What's wrong with this picture

Whether it was spring-loaded, airsoft, or both...you would have to be pretty far from a school bus to not see it in your background, and pretty close to it to break a window.
Wait..."airsoft gun"...don't those fire little styrofoam pellets?

I know someone who got their tooth shot out by one of those things.

Will we be arresting children that shoot spitwads at each other from a bic pen for assault with a deadly weapon now?

I'd say that three shots that all found their mark on what just happened to be a school bus was no accident. I feel its extreme but he cracked the windows; that is definately his responsibility. Time for people to start owning their actions.
Three felonies is a tad extreme, maybe a stern talking to and a hefty fine... 20+ years in jail? That seems a tiny bit extreme.
Two kids. Same house, same rules. Different outcomes.

I’ve seen situations where parents do everything wrong and some or even all of their kids turn out just fine. But I don’t recall having seen parents do everything right, and turn out kids that go bad.

Given that I’ve seen a lot over my life, I contend that quality of parenting is the overriding factor in the quality of character in the children produced.

Sorry you’re tired of hearing it, but who do you suggest be held accountable for the havoc wreaked on society by lawless young people that know nothing of right and wrong? Is it my fault? The school’s fault? Government?

Someone should be held accountable!
I’ve seen situations where parents do everything wrong and some or even all of their kids turn out just fine. But I don’t recall having seen parents do everything right, and turn out kids that go bad.

I am not sure what you mean by doing everything right but I know several that I can't blame the parents for their kids turning out bad. I am a firm believer in there are some kids that are just born bad and there ain't a darn thing you can do about it. Most of the time parents have a lot on influence but sometimes they seem to have zero and it crosses all socio-economic and ethnic lines.
I am not sure what you mean by doing everything right

Why, everything I would do, of course.:)

Seriously, I've never seen it, but I can imagine that every so often there's just a bad apple. But very rare, in my opinion. Very rare.
I dont care! throw the book at him! We just had a bad bus bus crash that killed some kids here too! Why let these people off for their stupidity? It's OUR children that are on the line here! It seems that some want to set examples that you will only get this, if you do that. It's BS! It's getting real old! In town here some Mohummad guy did a bunch of theft and drive by shootings. Pleads gulity and pleah bargins. He got 3 years of phobation. This crap is pissing me off!:mad: Yet law abiding gun owners are the bad guys!:confused:
If it's a spring-powered Airsoft gun, I'd challenge the assertion if broke windows. A static test against autoglass used in bus windows from about 18 feet should show that the normal ammo won't break windows. Add the loss of velocity due to a 35-45-55mph "crosswind" from the vehicles moving down the highway and it'd be hard to scratch the paint on the bus.

But then, if he's involved in burglary/larceny/stolen goods, it sounds like he's got other problems to deal with.
I think that some here fail to realize that were not talking about a 5 year old kid with a pea shooter. Were talking about a 19 year old who have known better then to shoot a weapon OF ANY TYPE out the window of a moving car. Of course even if he hadn't hit the school bus he'd still be in trouble with the State DNR for firing a weapon from the right-of-way. He had other issues (theft) so even if he gets off on shooting at a school bus he's still going away for a felony of the theft charges.