What's your biggest white elephant gun?

Well, I WOULD have said that my Browning Model 71 (Winchester replica) in .348 was my biggest white elephant, but I recently sold it to my cousin. I even gave him a list of sources for the scarce ammo and components.
That damn .348 was one hard-kicking round, in that lever gun it was near 12-gauge slug ferocity. Pretty gun, but *way* more rifle than I needed for hunting.

Now, my oddball firearms are as follows:

- 1877 Colt Lightning, with notches filed in barrel. Recovered from a nearby canal in the 1930s, my grandfather kept it as a novelty.

Since it's in fairly good shape, I'll probably get it working one of these days. The Colt obviously had a checkered past, so I won't be giving the police any ballistics samples from THAT one.

- Perrin revolver. BIG and heavy, double action only, large caliber rimfire (.41, I think), I have only one moldy cartridge for it. Best used as a bludgeon, the French built 'em heavy so when you ran out of bullets, you'd have something to swing.

Can anyone tell me more about that old French revolver? It's sort of a family heirloom, like the notorious Colt .38.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I'm betting Harley could tell you sumpin' about it, if you'll post that question in his arena.

We're moving into some ugly-sounding guns, here...!
I got one! How about an Astra copy of a Mauser broomhandle? It would have been worth something except that whoever had it must have kept it in the bottom of his canoe or something, NO finish let, NO rifling left, actually had to soak it in a bucket of keroseine(sp?) for a week just to get it apart. It actually does work, even with what's left of the grip held together with friction tape. Of course, the bullets kind of go sideways, that just adds to the, ah, um, mistique!! Yeah, that's the ticket!
I'd have to say mine would be either the broken Colt Lightning I bought a couple of years ago or my Acme Arms hammer double barrel 12 ga. that uses only 7/8 dr. equiv. loads and is mainly a wallhanger and costuming for cowboy action matches.
I dont have anything that isnt top notch.But two comments on the other guns. The Filipino AR15 22 copy was at a pawn shop acroos the river in West Virginia. The guy wanted $200.00 for it. You got to be kidding. Danger Dave, that Tokarev in762x25 is like a 357 Magnum load. I have a Czech CZ 52 which,with hollow point loads, is quite a high velocity round. THe 762x 25 round will put to shame the 9mm round,even ball 762x25. People just dont realize the power of that 762x25 round.
Aw, c'mon, Ivan-- nothing that's a little dubious in its practicality? I mean, hey, I'll bet Commander45acp's Blackhawk is a great shooter, and the .30 Carbine is a pretty powerful pistol round (much hotter than 7.62X25, certainly), but after some thought, you realize that there isn't really a niche tht it fills, especially in a single-action pistol! (Good One, Commander45acp!)

Bushmaster: now all you need is some .30 luger (or was yours in 9mm?) loaded with snake shot. Watch how well they pattern after the barrels are rated "NRA Brown & Fuzzy". Scub out the fuzzy with a steel brush to clean it, an it does well with the shot. Now, I'm not advocating that anyone attempt to manufacture a "smoothbore pistol/short-barreled shotgun", but, if it naturally shot out and rusted out through regular use, you oughta be within the silly rules. (Don't you feel safer knowing that we have regulations saving us from marauding bands of punks with well-patterned snake-load-shooting pistols?)