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A 19-year-old Wadena man accused of allegedly shooting an air gun at three Wadena-Deer Creek school buses with children on them on March 3 said he had no intention of shooting at the buses.

“It was purely an accident,” said Timothy Mindermann, 19, in a phone interview.

He was driving his car with the window down on Minnesota Highway 29 and found his spring-powered airsoft gun under the seat of his car, he said. He hadn’t seen it in a while and was playing with it, he said.

Mindermann said he didn’t realize the gun had actually fired and hit the school buses until law enforcement knocked on his door.

A former Wadena-Deer Creek student, Mindermann said he was involved in several extra-curricular activities, such as German club and FFA.

“I never had anything against the school,” he said. “It was an accident.”

He is in the U.S. Army Reserve and said he would never intentionally try to hurt someone.

“Why would any person in the U.S. Army want to purposefully hurt anyone?” he asked.

Mindermann is charged with three felony counts of second-degree assault in Otter Tail County for the alleged shooting. The three school buses each had a cracked window from the shots.

According to an Otter Tail County court complaint, Mindermann was driving east on Highway 29 with a juvenile passenger in the vehicle. The passenger told investigators that Mindermann had fired about three times out the window at the school buses.

Mindermann was shocked by the charges, he said.

“That’s very extreme, considering it was an accident,” he said.

related article:
The Wadena man who was charged March 6 after allegedly shooting at school buses with a pellet gun also faces a felony-level receiving stolen property charge in Otter Tail County District Court in connection with a burglary in New York Mills.

Timothy Erwin Mindermann, 19, was charged in August 2007 with receiving stolen property.

On March 5, 2007, New York Mills Police Chief Brian Nelson investigated burglaries at Sun’s Up, Subway and a Lund boat facility all located in the same building, according to a court complaint. Nelson found a rear door forced open, and the business owners reported cash and a cell phone were missing from their establishments. Lund Boat Company also had some expensive tackle boxes missing from a storage unit on the grounds, valued at more than $3,000.

Several weeks later, Nelson received a tip that Mindermann was involved in the theft of items, the complaint said. When Nelson interviewed Mindermann, a former employee of Subway,

he said he had some Lund tackle boxes in his possession at one point, but they were a gift from a Lund employee. Mindermann said he had pawned the tackle boxes in Wadena and Brainerd, the complaint said.

A Lund representative later said the company made no such gift to Mindermann.

The charge of receiving stolen property carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.
Wait..."airsoft gun"...don't those fire little styrofoam pellets?

Will we be arresting children that shoot spitwads at each other from a bic pen for assault with a deadly weapon now?
He joins the army and doesn't want to hurt anyone. ......Shooting an airsoft at a bus is one thing. The fact that he was also linked to theft shows a slightly different story here. And the fact that three busses were damaged. I have a hard time believing it was "an accident" to hit three busses.
What kind of crap glass are they putting in school buses these days? Airsoft gun and broken windows? More likely kids broke them sometime before.
Are there airsoft guns that are more powerful than the ones I am familiar with??? The one I bought my nephew a couple years ago couldn't put an eye out from two feet away.
It didn't say an airsoft gun it said air gun. The second article said pellet gun so I take it that it is a air powered pellet gun. Other than the fellow being a lying idiot that needs to be locked up for a long time I didn't see anything wrong. :D
What's wrong with this picture

His parents raised a creep and will not be held accountable; that’s what’s wrong!

These people rely on the state to raise their kids for them. They are unable or unwilling to teach their kids right from wrong. They think that’s the school’s responsibility. Why not? The government does everything else for them. They are so stupid and blind that when interviewed after the little bastard shoots someone they’ll say “he was always such a good boy” “he would never do anything like this”.:barf::barf::barf:

Just another symptom of a country in decline!

OK, OK, my next cup will be decaf.... promise.:)
They are unable or unwilling to teach their kids right from wrong.
Absolute #1
Lack of accountability from youth to adulthood in this country.

