The end?

You're not extreme enough...

WTSHTF is the 2nd Coming, Plague and Pestulence (sp?),the basic Rising of the Dead...you know Armageddon with the 4 Horsemen. If that's what you mean...it's bend over and grab your ankles time.

Otherwise, if you're talking about worse case scenario on a basic level, then small pox or a virulent strain will be used that is resistant to all preventative or treatable medicines. That'll basically take out 2 out 5 people at its' contageous(sp?) stage, while that is going on Bin Laden and his merry makers will get a hold of some of those suitcase nuclear devices and play havoc on our nuclear plants with radiation spills that will basically kill everything within a forty mile radius of any nuclear plant.
This'll cause civil unrest on a level that we have never seen before.
Predators will run in packs and only folks that have the will, determination, and the food and armament will be able to hold them off on a temporary basis. Unless we organize and go after the BG's.
We will have polorization like you have never seen before. The good folks will circle the wagons...the bad guys will run in packs and try to raid the good folks. The in betweens well, they will be trying to appease the both sides.

Then if we don't get our act together soon, some other country will see their opportunity and try to invade the states....OMG, it's the Canadians!

Then we'll break up into city-states, and start all over to make a new world order....
I live in Utah right now but have a lot of family and a house in northernWyoming. Thanks to the winters I dont think too many people will come here. We have a lot of space a lot of animals and a ton of guns in the state so I think we could put up a great fight if massive amounts of BG's start trying to attack. And if they do attack it better be in the 3 summer months because if winter hits it is not a whole lot better than winter in Afgahnistan. As for my home we have a 1 year supply of food and I have a few thousand rounds of ammo for my gun cabinet.
Yes...I remember that episode. Scared the begeezus outta' me...It's always like that. The least little thing that suddenly or gradually, won't go away...The power will flicker and die for a couple of hours, then come back on and I'll relax again...Eat and go to sleep watching TV, only to wake at 2:37am with a strange sound(s) from outside...Get up and check, noticing the dogs are underfoot and a little too awake for this time of the morning...Recognizing the sounds of voices as I open the front door with my 45 behind my right hip...slightly blocking it from view as I open the outer door and scan the red and blue lights from the distance 'causing the shadows and what light there is to distort and remain slightly sharp, but indistinct features of the darkened, too quiet and completely blacked out homes in each direction suddenly strike me along with the flash that I didn't see coming...

No real sounds, but a dazzling flash and then the dogs are over and past me hitting the wooden gate and fence with the familiar rattle and crack as some of the 1x6s give under a too aggressive hit from Angel...the 90lb mongrel that befriended my son and took his place in the family by choice...Now I'm struggling to rise and...

..."HEY!!!...sorry 'bout the noise mister!"

...a troubleshooter I might've worked alongside during storms and wind damaged trees at some time in the last few years, shouts with the tired voice of service guys that missed dinner hours ago during the beginning of "whatever" 'caused the outages in the first place..."You OK?"...

"yep"...as I stick the pistol into my waistband under my Carharrt and step out to the gate...

"......Hell of a storm....wadnit?"

"yep"...as I point the dogs back inside and walk to the computer to see what the hell's happened, I'll stop in the kitchen and get a cup of coffee...

...Except, some time it'll be somethin' else...

...That's the way it is for me...I always expect it...