When should Hillary drop out?


New member
As Hillary has been defeated in 2 primaries (should she not lose NH I'll concede poor political acumen) AND has seen her national lead evaporate, is it better for her to face defeat and retain some future ability to influence or stay in and face being so badly beaten that the even her Senate seat becomes vulnerable.

Obama has her hands down. If she sticks it out till Super Tuesday she could face humiliation instead of a dignified concession. As national politics go, a sound defeat is terribly hard to live down.

She had every known advantage. Money, 'celebrity', her husband is enormously popular to the base, the media had coronation plans in place, and yet she can't seem to win.

So, flick the safety to the on position on the flame thrower and consider this seriously, is it better for her to go ahead and concede and the Dems get a valuable head start and begin the campaign for the general election before the Republicans have a nominee to return fire, or stick it out and face a likely humiliating defeat on Super Tuesday?
Let's hope it's her who wins. Then the Dems are toast in the big one.

Thats my thinking - Hillary would be easier to beat for any republican in the general than Obama. Besides, let her stay in longer and siphon more money from her supporters for a while longer; that may make for a little less democrat money likely to be donated to the democrat nominee for the general election.
Right now she is winning in NH by a slim lead. It looks like the Dem primary is not over yet. Obama is going to get the run of his life once the Clinton machine kicks in. I am pretty sure she will be the Deem candidate. Though Obama will be nipping at her heals.

Though I don't believe she will be easy to beat in the general election, if she wins the primary. Right now the mood of the country is to throwout the Republicans. People want change, and another Republican is not the change they want. In addition a large % of women will vote for her.
Today, as far as I am concerned, but...

...I am sure she will stick it out. If for no other reason, just for the hope of the VP nomination.
Hillary was never as inevitable as the pundits said.

By his approval numbers, most Americans believe Bill Clinton was a good president, but that does not necessarily translate into a shoe-in presidency for his wife.

I have never believed she would be the Dem nominee. Dynasties have no place in a democracy, and after the really horrid results of the Bush/Bush dynasty, the voters will hopefully be very skeptical of ANY family dynasties.
When should Hillary drop out? If she sticks it out till Super Tuesday she could face humiliation instead of a dignified concession.

I would personally rather wait until she's absolutely, totally forever humiliated.

And IMO, I don't think we have a viable republican candidate that can beat Obama or Hillary in the general election.
I am absolutely NOT a Hilllary supporter, but the primary votes so far only represent about .5% of the possible votes. So, she would be crazy to drop out at this point. All of the big vote states are ahead.

Now, just in case I said something good about Hillary I will go wash out my mouth with soap!:eek:
She is leading Obama right now with 16% of precincts reporting. However, I think she should drop out yesterday as I don't agree with her on most issues.
I believe she pulled out a win tonight. Not good new for Obama since now people will see him as a one hit wonder. Nothing will be decided for the main candidates until super Tuesday in Feb.
Well it seems I was mistaken. Hillary will very likely win New Hampshire.

Congratulations and well done.

What kind of sauce is best for hat eating?
One thing of interest is the current trend of the democrats having a much greater caucus/primary turnout than the Republicans. Somebody correct me, but I believe this is a first.
Let's hope it's her who wins. Then the Dems are toast in the big one.

I hope you're right.

I'm scared to death that she will beat any of the Republicans.

Plus, if its down to Rudi the RINO and Hillary, we are in deep doo doo either way. I think Rudi the RINO is just as bad as Hillary. They're both extremely liberal on the social issues, IMO.

The only hope is to have a more conservative or preferably libertarian candidate step up and get noticed down the stretch.
Hillary will be there till the Democratic Convention.

If you look at the total delegate count there isnt that big a difference right now.

Keep your eyes on the total number of delegates. If Obama and Hillary are close come convention time then its to the smoky back rooms where the Clinton machine will clinch it for Hillary.

I dont see a Hillary& Obama ticket. If the delegate counts are close for Hillary and Obama, Edwards could be the wildcard. :eek:
I don't see it, Tibu. Seriously.

I've seen more inspiring speakers at high school pep rallies. I'm not joking.