Where are the Pictures?


New member
Woody's Shoot and Snore went off without a hitch. A most pleasurable time was had by all. Plenty of food and drink, good sportsmanship, renew old friendships and make new and wonderful camradery. I'll leave it to others to inform the world of the winners but WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?? A very special thank you to the Woodrows for having everything prepared. Alot of time and effort went into that preparation and all concerned offer heartfelt thanks. It made the day run smoothly and comfortably.
With all the pictures being taken and promises of how soon they would be available on the net, we are all waiting. Quantrill
Yes it was!! What a great buncha people. The rain finally stopped and everyone had a great time! I know I did:) I shoulda had some practice time with my new .45 as I was shotting crappy with it.. Oh well:)


Wanna talk about crappy shootin'? The two idjits from the Bowling Pin League couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, if it fell on us. Thanks as always to the Woodrows, and Buckeye members for hosting. Great seeing friends, old and new. Looking forward to the next gathering.
Its a good thing I showed up late otherwise I probable would have won all of the events.;)

So...... 9mmMike, is the big bad John Wayne now.:)

I was glad to hear more people qualified this time. Last time it was only 4 of us. I guess more people practiced before the shoot this time. I know I did! I've learned so much by running threw the course. Last time I kept hitting the mag release when I shot left handed. I wouldn't have know to pay attention to that if I hadn't done the course.

Thanks to Ray Woodward for having us.;)
I want to add my thanx to the Woodrows for hosting this great event. It was trully a blast. A special mention needs to be made of the great setup they erected for this shoot.

I didnt get the chance to say bye to Ray and the rest of the family when I left because you all melted away or turned into a pumpkin or something so please consider this as my personal "Thank you"

Yea Soda, 9mm Mike can REALLY shoot. As did Ohio and West Virginia... (their location nic mames) :)
PS- I will do much better with my 'sex machine' next time Ray
Did David Park wake up yet?

Nice of Soda Pop to drive all the way back to PA to get coffee this morning:D

Ray are you and the Missus still on speaking terms:p

(Have to stir things up a bit!):D
Did David Park wake up yet?

I just got back to VA and unpacked my car. (The worst part of every meet is packing and unpacking.) I'll upload a few pics soon. I didn't take many, but some other people took a bunch.

Thanks again to the Woodrow family for setting this up.
I still haven't developed pictures from the last Woodward shoot.:( :o Or the VA shoot:rolleyes:

Hey! I went back and found My sun glasses. I spotted them near the road reflecting sunlight. Thank God for "SodaPop Sniper Vision!":D Maybe I won't loose these for another week or two.:rolleyes:

Oh... and I picked up a nice jacket I can wear for sporting clays.:p

Here are a few pictures taken inside the gun club while everyone was arriving and waiting for the rain to stop. I hope they're not too dark.


There were plenty of refreshments, including fruit on the bar and hot dogs cooking in the lower left. You can't see the sauerkraut, but it was very tasty. :D


The young guys play video games while everyone else talks and unpacks their gear. Notice the unique pull cords on the ceiling lights.


The meet started to look like a gun show as everyone unpacked. I believe that 3 gun had the first table, my stuff was on the middle table, and K80Geoff (wearing his name tag) is in the back.


Geoff brought plenty of moon clips for his .45 revolver. :eek:
Thanks to all who participated!

Great pictures David, thanks. I would like to thank everyone who showed up for the shoot. Especially my better half Mrs.Woody6 for supporting me in all of my half baked ideas and definitely our V.A./Ohio/P.A./NY representatives. Thanks for the donation 9mmMike. This event will become a semi-annual event hosted by the Buckeye Gun Club as long as people from TFL keep showing up! Like they said in the movie "field of dreams" reguarding the range Quantril,"If you build it, they will come." Again, the gun club members who were present were amazed at the professionalism and safety awarness of everyone present. This only speaks of the high caliber of people who are on TFL. True professionals. Those who didn't make it and didn't contact me to tell me you couldn't come, shame on you:mad:! You missed another fine get together of fellow TFLers. The only way to redeem yourself is to show up at the next meet:D ! (Yes, Geoff. All is well at the House of Woodrow)

The first picture of David's is of me(to the left)and my wife behind the bar registering Dot_mdb for the different events(standing with the black shirt). Frank, our gun club web master, and his son are at the bar next to him. In the back round is FlyinGn's father in-Law.


