When will the decline of America reach the point of no return?

At what point?

  • Already too late

    Votes: 80 55.6%
  • 10 years

    Votes: 21 14.6%
  • 20 years

    Votes: 16 11.1%
  • 50 years

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • Longer

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 18 12.5%

  • Total voters


New member
What with:
• Sticking our nose in places it don’t belong
• Failing to protect our interests
• The “global economy” farce
• The man-made global warming farce
• Providing for the defense of people who play us for fools and really don’t like us
• Providing aid, comfort and technology to our enemies
• Our inexorable slide into the toilet bowl that is socialism
• Our tolerance of every kind of whacked-out, deviant behavior imaginable
• Our failure to enforce our laws and punish our criminals
• Allowing tens of millions of invaders into our country

How long can the stupidity continue?

Can we recover?

Or am I paranoid?
It tuned when we farmed out our best technological labor to the Japanese after WWII. Since then the jobs, and money have followed a circle of decline. Like a whirl pool , Us (US) in the middle.

Just a thought from my Pea Brain!!!!:cool:

Please clarify:

• The man-made global warming farce
How is this a farce? 6 billion people polluting our skies, water, earth, and destroying natural wilderness IS a problem and DOES have an impact worldwide as to our climate. China and India are right now causing a lot of it.

• Our tolerance of every kind of whacked-out, deviant behavior imaginable
And what would that be? (Assuming they are not criminal in nature.)

I do feel the nation is going into a slide, but I don't 100% agree on the reasons why. I do feel however that if people other than myself are seeing this happening we should all find common reasons why, not because it's on a whim in accordance to our own views only.

Well, 'fast food' is no longer fast, there is a war happening and the Germans aren't in it, blacks no longer seem to know how to sing, and nobody is afraid of my cousins any more.

America? Heck, the whole world is on its ear...
What with:
• Sticking our nose in places it don’t belong
• Failing to protect our interests
• The “global economy” farce
• The man-made global warming farce
• Providing for the defense of people who play us for fools and really don’t like us
• Providing aid, comfort and technology to our enemies
• Our inexorable slide into the toilet bowl that is socialism
• Our tolerance of every kind of whacked-out, deviant behavior imaginable
• Our failure to enforce our laws and punish our criminals
• Allowing tens of millions of invaders into our country

How long can the stupidity continue?

Can we recover?

Or am I paranoid?
I think it will continue as long as most folks don't have their everyday lives disrupted. Killing one million Iraqi's means nothing as long as America's soccer moms get sonny and sissy to the game on time.
I think it will continue as long as most folks don't have their everyday lives disrupted. Killing one million Iraqi's means nothing as long as America's soccer moms get sonny and sissy to the game on time.

agreed...and it breaks my heart
I think it will continue as long as most folks don't have their everyday lives disrupted. Killing one million Iraqi's means nothing as long as America's soccer moms get sonny and sissy to the game on time.

People already have had their everyday lives interrupted ever since that incident in NYC way back in 2001. Nobody gave a rat's rearend when it was one their own killing them; they only got concerned when we started killing a few.:rolleyes:
Ron Paul right now is the only real attempt to get back to a Constitutional Republic.
Seriously....who else is daring to do it.....Newt...please
I almost posted a serious response to this twaddle, then remembered that this is a civil forum and I could get banned for pointing out certain things, even if they were true.

I have to wonder if the person who wrote the OP is living in the same country I am. I like the world of 2007 better than the world of 1957. I like that the global economy means that China isn't going to cause any military problems for us without destroying their own economy, how great is that? I like that my Latin American mutual fund is up 60% or so in the past year. I like that Americans in general are more tolerant of people who don't act exactly like themselves.

Oh, and I think socialism is great, in fact, without socialism we would have been destroyed by a civil class war decades ago. I just wish they would get the govt to quite micromanaging the economy.
Justme said:
socialism...the govt to quit(e) micromanaging the economy.

Okay, I was hung-over a lot and slept a great deal in my finance classes in college, however, as I remember the definition of socialism, it is the managing of economy. In fact, the very driving concept of socialism is the economy of the state.

Contrary to the ivory tower set here in Madison, just because we tax ourselves to pave roads for use by the masses, we are still a republic.

