When someone comes a knockin'

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New member
Hello everyone, new poster here and i'm happy to be on this forum. My friends & I were talking about this the other night and I would like your opinion on this.

If the door bell rings or someone was knocking on your door and you're not expecting any visitors do you answer the door with a weapon in hand, close by or just not answer the door at all....whats your take on this.

I'm not sure if this question was posted before, if so...my bad:(
That is a really good question.

I normally look to see who it is and make sure I have a weapon close at hand...especially...if I am not expecting someone.

We have had more than a few instances of people checking to see if someone is home and then jumping the fence to break in the back door.

I live on a corner and it is pretty easy for someone to jump the fence.

If it looks like someone conducting a survey, I look for an id badge or I don't answer.

Weapon holstered during daylight hours. At night, weapon in hand and the wife answers the door with myself watching what unfolds. The cell phone is at hand also which is marginally useful because the last time we needed help we had to physically subdue someone for 20 minutes before help arrived. It's a nice 55 plus neighborhood but some creepy people think it's a good place to find easy pickings sometimes. Surprise!:eek:
Look through a side window, or at least a peep, to see what's out there, before even thinking of opening the door.
Nothing wrong with having the conversation through a closed window or door, either.
They can hear you just fine that way.
Blackshirt, alot of these people scout out territory far from where they live. When you see strangers on bicycles or skateboards cruising the neighborhood at least make eye contact so they know they have been noticed. They may not come back later but go to find easier pickings. We had a rash of people going door to door panhandling and the real old people were afraid not to give them a few dollars (one exposed himself to an 80 year old woman). Any valuable items always dissappear from your porch and all the outside water taps and irrigation are plastic now because the brass ones are gone. We would wake up in the morning to a flood of water from the valves being gone. It's better now since everyone is watching and us more capable old guys keep an eye on things.
I'm almost ALWAYS armed (on the john - lol, cutting the yard, sitting around the house). So, yes, I have a weapon on me when I answer the door. I sleep with a pistol also... Hey, I've a family to protect. It's my responsibility.

Just my two Federal Reserve Notes (inflated to the point where it's essentially worthless of course).
During the day I don't worry so much. At night a flashlight and pistol are always close. I have 4 dogs that I take outside a few times at night so they can relieve themselves before being put up for the night and I wear a pistol and carry the light. If anyone is around the house the dogs will let me know. Letting the wife answer the door at night is something I definitely won't do. That just presents a soft target to an intruder and seems to me to be asking for trouble.
She's not an easy mark but I'm the better tactical shooter so she knows what to do. If she was the best tactically I'd open the door. It's important to have the best fighter free to fight. Yes she may get hit with the door but it's better than being mutilated or dead. Think this through tactically and not emotionally.
I'm always armed & will never open a door to any one I don't know. I always let them know some one is home by asking "who is it" then telling them something like I'm not interested or to leave.

Never ignore a knock at the door because that says no one is home.
I don't worry about it too much.

However, I did have someone pounding on my door at 3am at an apartment my wife and I lived in during college. It was dark and they had their finger over the peephole.

I answered the door with my Ruger P89 behind my back. It was just some drunk girl trying to be funny but at the wrong address. Never showed her I was armed but sent her on her way.
1. Answer the door. Use the peep hole or window.
2. Have a gun
3. Never open the door unless you are sure about the people outside
4. If it is suspicious, back away to cover the door. Call the cops. Yell that law is on the way.
5. You can get an alarm that sounds a loud siren that you can trigger. Have lights over the door, motion sensitive for the evening.
6. Large animals at your discretion.
Sounds like some shaky neighborhoods you guys live in? But i guess you cant be too safe.

Why would the bad guys rob people in shaky neighborhoods, the bad guys rob people in the good neighborhoods and from people that have more than them. 95% of all breakins in my town/city are carried out by bad guys from other towns/cities.

I live in a very safe neighborhood but I still have security cameras and always a gun close at hand when I open the door.
I either pocket carry a .22Mag revolver at home or carry a .357Mag revolver with me from room to room ... if the bell rings during the day, I can usually see through a glass pane at the top of the door who's there ... at night, I would never answer the door without a weapon in hand ... my front patio is illuminated with auto-on lights and I can see through front window shutters without being seen ... I live in a very quiet neighborhood of mostly retirees or older working couples, but it's also a summer resort so at this time of year the bozo quotient is high ... the rule is, always safe, never sorry ...
Not usually, but I live in nice areas and do a quick judgement through the peep hole. I also have a knife and sturdy flashlight on my strong and weak sides. If someone tried to force their way in, they would get a door in the face. If that didn't work, they'd get an aluminum flashlight to the face, as I transitioned to the knife.
If someone knocked on the door after normal hours, then I'd be answering the door with a Beretta just out of sight.
Blackshirt, my wife and I live in a nice place out in the country. Our neighbors are mostly farmers, and most of them are from one extended family. It's not exactly a high crime area, and it is the type of neighborhood where most would (and should) feel fairly safe.

On the other hand, last year one of the non-farmer neighbors (ironically, a semi-retired deputy sheriff) rode up on his ATV from his back acreage shooting range to find his German Shepherd had cornered a couple guys on his porch. When he asked what they were doing on his property, they told him they were just trying to find an address.

The deputy called his dispatcher, who told him the van and men fit the description of members of a known burglary ring. Sure enough, they were two members of an eight man gang.

So, does stuff happen all that often out in my nice, peaceful neighborhood? no. But that doesn't mean stuff doesn't ever happen because it's basically a nice, peaceful neighborhood.

It also illustrates why I have not only firearms, but also fairly large dogs - as do virtually all my neighbors.
Yes I do. Everytime. My previous apartment had crackhead neighbors so I was always on my toes. I do even more now though. My new house is fenced in, even the driveway. So if someones knocking then I don't know there coming so I always answer with my gun.
I just did answer the door this morning with my CA 44 Bulldog in my hand as I did not hear the person identify themselves when I asked who it was. Had it been late at night, I would not have answered the door at all, but I sleep right in front of the door with three handguns within reach. My brother who is in law enforcement tells me that it would only take a few seconds to break thru that door for someone who knows how. He mentioned maybe putting a 2 x 4 constructed to block the door from opening right away. I think that door is more solid than that. I hardly ever get anyone knocking at my door early in the morning at daylight. Normally if the character looks okay and I see them approach I don't have the gun in my hand, just in my holster with my hand on it. :)
If they can count, they can do guest spot on Letterman.

Sorry. :)

I will opine that opening the door, to an unknown, even with a handgun in your hand, puts you behind the curve. If I intend to take you down in a serious manner - you are toast.

Don't open the door.
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