A point or points:
If the goverment is trying to remove the RKBA and the media is involved in this action then that in itself is indeed a conspiracy, there is nothing silly about it. If there is no conspiracy then why is the media so slanted against the RKBA ? Also the fact that the UN has called for global disarmermant. Link:
Goverments have always used propaganda and will continue to do so. As silly as it may seem it is more silly to discount the possibliity of a conspiracy when overwhelming evidence supports that it is just that. Canada & Austrailia are the freshest victims in the global disarmerment conspiracy.
Why is the government incapable of conspiracy ? You would think it was a bad word, it is not as if this has not happened before.
I also disagree with the effectiveness of propaganda. The Pavlovian dog test is no different then flashing a picture of a coke on the screen & it is indeed effective because it reminds you of a pleasent or refreshing drink without you being aware. It is not a urban legend it was actually done.
Of course what I was stating I stated as hypothetical, the fact remains that it is possible. Whether or not it goes on I don't know but repeated exposure to suggestive material to an individual who is susceptible more then likely will have a effect. Just look at all of the new socialist we have born to give their rights to the goverment. This is not an act of sane people, it is an act of people indoctrinated into a belief system manufactured for a specific reason.
With the power of technology now at our hands it is inconceivable that a goverment would not use it to their advantage. The media today and the technology behind it is the single biggest tool to control the masses available bar none. Our goverment doesn't have the best track record for not expirimenting on it's subjects either. How about the LSD mind control expiriments ? If I had said that the govt was giving people LSD and trying to control their minds back then you'd have thought me silly too. But it happened.
Anyway my disclaimer said I was a paranoid gun nut hypothesizing
[This message has been edited by scud (edited June 01, 2000).]