When the Nagants are all bought up,,,


New member
When the Nagants are all bought up,,,
What will be the inexpensive entry level rifle?

Back in my youth (late 50's - early 60's) there was a vast selection of inexpensive mil-surp rifles,,,
Most could be had for $20-$40 dollars through a mail order catalog.

The only one I see now for a low price (less than $150.0) is the Mosin Nagant,,,
When they are all bought up what will people migrate to?


History repeats itself - think of the Mosin as the modern day SKS. They could be had for $150 easily a while back, and now they are selling for $450-$600.

As for the next cheap rifle, that may be a thing of the past as well.
Hello FrosSst,,,

As for the next cheap rifle, that may be a thing of the past as well.

That's what I was thinking,,,
I just thought one of the mil-surp nuts here might know what's over the horizon.

I remember the cheap SKS's,,,
Several of my friends got theirs at the same time at a gun show,,,
This was back in 1994 when the Assault Weapons Ban was coming into play.

I think they paid $110.00 apiece for theirs.


Since the next generation of military weapons aren't allowed to be sold to the public (full-auto AK47, M16, M14, etc), I don't think there is anything left. Maybe pistols?
What else can there be? If you trace the chronology of military arms, after the Mosin, we have the SKS, the AK... The Swedish K31 is great but they are going up in price and ammo is expensive and not very common. Ammo is the key. Are there any classic, plentiful cheap guns that shoot 5.45?

I think the Mosin is the final frontier in a way. Buy 'em while you can, I just bought my first 91/30, looking for a good deal on an M44 and an M38, probably will get a hex Tula 91/30 too. Love mine, by far the best bang for the buck. Just praying that 7.62x54R stays cheap for a long time.
Steyr M95 rifles are the only other $100 surplus rifles left. They're cheap but surplus ammo is nearly nonexistant so you're left spending $20+ per box of Prvi or rolling your own. That's why you don't often hear about 'em.

The M-N is the end of the line.
The Mosins were the last to come in for more than one reason, but the biggest one was:
They're ugly, cheap rifles, that were never expected to sell well in this market. The biggest reasons they're actually doing well right now, are that there's nothing else left and there are a bunch of Com-Bloc nations trying to make a buck on something they see as 'useless'.

When the Mosins are gone, we're done. As mentioned by robertsig, there aren't any newer milsurps we can buy (due to import issues or select-fire restrictions). There may be the occasional shipment of something we've already seen, but the Mosins really seem to be the end of the line for affordable and abundant milsurps.
Thanks good people,,,

The reason I was asking is that I want to buy a birthday gift for an 18 year old young man.

He's been talking about a Mosin Nagant,,,
But I know it's not the rifle that attracts him,,,
But the low cost of the rifle and it's ammunition.

I thought maybe there was one more old mil-surp I could look for.

Thanks again,,,


Look at it this way: the MN is cheap because a foreign government paid to have it made. Basically, the free ride on the backs of the soviet people is over folks, time to pay one's own way. :D
When all the old guys who like and own these types of rifles, leave this earthly life, those guns will all come back on the market and probably get real cheap, again.
Just a thought.
Mosins are always going to be the least expensive rifle out there....the 10's of millions of them made will pretty much guarantee that. They may not alway be $100, but they'll still be less than othe mil-surps out there. Personally I believe it'll be a long time before they're all bought up, I wouldn't be surprised if there are still 100's of thousands if not a million or more of them still in storage in various places and countries around the world.

The reason I was asking is that I want to buy a birthday gift for an 18 year old young man.
My favorites are the Swiss K31, still easily found for $250-350, and the Swedish Mausers. Only 500K K31's were made and their quality and accuracy is amazing, I'm amazed they sell for so low price.
Swede's are my favorite, more expensive but incredible workmanship and accuracy and the 6.5x55 is a great round.
The biggest drawback would be ammo isn't as cheap for those, 7.5x55 and 6.5x55, compared to 7.62x54R....but it's not that expensive either.
A great 19th birthday gift could be a reloading kit. :)
Really, for the old milsurps I've been taking a look at, Samco really just has some the best rifles money can buy. You won't see them much lower on Gunbroker, and you're dealing with a company that isn't going to give you a raw deal. JG sales may still have those cheap Mosins, but from what I remember after I purchased mine, they have climbed a bit since then. I'm a big fan of milsurp rifles and my last recent purchase was an Ishapore in .308. I went that route because I knew I definitely wanted an Enfield, but couldn't absorb the unavailability of ammo (I don't reload, either). 7.62 NATO is abundant, which is REALLY what the rifle is supposed to eat, but I've read that the N type steel will take the punishment of the .308 as well. These can get pricey, but I got mine for a cool $260 or so. I also bought a Yugo SKS for about the same price, give or take five bucks, and I was happy to do so.
For $300 you can get a new stevens in 308 that will outshoot most milsurps out of the box. Only a MN is really a cheaper alternative on the milsurp market.
Hello Zhillsauditor,,,

For $300 you can get a new stevens in 308 that will outshoot most milsurps out of the box.

Well heck yeah I could,,,
But I don't want to spend $300.00 on him,,,
I can only support so many kids in their gun acquisitions. ;)


20 to 30 dollars in 1950? That is crazy expensive!!!
What cost $30 in 1955 would cost $241.48 in 2010.
^from an inflation calculator.

I would buy a Swiss K31 if it is in your price range. Best value in a center-fire rifle IMO. Could be used to hunt anything and also used as a target rifle. Ammunition isn't cheap, but it isn't expensive either, especially when you consider GP11 is as high quality as US match rounds.
unfortunately there is nowhere else to go. a great amount of the cold war era rifles have already been bought up(IE the countless AK44/74 clones out there). good ole bill clinton decided he would rather spend more money to have all milsurp rifles disposed of rather than make money by selling surplus to civilians so there are going to be no new sources of surplus rifles available and since the importation of autos is illegal any of the new rifle designs are going to have to be hacked, chopped, converted to semi, and mixed with american parts just like the AK clones.

quick and simple answer is once the mosins are gone, there will be no cheap entry level milsurp.

entry level bolt gun is going to be whatever walmart has in their racks for cheap.

EDIT: a 20 dollar springfield in the 60s equates to about a $200 springfield today... since springfields currently go for $700-1000 in good condition I am fairly certain that sombody's idea of inflation is off.
Buy the 91/30s and m44s while they're still inexpensive and buy as much surplus ammunition as you can. I've got spam cans in my garage that I shouldn't need to open for at least 10 or 15 years...unless I get a PSL.