When is a pistol "loaded"?

No matter how many times I take one of my guns out I will ALWAYS check it.A friend got playing with his gun took the clip out and playing put it to his head he's been dead a few years now.I would say any gun with a loaded Mag. would be a loaded gun :)
Agreed Double Naught Spy - my version is: Aside from the obvious Rule #1(Treat all guns as if they are loaded.) I consider any firearms that I pick up to status check to be loaded when I find live rounds in the gun - whether in the magazine or the chamber doesn't really matter.

After confirming the lack of such, I can treat the weapon as if it is unloaded - for such things and field stripping and cleaning. If rounds are found, it must be unloaded first.
In the academy on our first day of firearms (classroom) our instructor brought ~50 handguns in and had them set up for us to handle/checkout. On the chalkboard was written "One of these guns is loaded". I laughed and said "the one you don't check right". The instructor just smiled.

A gun can be considered unloaded if I've checked it and still have it in my hand. If I set it down, even for a second, it's considered loaded until I check it again.

Cape Canaveral

A gun can be considered unloaded if I've checked it and still have it in my hand. If I set it down, even for a second, it's considered loaded until I check it again.

Admitt it, you're really Jeff Cooper aren't you!? :D
I assume my semi-autos are loaded unless:

I see the slide locked open,
I see the magazine is not in the gun,
I see no round in the chamber.
A revolver is loaded when there is any ammunition in the cylinder. A semi is loaded when there is any ammunition in the chamber or magazine.

I feel SOMEWHAT safe carrying a peice that has ammo in the mag, but not chambered, but if i had the option, id only screw around with a fully unloaded weapon.