What's your "Tactical Advantage"

1.) Condition yellow at all times when I am in contact with strangers, and mentally sizing-up any potential BGs, such as Overman or doubleaes2 ( :D)
2.) I occasionally go with the military look (black t-shirt, olive drab pants tucked into combat boots).
3.) I take Martial Arts (brown belt in Kenpo Karate, some experience in Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, and Philipino knife and stick fighting).
4.) My normal face is an expressionless stare that tends to make people nervous (I am working to rectify this, as it can put a damper on my social life)

All this is to make up for the tactical disadvantages of:
1.) Being only 5'7" :mad: and weighing in at 140 lb.
2). Being only eighteen, and looking several years younger than that. :mad:
2). Being only eighteen, and looking several years younger than that.

Don't feel bad... I'll be 27 this month and just last year I got carded buying R rated movies at Wally World... twice...
I third the 6'5" 225 shaved head deal. I also have a mean and somewhat intimidating look according to some of my friends. I have also been accused of looking like an Eastern European terrorist by those same friends, and a viking. I am currently waiting on my cwp, SLOW (read SLED) is taking that full 90 days for me, but in preparation for that I have begun carrying more of my stuff on the left side so that my strong side will be open. I have also been training in martial arts and tactical shooting with a unit and alone. I do tend to be wary of anyone I don't already know, but i have been known to give that same blank stare and apparently that makes people nervous.
I try to have a plan.

The way I figure it, a crackhead can outwit a lawyer and take his money because of one thing. The crackhead had a plan and the lawyer did not.

I analyze my vulnerabilities, and try to establish a plan that will allow avoidance if possible, survival if necessary.
Don't feel bad... I'll be 27 this month and just last year I got carded buying R rated movies at Wally World... twice...

i'm glad i'm not the only 24year old that gets carded for stuff.
Don't feel bad... I'll be 27 this month and just last year I got carded buying R rated movies at Wally World... twice...

i'm glad i'm not the only 24year old that gets carded for stuff.

Guys, trust me on this one. The day will come when the best compliment you could ever get will be to get carded. :eek: ;)
I do the best I can to draw and shoot a pistol like D A Bryce. I know that I will never be as good as he was, but it has saved my life twice,
Think of Murphy everytime you go out into world.

Because its going to be that one time (out of 1,000) that you decided to leave your firearm at home because you forgot to clean it last night, or you were late to work, or you were in your car driving off and then the event you have been preparing for happens.... :eek:

When did Noah build the Ark? Before the rain, before the rain.

First tactical advantage: From the boy scout motto: Be Prepared.

First Law of a gunfight: Have a gun. :D
I agree with Chris and the rest of you, I was always taught to avoid a situation at all costs when carrying CCW. If that means running away then ok. I might not like the fact I am running, but if it avoids me from shooting someone, then ok.

I just like to make fun of the French everytime I get a chance to.
I constantly hide. Even if nobody is looking for me. Thats when they get you, when you think they are not looking for you...

Sometimes I hide in the dumpster all day, they will never look for me there. :rolleyes:
A lot of my life would bore the socks off most of you: double check all doors before going to bed, turn on individual door alarms (cheap battery screechers), unplug cell & turn on & unlock, lay cell where I can see the little blinking led all nite long, . . . put 1911 in exact same place on nite stand every nite and in exact same position.

Try to get corner booth/table at all eateries, take a wall seat if corner unavailable.

Never wear glove on shooting hand or if one is on, . . . the kind that shucks off with a flip of the wrist.

1911, cell phone, 2 extra mags whenever I leave the premises if at all possible.

Carry everything in left hand, right always empty if at all possible.

Threat scan 360 basically every time I go out any door or exit any vehicle.

There are areas of certain towns, cities, I refuse to go into: period!

Use the drive in teller rather than going inside the bank.

Keep all doors locked on your vehicle, even if the window is rolled down.

I can go on and on: idea is to get into a series of good habits, so you have the plan working, . . . now, . . . for you, . . . and you do it without thinking.

At first you think everyone is thinking you are paranoid that the booger-man is after you, . . . but after a while, . . . it becomes common place and it is as natural as anything to do them.

The idea behind the whole thing: see trouble coming before it gets to you. Know where the possible threat may come from, . . . and don't go there or don't put yourself in the situation where you can be a victim.

My system is more prevention, first, . . . awareness, second, . . . and then I will have to rely on the training and practice I have put into it. Hopefully the first two will preclude the third from arriving.

May God bless,
I hate to say this, I've been told many times (in jest but you know how that goes), I look like your typical seriel murderer :(.

I am more of a loner (ackward around new people, watching them consantly(sp)) but am a "party animal" with friends). I am 6' tall but weigh in at a whooping 150lbs (well, now down to 147). I wear glasses and don't have a girlfriend (reason for that, no, not that, the other thing).

Unfortunatly, many people are intimidated by me just by looks. I don't grimice, I don't do anything, just that people get an "odd feeling" about me until they get to know me.

I've always been observent, I like to "people watch" (bird watching is for the birds :D ).

As for the rest, I just do as Dwight. I do go inside to the bank (have to say howdy to the tellers, they know me now).

Sadly, my tactical advantages are those of SGHOTH and Christopher H. The problem is that the thick layer of blubber protecting my vital organs inhibits my ability to run away quickly! :p
What Dwight55 said: "My system is more prevention, first, . . . awareness, second, . . . and then I will have to rely on the training and practice I have put into it. Hopefully the first two will preclude the third from arriving."

That really sums it all up. There's just no point in going out there looking for trouble if it can be avoided. There's certain parts of town that I just won't go -- I haven't got any business there anyway. While I will use ATM's, I'm on heightened alert when I do. All in all, I live a pretty dull, boring life -- and to a large extent I do that on purpose. I've been the "wild child" before and I grew out of it.

I used to be tall and slender like Wayne, but I eventually bulked up some to where I am now: 6'3", 205lbs, and while I'm not one to go about grimacing, I do notice that people don't tend to give me any trouble. I tend to be pleasant to everybody until they prove to me that they don't deserve it, but I'm watching out nonetheless.
"i don't know who said it first but they definatly said it best-

'Be nice, be polite, but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.'"

Dang. I'm watching out for that guy.

#1 I've always looked older and wiser than I am. Never been carded in my life except to buy BB's in Wal-Mart when I was 20. Sorry, capt. charlie, but I didn't take that one as a compliment. The lady still wouldn't sell them to me 'cause I wasn't 21. Married for three years, homeowner for 2 years, old enough to buy a shotgun or rifle, and the lady wants me to bring my parents in to buy bb's for me, 'cause I'm not responsible enough not to shoot my eye out.

#2 I don't let people sneak up on me. Sounds simple, but don't let people sneak up on you and if you see someone doing something like that, let him know you see him. If nothing else say "Hi!". If he looks down at his shoes and leaves the area- not just the don't want to talk to strangers look, but the how-did-you-know-I-had-my-hands-in-the-cookie-jar look- let him know you're suspicious. And, you better watch out for the guy. Odds are since you've seen him he won't come back, but if he does there will be trouble.