

New member
For the last ten years or so, I've been amazed at the absolute craze with auto pistols. Does the wheelgun have little or no appeal anymore? I know that there is still a huge contingent of wheelgun enthusiasts who would use nothing else, but it seems that everyone is rushing out to buy autos and not even glancing at the revolvers. Most inexperienced shooters feel a rush when they have the latest "Ah-nuld" magnum. They feel superior with magazines and magazines of the latest "man-stopping" hollowpoints. I don't feel undergunned with my revolvers at all. I prefer them, actually. A revolver is a much more versatile tool than an auto. Can't scope an auto (at least I havn't seen it), can't hunt with most autos (Wildey's and some others excluded). Revolvers don't leave incriminating brass laying around. I don't know...I like autos, especially the Sig I'm about to buy, but I think revolvers are all too ignored, especially by the people that would be best served by them. Off the box...
If you don't know what you need, or why you're buying it--or what to do with it when you get it--then you go for something new that glitters. Surely you don't think all those soccer moms plan to go four wheeling in their SUVs...
Really? Revolvers are highly respected around my parts. IMHO, they are the best available tool for home self defense.

I agree entirely. Just bought the wife a S&W 442 in .38 Spl. Got it stoked with 125 gr. +P Starfires. She's 4'8" and when we went to the range here in VA to let her try her hand at several different types of handguns, she didn't like the idea of brass flying all around her. Plus, you don't have to fumble with the slide or magazines (especially worriesome is the magazine spring failing). Revolvers are pretty much best for most work, even low-key deep-cover stuff. People have this insane fixation with beau-coup rounds in hand. If you can't hit 'em with the first or second shot, ya' got no business with a handgun to begin with...
Ruger SP-101 fixed sights .357 mag is the only gun I feel I can safely carry, and feel
confident for self defense, I own 1911s and
a bunch of 9mm autos with 15 rd mags, but I
allways think if something can go wrong it
will, Murphys law, with the SP I know I can
get 5 shots of proven defense loads, I even
cock each chamber to make sure no high primers, and the gun hides nice ISWB, stainless so low rust,if ya need more than 5 shots a Micro-Uzi full-auto with 30 rd mags:}
We posted a lot of stuff on wheelguns on a thread here called,"Am I missing Something here?".

Several wheelguns here at Casa McC, and there always will be. Much as I like my GM, the medium caliber, mid sized frame revolver has plenty going for it.
I have always felt that small revolvers conceal better than small pistols, especially now with the new ti revolvers on the market.

Small revolvers are also much easier to grip than small pistols, making them easier to handle.
I don't understand why S&W wastes so much time, effort, advertising, and production capacity to make so many redundant models of "crunch-n-clickers". Why don't they focus on what they do best? They make the sweetest revolvers on the planet, yet they seem intent to put all their effort into over supplying an already saturated market with even more semi-auto pistols.

Meanwhile demand goes unmet for unique revolvers like the 3" .357 Model 60 w/adjustable sights, various Mountain Guns, .22 kit guns, hunting wheelguns, and others. Smith instead wants to make a Glock, to compete with Glock, in market owned by Glock. Who's the marketing genius that thought that one up? SIG, Glock, Walther, Kahr, Berretta, H&K - all make high quality semi-autos, but none of them make revolvers and none of them could make a revolver that would hold a candle to Smith. Oh well, I can feel my blood pressure raising, I better stop ranting. Smith ain't the only gun manufacturer I can't figure out.

PS. I've had a 3" Ruger SP101 for about five years. Love it - accurate, reliable, light, small, handy, powerful, affordable, simple, anvil tough, (with the Hogue finger groove grips) it even looks nice. You don't see much about them in the gun rags, I guess they're not new enough or flashy enough. If I had to choose one handgun to keep, it would definitely make the short list. -- Kernel

[This message has been edited by Kernel (edited December 02, 1999).]
I don't discriminate. I love all "flavors".

Every tool/toy has it's purpose.

Of the last few handguns I've purchased, 7 were revolvers, 5 semi-autos, and 2 single shots.

Going to a local gun show Sunday. Hard to tell what might follow me home...


