When you target shoot, how far back do you go?


New member
I tend to practice from anywhere between 3 yards and 20 yards (sometimes i push out to 30 yards or so) I also enjoy buying cheap cans of soda and useing them for targets at 25 yards. I just need a high speed camara
Ordinarily 15, 21, and 25 feet, followed by one mag or cylinder point shooting at 15 feet.
Occasionally farther, but at 25 yards it can be frustrating--I'm not consistently accurate at that distance.
7 and 15 yards, mainly. Sometimes I send it to the back of the range (50 yds), but that is only for fun (or frustration!!)

This is usually with a SIG p220
I am accurate up to a minimum of 30 meters (slightly longer then 30 yards) i can hit from further out depending on conditions I tend to use cheap soda cans just because even at longer distances you know if you hit your target
Depends on what we're shooting. Pistols and .22's, about 25 yards max. High Point carbines, 50 yards. M1 Garand or other big rifles, 100 yards and beyond. Also depends on the targets. If me and the grandson are shooting paper, we're closer than if we're shooting cans full of water. I like to make it somewhat challenging, it's not as much fun if it's effortless to bust every target.

We're plinkers, we shoot everything from paper to water-filled cans and plastic bottles, clay pigeons, cheap crackers and cookies glued to cardboard, water balloons, Necco Wafers, you name it. I like 1 gallon jugs filled with water at 100 yards with the M1.
I ususally shoot pistols out at 20-25yrds.
When I'm getting used to something new, I start at 7-10yrds and move back once I'm consistently shooting well. Then, I will fire a few mags at around 10yrd line every other (or every third) trip to the range.

The only pistol that I've been consistently shooting at 10-15yrds is my LCP. I'm still not consistent enough with it at distance, but I've only put maybe 150rnds through it. It's short, too.
I take my Ruger MK2 Target out to 50yrds regularly. I occasionally shoot my Glock .45 and 1911 .45 out to 50, too.

Next trip, though, I'm gonna try my hand at 100yrds with the Glock and Springfield 1911. Just for S&Gs, though. I'm curious to see if I can consistently hit paper.
Few weeks ago I was doing prone with Glock 19 at 100 yards. You can put all the shots in the 'A' zone of a IPSC at that range if you are steady and know where to aim.

The pistol can shoot to an astounding distance, and it can shoot with extream speed at short distance. Just takes practice.
Black powder pistol (7 1/2" barrel) we shoot 25 meters, Our range for SA pistol and DA revolvers) is set up in 5 meter lines, so we can shoot out to 50 meters, 45,40,35, and so on, but basically shoot from 15 - 25 - 50 meters

Plinking with the 22 pistols usually about 10 -15 meters
5 yards out to 25 yards.

Same here. I start out at five, then work my way to 25. Then I pull it back in for double tap practice. I have found myself shooting allot more at the 25 mark lately. Slow fire and examining my shots helps maximize my range time.
I USUALLY shoot at 10-25 yards, but I try all my pistols at 100 yards, just to see. Its surprising what you can hit at 100 yards with a handgun, if you work at it a bit.
7 yrds - 25 yrds beyond that the targets would have to be billboards my eye site is horriable.

ditto for me. Also I just got back into the sport a couple of months ago after a 30 year absence so I am still getting used to some of my guns so I shoot different ones at different yardages depending where I am at on the learning curve with them.
7 to 100 yards with a pistol (but play at 300 yards)

100 to 1000 with a rifle (but at some ranges I can play with gongs up to 1400 yards)
+1 Kraigwy

I can regularly hit a 2'6" x 3' plate at 200 yard with my .44 mag Vaquaro 3 times out of 5 shots. Always good to do when someone says pistols (handguns) arent that accurate (or lethal) at any long(ish) distance :D
A lot of people think say, 50 yards is all a HG is good for........ WRONG
& I love proving them wrong too :D
200 yrds err I am jealus,Not that I can't shoot well but that I am not a good candidate for eye laser correction.:( Does any one in the house have spear 20/20 eye balls.:p
When I shoot a target......

I stay right where I am the target goes back about 6" (if I hit the frame, that is) :D hehehehehe
I don't practice anything less than 7 yrs.

I practice double shot and rapid fire at 7 yards.

Standard practice is about 15 yards with 1-2 second delays ( to find may mark again )

I almost always push it out to 25 for the last clip or two before leaving the range but it's much slower and steadie,d fire.

I don't try and slow down to the point that I hit dead on accuracy, as for combat shooting I am content with hitting a 4" group at any of the above distances depending on speed of fire. In a self defense situation , quick fire in a 4" Diameter will be enough to save me or my family.