When is it time to chamber a round?

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Posted by giaquir: Read the advice and decide for yourself what you feel comfortable with.
I would suggest that making an informed decision based on competent, well substantiated advice is the thing to do.

That may or may not make one feel "comfortable"--at first.

I know when someone tells me what way I should do something and then goes on to tell me that I obviously don't know what I am doing when it comes to firearms I ignore them.
That's certainly a natural response, and it generally speaks poorly of someone to tell someone else how they should do things, or to disparage a person's opinion, without providing a clear explanation.

Just because people think they know everything doesn't mean they do.
No one knows everything, but some of the persons who have responded to this thread have availed themselves of and delivered training and have given meaningful advice.

That said, I think that just about everyone who really thinks about it will conclude that having and depending upon loaded "rifles and shotguns that spend most of their life leaned in various location throughout the house" is a singularly poor idea. The reasons should be rather self evident, but if one bristles at hearing it here, one can discuss the subject with law enforcement officers, firearms trainers, Boy Scout leaders, trauma center staff, home security consultants, or attorneys.

Post #5 is a cogent, reasoned response from someone who does know what he is doing, but should one doubt that advice, one should sign up for the NRA course on the defense of the home.

In the mean time, should one decide to rely upon a long arm for home defense, one should keep it attended or secure, and accessible; those are to some extend mutually exclusive. Whether to keep a round chambered is a personal decision, but one should make sure that it can be done reliably and repeatedly under great stress.
I think this does it. Old M gives sage advice and if we are starting to argue about personality variables - that's time for the bell.

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