When you fondle your collection...

I have a few guns that haven't been able to bring myself to shoot yet. I always give them a good wipe down with a silicone oiled cloth and have yet to have problems.
How do you stand it? to have a gun and not shoot it. I try my best to shoot a new gun the day I get it. Had to wait a day or 2 to shoot a new Valkyrie, almost did me in.
As a gunsmith, I "fondle" a lot of guns after they have been refinished. On my bench is a 6"x9" sheepskin wall painting pad as sold by Home Depot or Lowes, only mine is soaked in Militec. My older sheepskin, as sold by Brownells, is coated with Outers Gun Grease. When I do fondle any guns, as I am wont to do occasionally, a quick wipe-down with the sheepskin works wonders. Never had a rust issue. Are there other things that work as well? Sure, but nothing I have ever seen worked any better.
my oldest one is only 70 years old
Man, I have a whole slew of guns older than that. My oldest is 140+ years old.
I use Johnson's paste wax, as opposed to oil, on the finishes of my guns. It eliminates most problems from fingerprints.
So since reading this thread I've been in and out of my safe many times . In that time I've handled maybe a third of the firearms in the safe . I'm very sad to admit that I don't wipe down my guns as much as I thought I did . I used to much more but recently bought a much bigger safe and it is located outside my gun room . Meaning my guns are no longer in a location where all my cleaning supplies are so that rag I used to us is not close by . This has resulted in me not wiping my guns down every time I handle them .

This will change today , I will now keep that wipe down rag inside the new safe which should allow me to wipe down after each time I handle a firearm . As stated in my earlier post 90% of my firearms are either SS , parkerized , Nitride or have some other anti corrosion coating on them . I have maybe 3-5 blued firearms and they are deep in the safe and don't get handled much at all . I am though getting to the point of my annual wipe down of everything in the safe so all should be gtg here very soon .
I avoid excessive handling and never let others touch / fondle my gun, no dry firing, no racking the slide or dropping the slide on an empty chamber

no touching / fondeling without permission

I also pick it up by the grip and avoiding contact with the metal if possible, then wipe it down with a oiled cloth before putting it away.

always wash hands before handling, never handle a firearm with sweaty hands

Im lucky I have very clean / dry hands, some people have sweating hands all the time.