What's Your Favorite Part of Hunting?

For me I would say that the best part is when all of your preparations come together. That moment when a deer, or turkey first steps into your view, and whether you shoot or not it does not matter. if that animal dies or not I was better than it on that day. This followed by the moments after the kill. I can only imagine for now, but I look forward to taking my 3 boys to get there first deer when there of age. Only a few more years
I love all the above but I must admit it's the kill I love the best when all the hard work and money spent on gear and such comes together. I still get an adrenlin rush, even when taking a doe. If I ever lose that aspect of the hunt I'll quit hunting and just hike & camp.
Where I hunt I always see deer. But when a good mature buck shows up it's all I can do to calm myself down to make the shot. That's what I hunt for. Well that and the meat from the does and hogs. If I had to kill something in order to enjoy hunting I would have quit a long time ago but the kill is still my favorite part.
The companionship:


Having the only snowmen in elk camp.


A not to bright granddaughter

my favorite part of hunting?

I would say the part I like the best is trying to catch my breath back after a big whitetail comes into my shooting lane (usually archery). Normally the distant kills are not as worthy for me, but the close ones sure make my day!
Favorite part?

It comes after getting out of the truck and loading up....SHUTTING MY DANG PHONE OFF:D Being the #2 guy in a fast paced business with two crews is taxing to say the least. If it's not the owner, one of my guys, or a customer calling...it's a text or email:(

I enjoy the BS'ing with my buddy and the call to the other guys bragging as we hike out of the woods dragging our deer out too.:)
I feel like I am taking part in nature. Nature designed us to be a predator animal. When we hunt we are playing that roll.
I enjoy the friendships that develop and being part of nature.

The friendships are self explanatory.

As far as nature goes, any one can go and observe nature. Hunting allows you to become part of nature in a way that you can't understand just by observing it. Hunting allows our animal side to come out. Hunting allows us to truely connect to the world outside of our four walls.

Killing is actually the thing that I dislike the most and I always have mixed emotions after taking an animal.
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Let's see, favorite parts of hunting.

Taking the climber stand up a tree and fighting the urge to take a nap as the winds sways the tree back and forth. No better sleep in the world. And it goes without saying that the view is always a beautiful one.

Watching animals go about their daily routines oblivious to me. The more I watch the more I wish we were all more like them. I especially like spotting animals that are normally very hard to locate, like bobcats and bears. I love being as close as possible to the other animals without them noticing me.

Currently my favorite hunting method is with a muzzleloader, and I absolutely love that big POOF of smoke that obscures your view, and the whole process of loading and cleaning one. I also love the relative silence and tranquility that goes along with bow hunting. No loud gunshots, no deer dogs running around disturbing things, less people out in the woods.

And of course, the friendship and laughter that goes around when someone has gotten lucky is always a high point. A certain someone has been trying to get the ups and downs of cleaning a deer this season, and that's been a lot of entertainment. She's definitely not shy about getting her hands bloody. ;)
Having had the chance to read the responses, I reckon I can comment on some of the other parts of hunting that people mentioned. Just don't take it personally if I don't like what you like.

I like being outside waiting for the sun to come up. I love listening to the sounds when I can't see.

I like the thrill of the first sighting, but there is always a little sorrow that goes along with the kill and from there to the freezer I could live without. I do my own butchering.

As far as the eating goes, I eat it all, but there are plenty of things I like better.

It isn't often I get to move out of the blind and stalk, but that's fun.

And I really enjoy doing something that I can talk about with others who like the same thing. I suppose that's the essence of a hobby for me. It's a vehicle for interaction with others.
The almost magical work of the dogs. still amazes me how it works sometimes.

Listening to dogs flushing the game, figuring out where to sneak of to catch the pursuit and get a window to shot. or if you are stationed in a blind or whatever and hearing it getting closer.

Listening to the baying of something and getting up close.

Seeing me labrador swimming out to get some ducks or running out in the field for some geese and coming back with them beaming with pride.

Sure i do some pure stalking and some bigger organized stuff but that is not my fav, it is for the meat.

Strange to say but I do enjoy the tracking of wounded animals(not my own obviosuly) more like I like the challenge when called out (either from the police and a traffic accident) or some other hunter who botched it. and again it is the dogs that do me proud
Best part about hunting...

When I'm bow hunting, my favorite thing is getting in the tree stand and getting to watch the sunrise.

The only thing that would top that is hunting upland game and watching dogs work. Pheasants, quail, chukar... Anything that I get to hunt and watch dogs work is great.

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The almost magical work of the dogs.

I totally agree with Husqvarna and AllAroundHunter. I just love to watch any working dog work.

My biggest kick is being with 3+ beagles as they pick up a cold trail, follow until it's hot, and then see the rabbit. Oh my!

I can't imagine the dogs' excitement not pouring over to the hunter. It's just, well, TOTAL FUN!

NRA Life Member
"There are some ideas so preposterous that only an intellectual will believe them." - Malcolm Muggeridge
Best for me

Was just getting to go this year.My wife is giving me a hard time for not getting anything last month on Catoosa WMA.Another guy that I work with got drawn on the same hunt and he didn't get anything either.But hey it was 3 days away from everything and everybody and that to me is priceless.I got another draw hunt on Chuck Swann WMA this weekend and then I will be going to Big Southfork for the rest of the season when I get days off.Even if I never get anything it will be time well spent in my eyes.
I enjoy every part of hunting from setting up good camp to being above timberline before 1st light. Always figured getting something was a bonus.

I did enjoy archery this year maybe old bones like the warmer weather as I got about foot half of snow on my rifle cow elk tag.
The best part of big game hunting is the anticipation. Anticipation before the season and before the next day's hunt. I used to love scouting before the season, but now with all the tics around, I don't enjoy "busting brush" during the warmer times of the year.

With small game hunting, it is the satisfaction of the actually doing it. If you hunt rabbits with a dog, the anticipation factor comes into play and the actual kill is anti-climatical.

In the past, it was all about being successful. I don't feel that way any more. I enjoy doing it more, thinking about it, and talking about it.