What's Your Favorite Part of Hunting?


New member
I realize this depends on what you are hunting. So feel free to answer as many times as you like.

I like hunting deer and hogs. And the part of that I like the best is what I call the reconnaissance phase.

I like figuring out the trails they use, when they use them and which way they are going. I like thinking about the prevailing wind and where the sun comes up and goes down and how to take advantage of it. I like looking for good concealed positions with good fields of fire.

The shooting part is mainly about confirming the work I've done. I suppose I could use a camera, but I like hanging out with hunters more than photographers. And a rifle feels so good in my hands in the woods.
My favorite part happens at the dinner table. Everything else is just leading up to that point.

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From the prep to the freezer !!

There are so many elements or phases involved that it's really hard to single one out. However, if I had too, I'd say it's getting there and getting home or anticipation and satisfaction. Although acceptable, I'd never say that the killing was my favorite part. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I guess the "Gotcha!" moment at spotting a really good buck when he doesn't know you're around is a major Good Moment.

Otherwise? The very-relaxed bull sessions around the campfire with good folks. "I wonder what the poor folks are doing?" "Aw, worrying about tomorrow's commute."
I like the hikes in the off season trying to learn abut where they are traveling. I like the prep more than anything. Stalk hunting is another thing entirely, I love it.

I am used to tree stand hunting.
What i like best

My favorite part of hunting is just being out in the woods, sitting with my back up against a tree, watching the sun as it rises and the animals and birds start moving about. It makes me feel close to God...closer than in any building we call a church. I have my best talks with the Lord when I'm there.

The second best part is the comradery with the other hunters, cooking and swapping lies and stories around the fire.

I like fulfilling the roll nature created us for... Being a predator.

My favorite part of hunting is just being out in the woods, sitting with my back up against a tree, watching the sun as it rises and the animals and birds start moving about. It makes me feel close to God...closer than in any building we call a church. I have my best talks with the Lord when I'm there.

The second best part is the comradery with the other hunters, cooking and swapping lies and stories around the fire.


this too. I love it!
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Hunting, I am a big fellow, but I was still pretty happy to get out an hike over five miles and gain and loose over a 1,000 feet of elevation in a days hike looking for a elk this year.
I love hunting enough that I often go alone but my favorite part is the comradery with my family and friends when they are along.
This year was my first hunt with my wife as a companion on the hunt. Both our September Hog/Deer hunt and this month's Deer season at 'home' (literally).

We grew closer together by sharing this activity and that made the hunting more 'special'.

On a more practical note...Serving some great Pork and Venison to visiting family brought back the memories of the hunt to us and fed us at the same time.

BTW We took 3 Whitetail Does in the past 10 days, from our back deck. Butchered and in the freezer now. We have tags for one more doe and two Bucks good til Jan 6, the end of Indiana's second gun season. Porch hunting is a nice way for old folks to get-it-done.

Score now ME-1, WIFE-2 (one done in her robe and slippers in 19 degree weather) but the damn deer started to leave the orchard before we could get coats on (8 AM).:p:p:p
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Depends on what I'm hunting, so I will relate them both.

Up until this year, me and about four or five of my fraternirty brothers would go to my cabin the first weekend of rifle deer season that did not interfere with a home football game. Getting there friday about mid day, we would quickly check blinds and then come back to the cabin for dinner. Generally, we would light a big fire and grill steaks and then proceed to sit around said fire and eat said steak late into the night. Favorite thing about hunting were those friday night pre-camp fires.

In regards to duck hunting, my favorite thing is coming back into the house, dumping my waders in the mud room, putting on dry socks, and sitting at th kitchen table with my two hunting buddies discussing how we could mad what shots or called a little different as my sister makes "bacon 'n biscuits". Then taking a shower and falling asleep on the couch while watching football.
The Very Best Thing about hunting: Watchin' your kids do things that you taught them to do, with skill and confidence!

A close second is DIY butchering/sausage/jerky making ...... and fresh deer steaks!

It will be a very fine day indeed when I visit the Grandkids and their mom is showing them how to make summer sausage.....
Watching the wonder that an 8 year old expresses on their first hunt is a great thing, too ..... My daughter wrote a story for school in the third grade, and spent a whole page describing the sunrise and and the natural world waking up around us ......
I love the stalk/sneak.
Find the critter and then start putting the sneak on them. Or sneak along real slow and see how close you can get.

Theres been many times that I put the sights on the critter and call it a kill without even firing a shot. Put my gun down and go find another one.
If I actually shot it, I would be done hunting. So I just stop and go find another to put the sneak on.
For me it's like a backwards Bell Curve of enjoyment.

:)The beginning...just being in the woods on a cool day, nature, exitement of first seeing critters in nature.

:(The middle.... killing/field dressing/hauling a carcass out.

:)The end....enjoying the harvest....cooking and eating.
I enjoy getting into my stand before daylight and watching the sun rise. Just enjoying nature is enough for me. I absolutely love watching the squirrels play. That or the adrenaline pumping when putting the stalk on a big ol hog with the old stick and string.