When Seconds Count The Police are only minutes away

That's probably as good as it's ever going to get.

Its not as good as it can possibly get, but you cannot reasonably expect the best possible outcomes as something possible to produce on demand.

Look at the mass shooting, that wasn't, in Charlotte at the end of May, this year. (about the 26th or so).

A guy with an AR-15 opened fire on a block party. A woman at the party, not a cop, not private security, just an armed citizen, drew her pistol and shot him, DRT. NO ONE ELSE was shot. Only the would be killer. Serendipity that the would be killer didn't hit anyone before being stopped, but it did happen.

Never forget that the bad guys ALWAYS have the element of surprise. THEY choose where, and when they open fire. The very best possible is that someone reacts and stops them before they actually harm anyone, it can, and has happened. But you can't count on it happening, only be thankful if it does.
So, do we think that the Uvalde AND the Parkland (even though it was just one LEO) is going to be a pattern? In my area the police chief met with the Principals of our school district last week and assured them that his officers "were going in" if they got the call. That is remarkable given the history of our area.

Should we couple Uvalde to the Greenwood IN mall shooting and use that as a talking point to the public that "the police ain't gonna save you so you better look after your own self".

That point has been used before hence the title of my thread but do these incidents make it a stronger argument?

Words. Just words that may or may not be lived up to when the fur starts flying. I'm sure all of the agencies involved in the Uvalde shooting would have emitted precisely the same sort of statement in response to the same event happening in a different district. I for one, as much as I might personally like many of the LEO's in my area, take no comfort in their promise to go in harm's way to protect the lives of citizenry. Because in event after event after event, the law enforcement response (both in terms of their tactics/decision-making and effectiveness) to a shooting crisis varies wildly.