When should Hillary drop out?

I don't see where Hillary losing out eventually would be humiliating. She is something of an underdog anyway. So, what other woman has ever been in her position, a potential Presidential candidate in a major polical party? Even if she does lose, she will have broken new ground for women as she tried to trailblaze her way to the White House.

Besides, she may have taken NH which is a good showing given that Obama was expected to win.
Keep your eyes on the total number of delegates. If Obama and Hillary are close come convention time then its to the smoky back rooms where the Clinton machine will clinch it for Hillary.

That's an important point. If it's close at convention time then all those primary votes don't mean much after the delegates are released. It just depends on the few convention delegates for each state how they vote. As in JFK & Johnson. They had guys walking the convention floor and making deals as they went. It has been known for actual fist fights to break out. Ah, for the good old days.:D
So Hillary hasn't made Obama disappear yet? I would have figured that by now Obama would have been found at Ft. Marcie Park like Vince Foster or had an airplane wreck like Ron Brown. Obama must have some really good bodyguards working for him! I don't like democrats but this election from their side is turning out to be interesting. Do you think that Hillary's new campaign slogan will be, "Vote for me or WHHHAAAAA?"

Don't think she'll drop out. Might have to kick her out, even Bill would have a hissy fit.

I have more of a problem with the people who change the way they'll vote in a day or two's time. Granted I love watching the news people with egg on their face but having voters who'll flip flop from one day to the next isn't good. And what made them change? A little boo who? There's no crying in baseball! If that's what changed mind we are doomed! Can't believe some people and what goes into voting. Would have thought they spent more time with the issues. Maybe we shouldn't allow everyone to vote. They seem worse than most of the candidates.:eek:
I hope she hangs in to the bitter end.

After her win last night, it appears that she has split the Dems into two equal sides. Watching the dog fight will be fun.

However, seriously, I dislike the lefties making magnanimous, but meaningless, sound bytes like "into the future" and the popular, "for the children."

Having competition will force them to more carefully define just what exactly separates them, and why one empty suit is better than the other empty suit.

My view is that Hillary will rule like The Red Queen in "Alice in Wonderland" and Obama doesn't have the calones to stand up to Oprah.

And neither one of them has anything to offer but tax and spend and newer restraints on firearms.
Another point being missed here is that these aren't winner-take-all contests so far, so Obama and Hilary are splitting the delegates and the spread between them isn't as big as you might think. It could go either way fairly easily. The real question is when the other Dem also-rans will pack it in.
Right now, it's ok for her to be in the running, because she confuses the mix - Don't want any of the other dem nominees to feel too important as I think they all stink!
And I think we have to be honest here, as well.

No matter what a person might say to be PC, I don't think there are enough "enlightened" people who will vote for a minority or a woman.

I hate to say this, but I would have trouble with that decision, myself.

I think I could vote for a black man ,black woman or a white woman. Just not the current crop. I'd have to agree with them on the issues. Can't find much I agree with either on most things. The big issues to me are so different then them I can't vote for either. Wish I could. Then we might get over the black and woman thing. Just not going to happen this time around.

I wish there was one candidate that was for this country, the working class and the constitution. Closest is Ron Paul, but the message gets lost by the messenger. He needs some polish. The rest are great snake oil salesmen. Sell crap that is bad all around. When Ron talks he sounds crazy, even though the message is right. And sounding like a nut won't win.
Don't look for her to drop out. The conveniently timed "choke up" worked. (The day before, she made a statement in an interview about crying. How's that for a coincidence?)

She won't be able to pull that stunt again, but by rerunning the segment her friends in the media will be sure to remind everyone about it the next time things get tough for her. Most likely it will be something like, "We all remember how Hillary's humanity led her through tough times earlier in the campaign." For anyone affected by such theater, the rerun will be just as potent as the original but without the taint of a repeated performance.
I think I could vote for a black man ,black woman or a white woman. Just not the current crop. I'd have to agree with them on the issues. Can't find much I agree with either on most things. The big issues to me are so different then them I can't vote for either. Wish I could. Then we might get over the black and woman thing. Just not going to happen this time around.
I agree. An additional problem with H. is that she claims gender shouldn't matter but then constantly talks about being the first woman president and about how much harder it is for a woman to run for president. Apparently, to her it does matter quite a lot, despite her claims to the contrary.

Contrast that to Obama. As much as I disagree with him on the issues, I have yet to see him talk about being the first black president. Other people have, but not him, at least not that I've heard. If he has, he's certainly talked about it far less than H. has talked about being a woman.
Right now I see no reason for her to drop out because it could go either way. But, should things go bad for her, I think she should drop out right after she gives a "Left Wing conspiracy" speach.