I like them all also, One of my last recent purchases was a used Colt Detective Special .38. Excellent condition and the price was right and its a good shooter to. :)

gun control is people control

I hate wheels but have to give them credit nothing feels better in the hand, and acuracy is very good. BUT nothing beats reloading an auto, speed loaders be damned, ccw is better, and 6 vs 16 is simple math. Also single action after the first shot is a wonderful things. Now I am not speaking for all auto lovers just myself which is a matter of preferrence.
My most recent purchase was a S&W Model 27 4" to keep my S&W Model 19 6" company. It is in mint condition. I bought it because an N frame soaks up the recoil of 357s much better than the K frame. I too enjoy shooting autos, but I still enjoy the wheelgun and can shoot tighter groups than with my autos. See a similar thread I started entitled S&W Model 27.

Along these lines, I sent an email to S&W about the possibility of making an M618.
A stainless twin to the 4" tapered barrel, six-shot, medium-framed Model 18, the .22 Combat Masterpiece.
I don't like the full-underlugged rimfires. There already is a lot more steel on the gun, due to the smaller holes in the cylinder and barrel.
The balance is all wrong, and it's too heavy (IMO) as a trail gun.
I know there is the M63, a stainless .22 kitgun on the small J-frame. That just doesn't fit my hands as well and I like the medium frame much better.
If you're interested in what S&W said, go to Revolvers at Gunspot or Wheelguns at Shooters.
Kernel, you hit it on the head. I have used and shot a lot of handguns in 40 years plus of shooting, and you'd think that by now S&W would have come up with a semiauto pistol that I would want. I guess you could say that I voted with my wallet over the years. On the other hand, there is always room in my safe for a fine S&W revolver. Odd that their management can't work it out.

BobFoote, you took the words outta my mouth!
I have been shooting about 30+ years and have never owned a Smith and Wesson auto pistol, neither have I ever wanted to own one. I date back to when the Model 39 was the only one available. Oh, yes... think they had the 38 Wadcutter one, too. Anyway, I have bought uncounted S&W revolvers!

At the same time, I have bought uncounted Colt 45 Automatic pistols. Only two Colt revos, which soon were returned back into the gun dealer's used case. An Agent and a Python. Did not inspire confidence in me, anyway.

In short, a S&W Revolver and a Colt Automatic are the only two handguns I will buy after these years of shooting experience. Never owned a Ruger, prolly never will.

Long live S&W Revolvers!!! :D

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
S&W does make the model 41 semi and it is a great gun. Too bad it is the only one they make I like and the latest ones out of the factory look like cheap junk. As for wheelguns, my 29 was a great one after I had it blueprinted, trigger job done, and Magnaported. Whoever stole that got a hell of a pistol. My Colt revolvers are fantastic but are all at least 25 years old or older. I love wheelguns, but what I have been seeing out of the factories these days just don't compare to the fit and finish of the ones from years ago IMO. I have been looking for a nice NIB K22 Masterpiece and Diamondback .22 6 inch NIB forever it seems. My semis are fun and accurate but I grew up with revolvers and they have always held a special place for me.

[This message has been edited by slickpuppy (edited December 03, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by slickpuppy (edited December 03, 1999).]
Greetings Gentlemen; To start with, I'm a
semi-auto fanatic; with the exception of
2 revolvers, everything else is semi-auto.
I prefer Sig's; as I currently own four.
However, my last purchase was a 98%+ Smith
& Wesson Model 28; probably made around
1980. It's a beautiful weapon, and NONE
of my auto's will out shoot it!!! My other
revolver was the most sought after handgun
during the Viet-Nam war; a Smith & Wesson
Model 60 in .38 special. Both of these fine
firearms are keeper's; they ain't going
nowhere !!!

Ala Dan
Perhaps the reason we do not see too much revolver-oriented posting is the fact that revolvers have an alarming propensity to work reliably almost all the time. I like to joke that Smith and Wesson should be credited with the first true "point and click" interface. : )

I notice that many posts about autos consist of "My <expensive new automatic> wont't feed <expensive exotic ammo> reliably. Why not?" The fact that revolvers work so reliably with about anything you can shove into them gives us precious little to talk about!

Besides, with a revolver, your brass does not have the annoying propensity to fly 25 feet into the nearest fire-ant pile. Instead, they tend to land neatly in your right hand when you depress the ejector rod.

My $0.02.