If she thinks the Kahr PM9 is snappy, she's going to have difficulty in finding a CCW with less recoil in a defense caliber. Don't let her buy anything till she has rented or borrowed to know what she wants. As males, we think we know what will be the best gun for our lovely opposite sex because of our interest and experience, you will become frustrated, let her pick - slowly.
CCW for small frame handguns is a compromise, when you give up weight/garment sag, you get more recoil. I always pocket carry and can shoot a 357 snubbie well, but it is not an enjoyable range gun, I have stainless models for that. Though I think a 38 alloy snubbie is great for CCW, if they can't shoot it well enough to count, it will destroy their confiedence, and they probably won't carry.
With my wife, though I thought we finally had the CCW issue resolved, she prefers a full sized Sig 45acp(!), and though a 38 alloy snubbie carried well, she shoots better with a semi-automatic, now a Walther PPK/S. A Glock 19 or similar poly midsized semi-auto would be perfect, but most women want small on the body carry. A proper CCW purse can be a great option only if it is carried ALL the time.
Go slow.