2.5 generations have been raised in the "Great Society" now. "Headstart" program starts government child rearing at 2-3 years of age. Results speak for themselves.

Do everyone a favor and teach your kids responsibility for their actions.

decaf doesn't help..!
PT111 says...
It didn't say an airsoft gun it said air gun.
The article clearly says...
He was driving his car with the window down on Minnesota Highway 29 and found his spring-powered airsoft gun under the seat of his car, he said. He hadn’t seen it in a while and was playing with it, he said.
Thanks , I didn't catch that. Why did the second article call it a pellet gun or are airsoft guns considered pellet guns? Makes me wonder if anyone knew what they were talking about?

They found an airsoft gun under his seat but maybe that isn't the gun he used. This story gets very weird.
Thanks , I didn't catch that. Why did the second article call it a pellet gun or are airsoft guns considered pellet guns? Makes me wonder if anyone knew what they were talking about?
It all seems very odd to me. I am guessing either a lot of people are talking without getting the facts or there is just a lot of stuff not being revealed yet.

Right now it all seems very much like teaching someone the alphabet by giving them the A and the Z and making them fill in the rest by themselves.
If he lost it under his seat, it is my guess that it is not a very powerful airsoft gun. as the cheapies max out at about 315 fps. Enough to put an eye out or give you a good bruise.

As for the school bus I'm calling BS if it was an airsoft gun and not a BB gun. That glass they put in is tough as nails and hard to break. No way an airsoft gun could damage it.
My next door neighbors son has an air SOFT pistol and shoots it in the back yard. Now I've had the misfortune of being hit with those pellets by the little angel from next door,they are not soft and they are not styrafoam, from a range of about 25 feet. I want to let Playboy know that in fact they do sting and will readily put an eye out. And I am also tired of stepping on them with bare feet in the summer, because they are all over my driveway and patio. Luckily they are moving next month.
It would appear that even small newspapers are not exempt from people who don't know what they are talking about. First it says air rifle, then airsoft gun, then in the second article a pellet gun. I'm going for best 2 out of 3. it was an air rifle. For someone who's not "up" on the industry, confusing an air rifle with a pellet gun is a forgiveable mistake. Now confusing it with an airsoft gun that's another ball of wax.
His parents raised a creep and will not be held accountable; that’s what’s wrong!

I get tired of hearing that. How can the parents be a fault? You raise your children right, you show them the path, but you must keep in mind that the child is an individual, not a trained pet. They have minds of their own, and make their own decisions.

I have two children. My son, the oldest, finished high school 2 years early, and graduated from college at 19 with an AS in Emergency medicine. He has a good job and is a homeowner at the age of 20.

My daughter, still in high school, has been the exact opposite. Drugs, sex, alcohol, arrested, you name it. I tried grounding her, she snuck out as soon as my back was turned. I tried court to keep her away from her loser criminal boyfriend, but to no avail. The day she turned 18 she moved out to live with her boyfriend. She had been telling me for two years that she was moving out to be with him so she could get away from my "bull*hit rules." They live at his parents' house now and work at fast food restaurants. Who knows what they are into now.

Two kids. Same house, same rules. Different outcomes. I get that "It is parenting" stuff all the time. My answer is to ask them what they would have done. None of them know, but they assure me that the situation would have been different.
Good friends from my teenage years

back in the 70's are driving home from some late night gathering... guy driving decides he wants to shoot at road signs with his crossman 454 CO2 bb pistol out the window... runs out of BB's in the pistol.. then he starts shooting 'air' at cars they meet. Buddy in the back seat says it's still loaded he can see the bb's in the head lights..... guy driving says "no, it's empty, see?" holds the barrel up to his left hand and pulls the trigger....

The local emergency room charged him $3,000 in 1978 to remove the BB. I still can't believe it.... I'd have done if for $50.

It's really easy to get stupid, real fast.