What's your "Tactical Advantage"


New member
Here is one I have been thinking on for a while, and thought maybe it might be a help to get a "collective response" on. Did a search for this as well and didn't see anything, so I hope this is not one that was covered in a previous post and I missed. What is something that you do, that you feel, helps give you a "Tactical Advantage"? (Can be in different situations as well, perhaps going to the store at night, while in your home, while CCing, etc.) This can be anything from a general response, as in:"Always aware of my surroundings", to something more specific, as in "Make sure I'm not carrying my keys in the same hand I might need to get to my weapon with." The point being here to get us all thinking and share our wisdom. Nothing is to basic on this one. Looking for those responses where someone says: "That's a great idea, never thought of that one!" And hopefully learn something that we can add to our own personal "knowledge-base". Anyone have any input/thoughts?
When on foot I always try to look like I know exactly where I'm going, even if that's not the case. Seems to at least throw off the panhandlers a little bit.
I've worked long and hard to train myself to be a lousy housekeeper. Should BG gain entry they will make such a racket tripping over stuff I will be alerted to their presence.

Yes, I live alone.
My tactical advantage involves making any potential agressor think twice before accosting me.

I weigh 220 pounds and shave my head. And I can look like a crazy, sociopathic mofo when I want to. For daytime use, I purposly buy cheap sunglasses whose style helps accentuate a dangerous look.

That, and carrying myself like someone who would just as easily and willingly dismember someone who dared wrong me as give them the time of day has kept me out of trouble for decades.
I think theres alot to be said for haveing the right attitude
Carring yourself in a confident way. Not looking like prey!
S.E.R.T.SGT where are you a member?
Training, practice, more training, more practice, and... did I mention training?

Half joking, half serious. One thing you might want to get in the habit of doing: Instead of just walking into your local Stop & Rob for a gallon of milk (or beer), take a second to look inside. Is the clerk behind the counter? Does (s)he look relaxed? Who else is in the store? Nothing like stumbling into a robbery in progress to liven up your day.
This is some good stuff. Kind of things I was hoping to get in this thread.

P.S. Note to self if you see a Bald Sociopath with cheap glasses and goes by the call name Overman...stay clear..hehe.

Crusher...close to Atl, GA. ;)
Keep your hands free.
Be situationally aware at all times.
Always have an escape route picked out...and a backup route.
I try not to hug corners or walls when walking...make sure nobody is hiding around the corner.
In restaurants, position yourself to watch entrance/exits...at the least sit with your back against the wall.

It really comes down to situational awareness and keeping track of your surroundings.

Chris, your good at running away? You must have been trained by the best in France. Sorry could not let that slip away. Nothing is wrong with a good retreat, infact I think running is one of my better talents.
Yeah, i'd go with Chris, my best tac advantage is being able to run a 4.48sec 40yd dash. If that fails the next advantage is 13rds of .40 JHP :D
i don't know who said it first but they definatly said it best-

"Be nice, be polite, but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

do that and you're already 2 steps ahead of 99.99% of everyone on the face of the planet.

p.s. if anyone does know who said that first, please let me know.
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Nothing is wrong with a good retreat, infact I think running is one of my better talents.
I firmly believe that the best defense against any attack is to not be there when it is thrown...

i don't know who said it first but they definatly said it best-
"Be nice, be polite, but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

I like that one also - sounds just a little bit crazy, but its interesting...
I'm rabidly anti-social enough that the mere presence of other human beings in my vacinity sets me on edge, so I always tend to be aware of them.
The shaved head works great. I'm 6'4", 315 and I keep my head shaved also. People just tend to look at you and not bother you. :)