that's Mr. Sharps bunk in the far left hand corner of the bunk room. Heard you guys slept like a log. Good sleeping back there isn't it! You should sleep back there when it is raining. You never want to get out of the covers. PATH, the next shoot will be the end of Feb. or in the month of March for the Jersey shoot. SodaPop will be holding something in P.A. before that I'm sure. There is no haunted fireplace. Geoff was just mentioning how nice it was to sit along side the roaring fire place the last time we shot in Jersey which was in March. He enjoyed the warmth so much that he fell asleep! Nothing like a good fire going and like minded individuals chewing the fat.

Where are your pictures FlyinGn? The wife says you have a coooool one of just my hands showing holding my .357 Colt Trooper Mark V surounded by the smoke of the other shooters. I want to see that one!:D
I did not take my digital camera.. Was gonna but was afraid that I would forget something like last time if I brought all my gun stuff + the camera.. :(

Yea guys, its a BEAUTIFUL clubhouse.. Full ( I mean FULL) kitchen, fireplace, sofas, bar, TV Nintendo gamecube.. all the comforts of home:)


Ray wrote::

Where are your pictures FlyinGn? The wife says you have a coooool one of just my hands showing holding my .357 Colt Trooper Mark V surounded by the smoke of the other shooters. I want to see that one!

IT WAS Webmaster Frank

Ray - it was webmaster Frank that took the beautiful shoot you are looking for. Check Buckeye's website to see if Frank put the pictures up yet.

I'm sure Dan had a blast with his Xbox down at the cabin. May become a regular event. Looking forward to the March event.

I don't sleep in the haunted bunk. Pretty eerrie when the guys see these old times since past floating around the cabin. Gives me the willies. I guess I'd better make sure I'm dressed properly at the cabin!!!! :D :D :D
Buckeye's E-mail Address

Would someone please list the e-mail address of Buckeye? I don't have it and would like to look at the pictures when they arrive. Quantrill