Whats YOUR big 5?

Marco Polo Sheep
Bongo (my most beautiful animal)
Trophy Non-typical Mule Deer with my family along
My aspirations are pretty basic.

At home in Nebraska,

Not too exciting, but I gotta start somewhere, and it may as well be tasty when I do :D

Texas piggies
Alaska moose
These will never happen unless I win the lottery but here goes... (all rifle hunts)

1. Red Stag in New Zealand

2. Caribou with Leaf River Outfitters

3. New Mexico (or Colorado or almost anywhere) Elk hunt

4. Montana mule deer hunt

5. Wyoming antelope hunt

I hunt the best leased land in Wisconsin for whitetail every fall so didn't put that down. One of these years I'll have a monster because they're in there.

I have no burning desire to hunt Africa or Alaska anymore. If I didn't have sarcoidosis and diabetes (and deaf as a doornail) I'd hunt Alaska for dahl sheep but it's too late for that. And I can't see shooting elephants, lions and stuff like that. Maybe a kudu.
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For me, all hunts are dream hunts. I've loved every one and look forward to the next. I would like to make it to New Zealand for the Red Stag and to Africa for a lot of Antelope species. The only "dangerous" game that would be on my list is the Cape Buffalo. As for here in NA, I can't think of one that I havn't harvested through out all the years with the exception of 1, the Buffalo.
#1 African Lion- Not over bait either, doing it safari style like Hemingway!
#2 Coastal Brown bear
#3 A BIG elk, like 380+
#4 Gemsbok I think it's the most beautiful animal out there
#5 Mountain lion over hounds

Alternates: Would also love getting a leopard, kudu, spot and stalk black bear, or a moose. Realistically though, I hope to have the elk, black bear, and mountain lion. And if my wife ever stops spending money like a minority president I'll get a gemsbok and kudu!
dangit warbirdlover, you just reminded me of how much I want to go on a stag hunt....Tahunua001's big 5 currently up for review.
Not in any particular order...

Red stag-New Zealand
Lion-Africa (where??)
Brown bear-AK

Either one is replaceable w/ the elusive blacktail right here in my home state. While I've hunted for them, TAKING one is still yet a dream.

I've hunted dern near everything I wanted in my life. There is only one critter I want to hunt before I give up the ghost, a feral hog. I want to hunt, shoot and eat it. I've a friend in TX who's invited me for a hunt any time I'd like to so I've got to get off my duff and take him up on it. I'd like to shoot an elk too. Hunted but never shot one.
Spain for fallow deer and barbary sheep.

Argentina for red stag and blackbuck antelope.

New Foundland, Canada for moose, caribou, and bear.

Texas for addax and symitar horned oryx.

New Mexico for gemsbok, mule deer, and elk.

1. Big bull elk 350+
2. A nice big buck; muley or coues.
3. Bear called in with varmint calls, in stuff so thick I have <50 yds visibility.
4. Mt. lion
5. AZ antelope

If I do all these things I'll be very happy. So far I've done none of them. I've shot plenty of "meat" deer/elk but no trophies. I'm mostly a meat hunter so I'm kinda happy either way. A trophy animal would be awesome, but any hunt backed up by a barbecue is good enough for me.

How could I forget bigfoot! If I get one, I'm taking the feet to Tucson for my Mexican friends to cook for me. They do feet good as they can be done, at least with hogs :p
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Have yet to get out and shoot anything i can eat, skin or mount yet so my aspirations are pretty low. Some hunts i think would be fun though...

1. Hogs. My duty as a Texan to kill and eat hogs, I think.
2. Whitetail with one of those 30-06 double rifles.
3. Squirrels with a .50 caliber muzzleloader, "barking" them Davy Crockett-style.

Someone on here once mentioned his dream was to bow-hunt the African Big 5. he said it "would be exciting". Frankly, i must agree.
Elk in New Mexico Indian land.
an American Bison anywhere.
Any African plains game.
Mule deer in eastern Colorado or Montana.
Whitetail in Kansas (big whitetail)