Whats YOUR big 5?

Whitetail/Mexico. Warthog/Africa. That's all really for me. I love hunting here in Texas/ hogs , whitetail and squirrels. Forgot them coyotes too!
Moose in Alaska, whitetails in Texas, hogs in Texas (combo with the whitetail), pronghorn in Wyoming, and black bear in Canada. I'm not a big dreamer, but those all sound like great fun. I'm a NM native, so we have very few whitetails, but we have elk, mulies, and tons of small game. Bird hunting is good down south. Pigs haven't made it here in the numbers texas has yet, and I hope they don't, but if they do, I'll be doing my best to repel the invasion. Up in northern NM there are reported sightings and rumors of pigs, but nothing substantial. Down south, they're seeing them. I like hunting stuff I can kill in quantity and eat. I can shoot all the rock squirrels I want, but they don't look like good eating, based on the diet.
Desert sheep, Stones' Sheep, Dall Sheep....Only if money is no object!:D

Then Alaskan Brown Bear and Alsaka/Youkon Moose.
Only ugly or bothersome animals, I'm still a softy for purdy ones.

I think it be fun to hunt the mystery animals or find rare ones not necessary to kill any I think it'd be fun.
Sasquatch, Loch ness monster, chupacabra, yeti, unicorn.

Hey I live in Iowa, record buck taken here, got wild turkeys in the feed lot, quail out back of my place and pheasants to boot.

Brother in law (he is from mexico) says they can and do use spotlites at night....

Otheer brother in law is from Africa, he goes back twice a year wants me to tag along some time. Says he will take me on a real hunt, no guns either..
#1 Kodiak Coastal Brown Bear
As soon as I get stationed in Kodiak again, this will become a reality. I struck out the few times I went hunting for them when I was up there before, but managed to scout some really good spots while going "backup" for a couple buddies.​

#2 Alaskan Moose
Either in the Fairbanks/North Central area or maybe the Kenai Peninsula.​

#3 Caribou
Adak Island. 'Nuff said.​

#4 Musk Ox
Probably somewhere in the Nome or Port Clarence area.​

#5 Arctic Wolf
I definitely wouldn't mind having a dozen harvest tickets in my pocket on the AKPEN...​

I'll stay away from Africa and leave it for the crazy-brave and foolhardy. Too many dang things that can kill you over there before you even see them... :eek:

#6 (Honorable Mention) A Missouri whitetail-sized Sitka Blacktail isn't too much to ask is it? ;):o
#1. One day years ago I saw some strange brown thing in the edge of the woods from across a field......looked like it was about the size of a small station wagon, both in length and height. I've always called it the "big brown hoppy thing" because it was kind of bouncing there for the 2 or 3 seconds that I saw it. I'd love to hunt that thing, what ever it was. I went to where I saw it and never found any tracks or sign, my buds all said I was making it up but I know what I saw dang it!

#2. If I had the arm and skill, I'd love to spear hunt for Elk.

#3. Saw a deer running one afternoon while driving that looked like it must have been half horse or something, that thing was HUGE. Would love to have a chance at that one.

#4. Giant squid, but as with all things, only fair chase. Haven't figured out the logistics though..........

Oh, and #5, the Queen Alien, would make one heck of a mount. ;)

.......more seriously, I'd love to put a hurtin' on the local coyotes, apparently I have zero skill when it comes to those PITA's. :mad:
1 An occelated turkey
2 Elk in Colorado
3 Whitetail in Iowa
4 A Lion in Africa
5 A Rhino but a bowkill! Gonna have to order some new 100lb limbs ;)
Dream hunts? In no particular order:
Caribou in Alaska
Marco Polo sheep in Mongolia
Musk deer in SE Asia
Buffalo in Africa
Chamois in the Alps
Moose in NW Territories

Shall I keep going? Instead I settle for:
Grouse in WA
Pheasant in WA
Coyotes in WA
Deer in WA
Elk in WA
etc, etc.
1. Bison Bison
2. Cape Buffalo
3. Boar
4. Whitetail
5. Pronghorn.

I've hunted both whitetail and antelope and would really like to hunt the other 3 at some point.
1: Hippo, on land, up close
2: Cape Buffalo
3: Warthog
4: 500lb+ Russian boar
5: Bobcat

That would do it for me right now. The only one I'm ever likely to see is the Bobcat, no luck yet though.
1) Alaskan Moose
2) Labrador Caribou
3) Desert Bighorn
4) Dall's Sheep
5) Stone Sheep

All with archery gear
1. First year hunter this past season. I'd love to limit on both snow geese and ducks on the same day out at the Wister Unit on the Salton Sea.
2. Deer (any large mammal for that matter) back in Montana with my brother.
3. Pig- any wild pig, anywhere that won't charge me to hunt.
4. Eurasian doves- if I can find a place with a ton of them here in California, it would be a lot of fun because there is no limit.
5. Anything in Arizona/Southern swamps with someone who knows the area.
I want to dart for research. Probably one of the most dangerous ways of shooting an animal.

1. Amur Tiger
2. Amur Leopard
3. Pantanal Jaguar
4. African Elephant
5. African Lion
I made my list, then checked the endangered species list...
Probably going to try for elephant and brown bear at some point.
I don't have big dreams:

Mountain Lion
Grey Fox
Black Bear
Whitetail with a centerfire rifle.
On certains days Antelope may make my top 5 too. Probably replace mountain lion.

But if I go to my grave having done none of these than it's no skin off my back. I'm fine with my Iowa whitetails, coon, coyotes, fox, small game, etc etc.

alaska moose
alaska kodiak
hells canyon big horn sheep(might actually have a chance to do that one)
africa gazelle or impala
Louisiana Cajun gator hunt