When someone comes a knockin'

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This is a place where you cannot leave your garage door up very long because someone driving by may see what you have inside and come back when you are at work and take it. People are always looking for opportunity. It's part of the culture here. I came from a place where we never even locked our doors. I got hit several times when I first moved here and was warned by the sheriff what to and not to do. Everyone knows I have guns so when we go on vacation we take them and leave them in a safe place along with other valuables. It's just how it is here.
Interesting. So you believe that by people not opening their garage door and not having garage sales, they could significantly reduce burglaries in the Phoenix area?
Ok 45_auto lets use some common sense here please. Of course he does not think that, but by leaving your garage open and having a yard sale you at making yourself a target. You are inviting people into your house to see what you have, who you are, and if you can defend yourself physicaly, etc.. So no you cannot stop robberies but by having a yard sale/garage sale or by leaving your garage open you are increasing your chances of being burglarized by some pos.
but by having a yard sale/garage sale or by leaving your garage open you are increasing your chances of being burglarized by some pos.

What do you put out in your garage sales or have in your garage to be seen from the street that you think would make someone choose your house to burglarize over your neighbor's?

If you have your collection of gold coins, or M16's, or rare S&W's mounted on the wall of your garage then I could understand your hesitation to open it. But if it contains your cars, yard tools, kid's toys and maybe a workbench and toolchest do you really believe that it's any different from the rest of the garages in your neighborhood?

What kind of stuff do you put out in yard sales? Every one I've ever seen has clothes, furniture, old electrical appliances, and assorted junk. Very little that would be interesting to a burglar. You think a burglar doesn't know that all the other houses have the same kind of junk in them?

If I was a burglar, I would look for the most prosporous, most well maintained, nicest houses (pools, porches, etc) in the neigborhood. They would be the ones with the most money and most pride in their other possesions and therefore would probably have the nicest stuff.
Those places are more then likely to have some type of security at the very least a safe. If someone takes the time to take care f their place and their valuables I am sure they will have some type of protection for it. And to a thief jewelry and tools are a score. They are expensive and if you take them to the local pawn shop you can get good money for them. The previous poster was not saying he was hesitant to open his garage. He is saying that it's not wise to keep it open all day. Once again let's try to use some common sense here. Unless that's to hard for you? It's okay I understand some people are slower then others. I am done with you now.
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