The first event was the rope shoot. Ray (on the left) ran most of the events, with Mrs.Woody or K80Geoff filling in when Ray was shooting. Here the shooters are Geoff, lochaber, Ray Woodrow Jr., and 9mmMike. (Help me out if I don't get everyone's name right. I'll edit the post with corrections.)


Another group of shooters try to hit the ropes. Left to right, they are Rovert's friend Guy, Mrs. Woody6, Rovert, and Frank the gun club's webmaster. The two little ones in the back are Eric and Jake with Ryan and Ray Jr. looking on in the backround.


The ropes were tough! The leftmost rope has taken several hits from 3 gun's .44 wadcutters, but refuses to fall. He eventually got it and won the title, though. BTW, the wooden backstop was set up especially for the TFL meet. Great job, guys!


Next was the pin shoot. I didn't get many pictures of it, but here you can see the setup. Ray Jr. is watching Ray 3rd and Ryan in a "sudden death" shoot off because they cleared the pins at the same time in the first shoot.
I easily(?) knocked down my 3 pins to go to the finals, only to miss all the pins completely, allowing 9mmMike to win. (That's our story, right Mike? ;) ) Anyway, the Sig P220 is a great bowling pin gun, very accurate from 20 yards assuming the shooter does his part. :o


The final event was the police qualification. Most of us are now honorary NJ cops, at least in our own minds. :) Everyone seemed to do well, except for a few malfunctions. Speaking of malfunctions, there's FlyinGn shooting his fancy gun on the left. :p FlyinGn's father in-law is watching, Ray 3rd is in the middle, and Rovert is shooting on the right.


Part of the qualification was shooting around the barrier at 25 yards, which was rather challenging. Dot_mdb is shooting, and FlyinGn and lochaber are on the right. 9mmMike won the police qualification too, with previous champ K80Geoff and Quantrill tied for second.

I didn't photograph busting clays in the afternoon, SodaPop's late arrival, watching the Dillon "Machine Gun Magic" video, talking politics over bottles of Rolling Rock late at night while others watched John Woo's Hard Boiled, our bunks for the night (nobody took the haunted bunk :eek: ), or a quick shooting session Sunday morning. I had a lot of fun and look forward to another NJ meet in the spring.

edit: Thanks to Ray 3rd for helping with the names.
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Here here! Thanks a ton from 9mmMike, his bride and our attack dog, Hannah.
We had a great time. It is nice to put faces to names, even screen names.
Too bad I had to work today so we could not stay real late. I was looking forward to some clay bustin' and real guntalk with y'all.
Hopefully next time.
And I swear that even though David was next to me in the final and missed all his pins that I shot all mine by myself! Really! Scout's Honor. LOL :D :D
Back me up here David.......
And now, the envelope, please...


The results from the competitions are in, and the winners are...



Congrats to all - looking forward to shooting with you guys again!


Great Job Guys & Gal

I really enjoyed the company of all of you. Got to use some neat gadgets from Quantril and learned a few things too. Sad to say, I have a VERY bad day of shooting, but hey - can't have them all.:mad:

Just to set the record straight my hubby DID get all the pins down before Ryan. A rematch was ordered since I was the one running that round and then Ryan beat him out. Oh well! :eek:

Many thanks to Ray and Ray. They did a great job getting the range ready and the food prepared. All I did was show up!!!! :D

Mrs. 9mm Mike and killer dog Hannah were great to have around. I hope you guys will take to bringing your lady down in the future. And I hope to see Mrs. 9mm & killer dog too!

David - these pictures are GREAT. :D I hope 3 Gun got back to OHIO okay. I left the same time he did and we got caught in a very bad storm. Anyone heard from 3 Gun?
You all did pretty good this time. I scored a 235 and came in 4th last time. :eek: I got most of My hits in there but scored bad.:o

Sad to say, I have a VERY bad day of shooting, but hey - can't have them all.

You scored higher than I did last time.:eek:
Great pics!!

Had a great time again. Can't wait till next time..
And I took a good lok at my Alchemy .45 and found that when I took the mag apart to clean it, I musta put the spring in wrong causing a spring pressure less then was intended.. This would splain my jamming problem:)

Oh well. Ill do better next time..

had a great time !!!

Hello, This is Ryan, Had a great time. Good to meat everyone and looking foreward to the next one.

Hopefully I'll have some new toys by then.