I was bored silly listening to the acne-pocked marxists whining about guns and butter issues they had to ink on their arms for a pop quiz. Not one in ten even knew the true meaning of the words they used.

I got into a debate in a class (wearing my colors, I proudly admit) when I accused one 'socialist' of embracing communism because he was a mama's boy. Despite his anger, I refuted his statements because he (mis)used the word "bourgeoisie."

"Bourgeoisie are not some heavily armed kosak ready to gallop into the town square," I smirked, "they are, in fact, your parents."

He was never quite the same after he went to the dictionary.
The question should have had an option for a answer in the past tense.

FDR was elected in 1932 to his first term.

That's not to say Ted Kennedy's immigration reform laws of the 1970's haven't been nearly as damaging as FDR's big government programs, like Social Security for example.
Life is so very cool, aint it?

"When we imagine the future we usually see it as potential. Some people state that anything can happen although we don’t expect much of anything will happen, we expect the ordinary, but we at least imagine that the varied possibilities of the future grow greater with a greater period of time. What might happen tomorrow is rather limited compared to what all might happen in a year or a decade. But we think the infinite possibilities are out there in the future. As it turns out, the past is also probabilistic. Quantum mechanics suggests that anything we haven’t yet observed, everything happening in another state or country, everything happening a mile away, literally everything in the world beyond our five senses, is in a quantum state of multiplicity. The infinite isn’t out there in the distant future. It is just on the other side of any door. It is just beyond our vision, our hearing, our touch, our smell. It is everything we don’t know. If we haven’t yet read the news of the day, all the possible newsworthy events are happening simultaneously in alternative universes waiting for us to turn each page of the newspaper, and only then do we connect with one of those worlds."

Wild http://everythingforever.com/everett.htm Alaska TM
Quantum Mechanics, Hmmm...

Sounds like Schrodinger's cat is out of the box or maybe not. That concept may be a route in validation of QM or it may be a "dead end". The question would be, is the vial broken or unbroken. There are the two possibilities? Unless we look inside the box we can't know. Possibility isn't the concern with Schrodinger's cat, it is the method of detection. The factor that should be considered is that of the probability of the cyanide vial being broken or not. Since the cat's fate is tied to the reality of the condition of the vial, it would be a good idea to look in the box. But looking into that box is going to affect the resulting observation. Until one can see the future, the probability or improbability is more important than the possibility. When dealing with the world, possibilities can be infinite, probabilities will not.

Quantum mechanics is throwing dice. What a great concept for definitive proof in the world of science.:rolleyes:

Would it not be a better idea to devise a way to determine if the world and/or America is in decline, rather than to come up with infinite possibilities. How do we look into the box? What can we do to help us determine the probability and subsequent possibility of this decline? It would be far better to work from the perspective of causality than to come from the perspective of simultaneous multiversal predictions and/or conclusions. No matter the method of detection, we will become entangled.

Since we as humans work on the macro level, rather than the subatomic, and are therefore "entangled" by default, not to mention that it requires "entanglement" to even see what is happening if you are not a part of the system. That required "entanglement" will make us a part of the system and in turn what happens within that system will affect us. We are back to dealing with a causality. So what are the potential causes and effects that are resulting in the hypothetical decline of the World/America?

Then again maybe we really don't want to know what is happening to our world and would rather not look into it. For some folks it would be far better to not ask questions as the answers may not be what we wish them to be. Either way it will affect everyone in due time. The question is do you want to know if it is happening and what can be done to prevent it if it is in fact happening, or do you want to deal with the problem after it has happened and then begin the search for a solution? Be proactive or reactive?

Is it fun to watch people asking the wrong questions? If so, how much more entertaining is it for people to come up with incorrect solutions or no solutions at all?
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socialism is great

As WA pointed out, many scientists believe there are infinite parallel universes, accounting for every possibility and that means that there is a universe where you would be right. It is just that is not this universe, but rather one running parallel.:)

There is also a universe where I’m a chiseled 6’2”, handsome and wealthy genius. But alas, that must be in a parallel universe also. Or maybe even perpendicular one.:D
Would it not be a better idea to devise a way to determine if the world and/or America are in decline, rather than to come up with infinite possibilities?

