What's your least favorite firearm you own?


New member
Someone posted in another sub forum "What's your favorite firearm". Let's shake things up.

What's your least favorite firearm you still own?

I'll start.

Para Ordnance Pro Carry II in .45. When it doesn't jam it ejects shells right into your forehead. I think I hate it.
Similar; I have a Citadel 1911 clone that's just short of worthless for function. "IF" you can get a round to properly chamber from the magazine, the following round won't. I've tried Wilson Combat and Kimber mags, polished the feed ramp, extractor tension.. Nope. The best I can get is by just shooting standard 230 gr. ball ammo; even then it's questionable. It trips up on everything else. I gave up on it. Thought about selling it, but I wouldn't feel right passing that fail onto somebody else.
I have a little .25 ACP called a Libia. It is an inexact copy of a Browning 1906 vest pocket pistol, made in Spain in between WW I and the Spanish Civil War. It was inherited, and I keep it as a memento or it would be gone. I shoot it very infrequently, but I reminded myself why a couple of weeks ago. It seldom gets through a 6 round mag without a stoppage. The best way to hit the side of a barn with it is to be inside, and even then you might need to bench rest it. And stripping it and reassembling is a pain. Overall, it would have to be on about a three-foot-tall shelf to be a pain in the neck.
I sell all the guns I don't like.

But there's one I haven't gotten a chance to sell yet: Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Target. Songs could be written about how bad the trigger is. And about how picky it is with ammo. And about how often I get FTF malfunctions.

Just no.
I get rid of the things that I don't like.
So, I'm having to really think about this.

Ah... Easy way out: A 1916 Spanish Mauser with something massively wrong with the locking lugs in the receiver. I attempted to remove the barrel to investigate (and save the barrel if the receiver was junk). No luck.
I had a gunsmith try to pull the barrel. No luck.
I had another gunsmith use his over-kill hydraulic barrel vise to try to pull the barrel. No luck.
I said, 'screw it, get the torch', and we hit that stubborn SOB with heat, a pipe wrench, and cheater bars on both the pipe wrench and action wrench. No luck.

"ALRIGHT THEN, you can't be stuck if you're liquid!" :mad: I went in for the kill, but the gunsmith decided that splattering molten Spanish steel was probably not the best idea in his shop ... and shut me down.

Stupid rifle. I should bury it in the garden and put it out of my misery.
My uncle gave me a Hi-Point C9. I had to shoot it...well, because.

The slide on the fraking thing bit me because I had too high a grip on it. Still have the scars to show for it, too.

And the mag always needs some tweaking to feed properly. I gave up after 3 range trips. Maybe one day I'll try to get it running again.
Polish P64, I'm done after a couple mags.
It has this very uncomfortable stinging
vibration that radiates into the hand.
It's in really good shape and has never malfunctioned so I kept it to keep my Makarov company.
"I get rid of things I don't like." FrankenMauser.
Perfectly said.
Mee too..but one persons' dislike' is another's 'like'...of the 3 I got rid of because there were a PITA to shoot, for ME..S&W 642 and Ruger LCP and Ruger LC-9..they work but anything I own, i'm gonna shoot and they gotta be FTS...
I’m a picky purchaser, so I rarely obtain something I didn’t like. Doesn’t men that some things are more liked than others
I have some guns that I never shoot, but keep for sentimental reasons. I also have others that I really enjoy shooting, but time and money often see them languishing in the safe. If I had to pick a "least favorite" it would be the Glock G20. I purchased it because I wanted a 10mm and have really only shot it a few times. I keep it because selling it would not bring much money and if I did sell it I wouldn't have a 10mm.
A late 1970s vintage Charter Target Bulldog. It is a lousy execution of a good idea and totally turned me off from sleeved barrels. It also has lousy target sights that I had to shim the sides to keep them from wobbling. It’s a house gun because it goes bang every time and that’s it’s only redeeming value besides being a .44.
Kel-Tec P3AT. It's not that I don't like it, but with the smaller 9mm pistols today such as the G43 and Sig 365 it just doesn't get used much. It just isn't that much harder to carry the 9mm's. I couldn't sell it for much either, so I just keep it.
Don’t really have any I don’t like.

If I had to pick one as least favorite though, it probably be the Rohm RG30 I bought for a dollar.

It shoots well, for what it is, and is easy for the wife and kids to shoot. Is comfy in the hand, and after fixing a sticky firing pin, it’s been 100% reliable for the couple hundred rounds I’ve put through it.

But, there really is no attachment to it. Not a big investment in time or money. I have other handguns that do everything it can do and do it better. If I had to choose one to let go, it could go without batting an eye, whereas any of the others would take a little (or considerable) persuasion.
My least favorite gun is the one I'm carrying at any given moment.

I like them all. As others have said, I don't keep things I don't like or want. But the one I happen to be carrying is, at that time, a pain. Pokes me, weighs me down, takes up space, causes safety concerns, on and on.

It's worth all that hassle, for sure. But that's my least favorite at that moment.