When will the new S&W scandium revolvers be available?


Does anybody know when the new Scandium revolvers will be available? I know everybody is down on S&W, but I have to have a 12 ounce .357!
As soon as S&W abrogates its sellout to Willie & Andy! There are several S&W guns that I want, including a Scandium .357, and a Performance Center 625. But until then, anyone collaborating with the British Lobsterbacks is giving aid and comfort to the enemy!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
Well, whatever floats your boat. I have a S&W model 642. That's 15 oz in .38 Spcl. And I can tell you that with 158 gr FBI loads, it plain HURTS!. 10 rounds and I'm done.

A 12 oz .357 with full boat .357 loads? It's all yours, I want no part of it. The gun's just too light. It's a lot of extra money for a capability that I can't see using...

Until S&W gets out of that agreement and is sold to someone besides those British statists, I hope the Scandiums are never available. I say this as the owner of four pre-betrayal S&W revolvers who is actively considering buying more pre-betrayal S&W's. Not only will I not buy a post sellout gun retail, I will never buy one used from a private individual.
When I get a super-lightweight revolver, I plan on getting a Taurus Titanium. Warrantied forever, and they support our rights. And they make a .41 and .45 Colt!
Rob104, I too would suggest you wait to buy one, at least until you have a chance to shoot one. No point in buying the .357 version if you aren't going to shoot .357 rounds in it. Yes, you COULD, but if you AREN'T going to why buy it when you can find a used 342. There are plenty around because people, myself included, find the .38 rounds uncomfortable.
They are already out here in Phoenix

BUT, I'd have to concur on the punishing aspect of the recoil in one of those. I trust that you are a big boy, though, and can make up your own mind.:)
S&W must cease to exist for their crimes against humanity.
Until that day, don't buy one. I also suggest you get rid of any firearm that shoots that stinkin' .40 cartridge of theirs.
S&W must NOT cease to exist. It is not a human being. If your wife or brother betrayed you like that, you'd divorce or disown and never look back. Not a single founding soul is alive who started S&W. It is a company, a name, and a tradition. Just because a group of loathesome foreigners spit on the grave of the founders does not mean that the company is bad. Once the assets of the company and the trademark are completely depleted, some real American Company should buy them and ressurect the name and tradition. How about Mossberg? Marlin?
Don't Listen to them Rob!

I know everybody is down on S&W, but I have to have a 12 ounce .357!

Hey - if a Smith is what you like, you go buy one! What can it hurt - those employees of Smith & Wesson didn't have anything to do with the agreement - why should they be hurting?

I guess that's probably why you voted for Gore. I mean, hey! It wasn't those poor government employees' fault that the Klinton administration was so crooked, so vile, so anti-gun. It was The Boss - & he's being voted out, right? So let's vote those democrats in - let those government staffers keep their jobs!

Sorry for the sarcasim. No one - I mean no one likes a Smith revolver more than me. But I'll never buy another one while they are under the agreement.

Anyone that does is just plain selfish - bargaining away our rights so they can have the Smith they want.

You guys that buy a Smith should all be ashamed of yourselves - if for no other reason, of every dime you offer another manufacturer a portion goes to their legal expense of fighting these ridiculous lawsuits. Smith either pockets it or spends it on "Smart Gun Technology".

Let'm build bicycles & sew jackets - but their gun business can go under.

Sorry for the rant - my rights mean a lot to me.
I agree. There are too many honest pro-gun folks assembling and working at the S&W places. Another thing is that the liberals would LOVE to see the nations largest gun maker go out of business. They would jump with joy. Even though S&W has made some mistakes, I am not willing to give up on the American folks working for S&W and I am not wanting to see the liberals have a "victory" by seeing S&W go under....
I am still waiting on an answer to my original question. However, I must defend myself here. I am a very conservative Republican, and would take a severe beating before casting a vote for Al Gore. I am a very strong supporter of the Second Amendment and gun rights in general. I am also a Deputy Sheriff who gets sick at his stomach when I see LEOs standing next to gun grabbers on television pledging their support. So it pisses me off when people I do not know put me down for wanting a Smith revolver. I have looked down the barrel of a "Saturday Night Special" and still say poor people need to be able to defend themselves. I have arrested many dope pushers who had numerous "Assault Rifles" in within their reach with hi-cap magazines, and I hate the Brady Bill. So do not tell me that I am Communist or a Klintonista until you walk a mile in my shoes. I do not see how it is patriotic to run one of the finest firearms manufacturers in the world out of business because of this issue. That is what the gun grabbers want. If you consider me the enemy, then we are already defeated. End of sermon.
I already own a S&W titanium .38 and it is harsh, but not uncontrollable. So I think I can handle the .357.
Well Said, Rob..Well Said!!! I for one don't consider you a "Klintonista", or anything else...and I wish I knew when the AirLite Ti's in .357 were going to be widely available....have you considered e-mailing S&W to try to find out? Just a thought....mikey357
I do not know when the Scandium .357's are coming, but I plan on steering clear of them. They do look very good, but I carry a 342 Airlite Ti, and man does that gun hurt to shoot - and I shoot it a lot. I could not even fathom for a second touching off a .357 - I already feel the .38+p in my back molars when I shoot it.

But, you do have good taste, and I would like to hear from you if you ever get one. I will also admit that the scandium K frames that S&W are starting to promote look like great field/kit guns, but I would not go further than .38 +p+ in them.

Taurus Titanium

Spectre: For what it is worth, the Taurus Titanium revolvers weigh about what the S&W Aluminum-framed Airweights do. They are not in the same league with the Titanium Airlites from S&W.
Oh...I didn't understand....

I have arrested many dope pushers who had numerous "Assault Rifles" in within their reach with hi-cap magazines, and I hate the Brady Bill. So do not tell
me that I am Communist or a Klintonista until you walk a mile in my shoes. I do not see how it is patriotic to run one of the finest firearms manufacturers in the world out of business because of this issue.

I have respect for LE - but I guess since you are LE & don't have to be concerned about the availability of a firearm, the agreement dosen't mean too much to you.

Well, for those of us that aren't in that narrow field of LE, it does (or it should) mean a lot. I don't give a damn about their history - that history does nothing to help now. Remember: Hitler fed a starving Germany before he started his hate campain. That was his "history". Patriotism is putting your country first - not a British owned manufacturing firm.

So, walk a mile in my shoes. Let someone, or a company, tell you that they are threatening your right to protect your wife & kids. Then you tell me how buying a Smith, when there are so many other good handguns out there, isn't selfish and/or arrogant.

It is and you know it.
yawn. i assume that you're boycotting ruger, remington, taurus, winchester ammunition too? other wise you are a classic example of a pot calling the kettle black, as are the vast majority of supposed boycotters.

i'm happy with the lightest, strongest, and smallest revolver without the built-in, non-removable gun lock in .38sp. a new sw342pd :p . i wouldn't give a **** if the devil made it. i don't have much utility for the new .357 scandiums though.
Ignore the whiners, I mean trolls, err... protesters.

Tell me more about this "Scandium" revolver. I too am in the market for an airweight class snubby and am curious about what makes it different from whats already available. I haven't seen any in my part of the country.
Some of you guys might as well be sending checks directly to Handgun Control Inc. with a note saying "please take my guns". Smith is gonna use part of the revenue you provide them to do essentially the same thing. I guess you don't care to see past the gun catalog in front of your face.