When will the new S&W scandium revolvers be available?

Sorry guys - I'll keep my keyboard quiet.

I'll sign off this thread by telling ATeaM that I wear asbestos while I'm here, so the flame attempt by calling me a troll won't work. Nice try though - well, not really nice but I'll give you the credit due. :rolleyes:

cuerno de chivo - no, I haven't. I don't really care who sells to Smith & Wesson. As far as their products go, when a rough forging that goes to Kimber falls under the blanket of the agreement I'll stop buying those too.

If Smith & Wesson can stay in business by selling forgings, bicycles, and leather vests I say let them.

BUT there is one firearm manufacturing firm among the many that have had suits filed against them that has decided to buckle under and sign a legal agreement with a government agency that seeks to restrict my - and your - rights as an American citizen.

I have chosen not to support them by buying the products that are the subject of the agreement from other manufacturers who have chosen to stand and fight. It is the only message any of the manufacturers will understand. If they (S&W) find a backbone & ultimately are able to dissolve the agreement, I will definetly be handing over my $$ for a new S&W in support. Just like I did with Taurus about a year ago when they publicly announced they would not sign. I bought a PT940 that I didn't need but wanted to support them for their decision.

You have chosen to rally around S&W, ignoring the consequences of their action and to continue to support them with your money.

Our choices. We each have to live with our individual conscience, and the outcome.

For what it is worth, my conscience is clear. I'll assume yours is too. I just hope we can live with the outcome.

Good Luck.
I agree that over the last decade or so many firearm manufacturers have earned the ire of honest gunowners who do not want to see their rights eroded further by sell-out deals to the government. Colt and Ruger, to name but two, still arouse angry responses, from time to time, when mentioned on this board. Yet what S&W did with the Clinton administration is much too much. The onus has to finally fall hard somewhere, and it has landed on that company.

Actually, I do not like boycots; I think they are rather craven, but I can think of no other way to express my displeasure with what is the sell-out deal of our time by a firearm manufacturer. I have sold my S&W pistols, I will not buy another, and I have also forsaken their .40 cartridge by selling my pistols chambered for it. When that company comes back to America and makes clearly verifiable corrections in their politics and business practices, I will then re-consider my position.

Until then, I say let the chips fall where they may. There are no tears here for so-called traditions, especially when those traditions (S&W since 1852, blah, blah, blah...) were betrayed a long time ago.
S &W Scandium/New Catalogs

Most of you have probably already seen the 2001 Smith catalog but I just got it today. It includes a detailed discussion of scandium and the new revolvers. Many scandium revolvers are listed in the catalog. If you look at this catalog you get the strong impression that Smith is forging ahead with innovation despite its troubles. I also got a new Taurus catalog. This one again shows the .45 Millenium which has been promised for many months. The talk around town is that the 23 oz .45 will actually come out around April. Or have they already been out and just haven't been out in numbers? The Taurus catalog fails to mention titanium automatics. I wonder why they haven't put any of those out. I do have their titanium, 7 shot 357 and like it.

I am dismayed by the lack of support of this boycott by otherwise pro-RKBA folks. Even my best friend who shoots once a year and owns one gun is outraged by S&W and honors the boycott against them. No wonder we are getting hammered by the facists.
"Even my best friend who shoots once a year and owns one gun is outraged by S&W and honors the boycott against them."

Another supposed boycotter. A non-buyer and non-shooter.
I would really love to have an ultralight J-frame .357 snubbie; I'd appreciate the extra strength, even if I didn't shoot full .357's out of it because of the recoil.

I'm going to grit my teeth and pass on it, simply because of the company's sellout. I don't do it joyfully, and really have a sense of regret to see the world's finest revolver manufacturer in this situation.

BUT - I won't support a company that treats me and my rights with contempt.

(BTW - the agreement puts restrictions on how gun shops sell OTHER manufacturer's merchandise, and actually limits WHAT they can sell. Doesn't this violate anti-trust law or something? I mean, if Sony tried to dictate to electronics retailers how they can sell Panasonic stuff, wouldn't that be illegal?)
I'm a buyer and a shooter. I wanted a S&W 629 Classic DX, but I'll not support S&W. I bought a Dan Wesson 744.

The cold hard FACT is that the agreement is anti-RKBA, anti-freemarket. If you buy S&W your money (as per the agreement) WILL go to support "legislative efforts to reduce firearms misuse and the development of authorized user technology". Therefore, you are supporting the agenda of Sarah Brady, Diane Feinstein and Chuck Shumer if you purchase S&W products. Period.
All right folks,

Just suppose that there was an individual out there who was as totally disgusted by S&W actions as anyone else. This person had a real need of a lightweight revolver for his and his families protection. This is a real need, not just "hey that's cool, got to have one". So, this person looks at Taurus but has owned three of this brand in the past, Two of them being lemons, he passes. Next the Ruger SP-101, too heavy for inteneded purpose. Now, this person had owned a S&W 642, but foolishly sold it. One day he enters his dealer and what should be sitting on the shelf, a 642.....The salesman says, "Can I help you" this guy says "I'll take that".....

Now this person is a NRA member, has been in contact with Governer, state legislators, etc. regarding RKBA..had a need that only a 642 could fill, and used weapons were out of the question..so here we are..

While this individual feels that the true enemies of RKBA are sleazy liberal socialist politicians, he knows the boycott is necessary, but having forked over the cash, and reading all the opinions of fellow TFL members, this guy is feeling a little condemnation..

What can be done by this feller to get a little redemption, if redemption is needed...

Mike M.
Why are used weapons "out of the question"? Personally, I'd go to gunshows and to GunsAmerica.com and find a NIB presellout 642 and purchase that.

I've bought three S&W's in the last few months-all pre-sellout. Two were used-they work fine. The other was a 27-2 manufactured in 1978 NIB.

You're right, as of now 642, along with my pre-agreement 64
are up for sale or trade...

No more S&W, new or used, for me...

Should've known better....

Now I can breathe again....