When is a primer too expensive?

GIBRASS.com (Jeff Bartlett) has Pull-down SRP at $100, plus Hazmat and shipping. To me that is too much.
I am fortunate to have 4000 Tula SRP I bought when available, and also located a couple thousand LRP (standard and magnum). And enough LPP & SPP, until I run out.
Those with that single motivation must also account for their time spent doing so. And that alone makes it prohibitively expensive; unless of course, you place no value on your time.

No, you just have to decide whether whatever else you could be doing is worth more than the savings in ammo or not.

Can you elect to work overtime and make double time money to spend on ammo?
Or will you watch a ball game?
I think 9mm is the one I need to keep calculating. If you spend about 15 cents for a primer, about 8 cents for the bullet and about 6 cents for the powder, that's close to .30 cents a round. I have seen factory rounds selling for around .25 cents each, so to me, reloading them, I would be losing money.
I'm still hoping for 3 or 4 cents each primers, but I could be dreaming.
Don't forget time loss, but that's universal with whatever caliber we load. I've just long viewed reloading 9mm as a waste when I could be using the same time to load .32, 10mm, or .45 instead and actually save some money with that time.

5 cents a primer will be the new normal once things settle down. And when I can get primers for a nickel each, I will be buying 20k of them and after that every 6 months adding 5k more to my stockpile.

I'm not going to go thru a 5 year long stretch where I have to ration my primers because the industry refuses to invest in increasing production.
I have a feeling that is the "new normal" - even after the run on primers has ended (if it ever ends). Just general inflation and nominal demand will likely keep the prices at that level.
Primers have almost tripled in price, that's not a new normal, that's supply being kept artificially low when it's obvious that the demand for primers isn't going to suddenly disappear, which the industry is predicting because we've seen waves like this for the last 15 years. Apparently the only way the wave of demand stops is if there isn't a Democrat President.

That's why one should amortize the hazmat fee by purchasing not one brick (1000), but five bricks, or ten. Or toss in some powder with the purchase.
The problem there is most online retailers are putting a 1 or 2 quantity limit on the order. Now, that would be fine if it meant I could buy a brick of large and small primers from CCI, Federal, Winchester, and Remington, but often times they only have one type of primer from one brand available for sale.

To further offset that cost powder can be added, but what powder I want and am running low on is Alliant and Alliant powders have been in perpetual shortage for 3 years.
Most of the loads I produce are for hunting purposes. That said there is still trigger time involved throughout the year. I have loads that are accurate for their purposes but I still have to find the time to get out and practice with them.

For years I really didn't have a need for SR primers until recently. I had only two arms that used them, one the 30 Carbine, the other a Contender in .223 AI, neither of which I loaded in bulk. That changed when I purchased a really nice AR-15 to use on the farm for critters. It didn't take long to figure my SR primer inventory would have to be adjusted.

I recently pick up a supply of Fiocchi SR primers. Yes they cost more than my BR-2's, but they have produced excellent groups and come 1500 to a brick. I figured that they will hold me fine until things settle so the extra costs were OK due to the current situation.
Last time I purchase primers I was paying $24 a brick Fed 205,210,215 and case was $125 plus tax. Match primers cost little more. I purchased primers at gun show so everyone had chance to buy at that price.

I belong to couple private gun clubs and never know there was shortage.
Last time I purchase primers I was paying $24 a brick Fed 205,210,215 and case was $125 plus tax. Match primers cost little more. I purchased primers at gun show so everyone had chance to buy at that price.

That ^^^

However I'm in San Diego where they banned gunshows on state property so we no longer have a gun show here . Add to that local primer prices are high and I've not bought primers for several years . I'm now low-ish on LPP and will likely be spending $100 a brick here some time soon . These will be for 45acp and 44mag . It will be worth it for the 44mag but not so much for the 45acp . In this case I will only except paying that much for Winchester large pistol primers because I can use them in both , which I already do .

I'm gtg with everything else and the only reason I'm low-ish (4k) on LPP is I sold some to friends (3k) when times were really bad thinking the prices and availability would have changed by now . Guess it's time to throw out my crystal ball .
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Metal god, I was born Oakland Calif and raised SF. I can remember when Alioto wanted to engraved new serial # on rifles. Only in Calif glad we move to Co.
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I recently made the decision to reload for the one caliber that I’ve been putting off-308 Win.
Thought it would be a good idea to have 100% coverage of all my calibers but this is the only large rifle primer cartridge in the family & I ended up overpaying in order to get started spending the most I’ve ever spent for primers. I’m not worried about the few pennies a piece extra as they’ll last me the rest of my life. These will be hunting rounds that I won’t go through many once I get my recipe figured out & the enjoyment of the process is priceless to me.
Primers have almost tripled in price, that's not a new normal, that's supply being kept artificially low when it's obvious that the demand for primers isn't going to suddenly disappear, which the industry is predicting because we've seen waves like this for the last 15 years. Apparently the only way the wave of demand stops is if there isn't a Democrat President.