Here are my criteria:

1. How much of my money do I get to keep vs. how much is confiscated by the government?

2. How easily can I exercise my rights without interference from the government or criminals & busybodies?

3. How crowded are the resources (roads, fishing spots, emergency rooms, etc...) I use?

4. How well behaved are the people (citizens, residents, illegals) in my environment?

Since the 1960's, the Environment is cleaner, crime is down, income is up, racism is down, cars are better, McDonalds brought out the Quarter-Pounder which was a definite step forward, etc.

So perhaps we are doing well by some criteria.
• The man-made global warming farce
"How is this a farce? 6 billion people polluting our skies, water, earth, and destroying natural wilderness IS a problem and DOES have an impact worldwide as to our climate. China and India are right now causing a lot of it."

Prove that it is in fact man made and not the natural course of the planetary life cycle.

Global warming is happening. The cause being man isn't definitively proven. The computer models that are being used are basically the same that are used to predict weather. If the weather man cannot predict what the weather will be two months from now with certainty. What makes people think that they can predict what that weather will be in ten years or more from now?

Why is it that the planet was far warmer during the Medieval Warm Period than today? There were no machines and significant burning of fossil fuels to cause it. What caused that to happen back then, and what says that whatever caused it back then isn't the same cause of current global warming?

I for one will not buy into political fear mongering as it only allows them to gain more control over the populace. That would be their ultimate goal when using this "man made" global warming concept.

Yes, I will give up my liberty for security, IF they can save the planet from certain doom. :rolleyes: Just because they say it is man made DOESN'T make it so.

They must show me the scientific proof and not use the misnomer of "scientific consensus". In science there is no scientific consensus, it either is or is not. Consensus is a synonym for opinion. Opinion has a limited place in science. That place would be in the realm of hypothetical reasoning and not founded in the scientific conclusion of fact.

The fact is that it remains to be proven a fact that man is a cause of global warming, until is it proven it is nothing more than a hypothesis. A rather silly hypothesis at that, IMO.

Some things are outside the realm of man and his ability to control those things. What if the Earth was going to fall into the sun? Could we save the planet from that "certain" doom?
What if the Earth was going to fall into the sun? Could we save the planet from that "certain" doom?

Now that is a scenario:

1. PETA would rejoice. We are vermin.
2. The UN would commision a study which would line the pockets of third world buearacrats to pay for non stop orgies.
3. Half the Democrats would try to do something but would fight with the other half who are beholden to groups like PETA who would want to do nothing, they would ALL be engaged in non stop orgies.
4. Half the republicans would wait in glee for the rapture. 1/4 would blame the jews. the other 1/4 would blame the democrats. All would engage in non stop orgies. The lines would be long in airport bathrooms
5. Mexican immigrants would go home to wait with their families.

Most folks are too young here to remember "On the Beach"

WildwaltzingmatildaAlaska TM
I agree with EPYON. And I don't think that we're beyond salvation. I believe that America has the potential for "righting" itself, and it will take rolling up our sleeves and each person being responsible for his/her part. Many folks would rather leave politics to the government, and have become accustomed to a very self centered high quality of life, compared to other countries. Research showed that even those living at the poverty line have computers and cable TV.
YIKES! What a possibly HOT topic. :) :o Oh i could say so much, but i'm to conservative not to cause many flames. i'll just say If someone profits from it, it's not being done for the good of the country or world but for the good of the few and there pocket books. Fallow the money, global warming, religion, war, illegal aliens...fallow the money and the power. We need to have less goverment, more capitalism...people need to take care of themself and there family and not look for Uncle Sam to do it. There is nothing FREE in this world. You either get taxed for it, work hard for it or die for it. I vote we are on the down side of the roller coaster. Rome lasted longer but we, as the only super power are going to be joined by others soon and if we don't get a few states taken over through immagration issues we will through violent action...(was thinking of a few states I wouldn't mind giving to them :) )
Well, the political and social "consensus" would be... ORGY. Not too bad a solution.:D

I am supposing that the scientists might get in on the act as well. Maybe all that movement would cause a retrograde reaction to the descent into the sun and prolong the "festivities".;) Either that our they could invent a multiversal transporter and go to the "alternative universe".:p