The boom/bust cycle in the gun industry is part of our problem. Consumers have been burned by high prices and shortages all too often. But then manufacturers and suppliers have been burned by expanding production to meet demand before and all of a sudden the demand dissipates. I do think manufacturers and larger suppliers have an incentive for higher demand and higher prices. I do not think there is a vast conspiracy of withholding primers from the market to continue the current price trend. I DO think that there are manufacturers who are doing cost/benefit analysis and realize that expanding production will reduce prices. Ask yourself what is safer and easier. Continue to produce 1 billion primers per year and make a profit margin of $.02 per primer; or invest millions in a new factory to expand production to 2 billion primers per year, and the increased supply lowers prices such that the profit margin is $.01 per primer?

Based on that simple economics, it is an easy question to answer. Why take the risk of spending millions on expansion to make the same total profits? It's more nuanced than that. It's possible that this current "peak demand" is the new normal. In that case, if current demand holds even after there is a Republican president then it would make more sense to expand. Sure increasing supply will decrease prices some, but probably not drastically if our demand is at a new normal. But there is also the threat of government regulation drastically reducing demand in the future. An ammo excise tax would hurt demand significantly. Then manufacturers would be holding the bag. I actually wouldn't want to make some of these decisions as an ammo manufacturer. Lots of "what ifs." I understand why things are they are, all I can do is wish they weren't so. Lot of good that does me.
The demand increase has signs of being permanent or close to it. Based on NICS checks, in 2019, gun sales averaged 1.16 million a month. In March 2020, with Covid fears, there were 3.7 million record checks. After the George Floyd protests started, June and July saw 3.9 and 3.6 Million. I saw recently it seems to have settled in at about 2 million a month now. Vista Outdoors president Jason Vanderbrink said in one of his videos that another part of the increase was unexpectedly due to Foodies becoming hunters both to have an outdoor safe-distancing activity during Covid and to participate in the locally-sourced food movement. Apparently, their numbers turned around a multi-year decline in hunting, and he said he thinks they are now likely a permanent market addition, too, and they've made record amounts of hunting ammunition to keep them supported.

All those new guns need ammunition, and the ammo makers have added employees and shifts, and it took them a long time to be able to start keeping up. There's been a new primer maker added in Texas, but there's also been a new ammo maker added down there. So I think the shortage of primers has mainly been their diversion to ammo making in order to keep the plant shifts working and the new gun owners and users supplied. This simple market forces explanation seems likely to be the real issue, as adding the complexity of conspiracies on top of that and all the people who'd have to keep them secret while still paying inventory taxes on their stock makes it much more complicated. As Occam's Razor has it, more complicated explanations are least probable, particularly when they would have to be in addition to all the known market forces already eating up supply.
My apologies if someone already said this (didn't read all posts), but there is a very simple and accurate answer to this question:

When is something priced too high? When nobody is willing to pay the asking price.

If anyone is willing to pay, it's not too expensive. That's just simple economics. If we keep paying inflated primer prices, then sellers will keep selling them for more and more. It's capitalism.
If anyone is willing to pay, it's not too expensive. That's just simple economics. If we keep paying inflated primer prices, then sellers will keep selling them for more and more. It's capitalism.
Yep. We see the same thing with guns as well. The auction sites are a prime example there. Still buying with over-inflated pricing.... As long as this continues we won't see a decrease in prices. Not so bad for me, as I have enough primers to last me quite a few years and of course have a enough firearms as well. But for the 'new guy'.... Feel for him.
During the lock downs my wife forced me to buy primers wherever we found them. She hasn't let up now that primers are more readily available, but more expensive. My maximum purchase in 2020 was under $40, but I may have spent at least that in gasoline. We wrote it off as entertainment as that was about the only time we left the house, aside from grocery shopping. Nothing else was open.
In 2021 I paid $55 for small rifle when I could find them. Things seemed to dry up after September 2021.
In 2022, after I'd refused to buy primers at market prices I was able to pick up 5 bricks of Federal Large Pistol for $75/bk. The seller was a small manufacturer in NC who had invested in the Expansion debacle, with deliveries expected in a month or so (July 2022), which is why he sold me some of his stock. I also paid $86/bk for a case of Rem 7 1/2s, making what I thought would be the high water mark for me...but alas, adding 6.8 Rem SPC to my bench pushed me to buy 5 sleeves of Remington 9 1/2 LRP at $45.90, effectively $91.80/bk. Thankfully, I soon thereafter discovered SRP 6.8 brass, so I can use my 3c to 4.5c SRPs for loading.
So, as other have discovered, my price tolerance is greater than I thought possible just 2 years ago. While I long for lower pricing, I'm content to accept greater availability for now...when blended into my total primer supply my average cost is 5c. Time will tell how that changes in 2023.
another issue is ....buyers of primers aren't buying them to use or hoard, they are flipping them, adding to the inflation of the market.

eco101...greed is good.
in the primer/gun industry, everyone is getting greedy...with no interest in shooting the stuff.
everyones trying to line their pockets to buy groceries.
Last year in june i paid $81 for 5 gallons of contact cement. YESTERDAY i paid $191. Its the new normal on primers, contact cement, eggs and everything.
i was at grafs yesterday on my way to another place looking for powder and bullets...:(

but they did have cci 400 SRP for 80 bucks/1000...so i got a box of them...musta been 7-8 boxes i guess

i just opend a new sleeve and the price tag said 33.95.....the one it replaced had a tag on it the read 30.99....lol....my how times have changed
