What's this cr*p about "sniper rifles"?

Dennis Olson

New member
Lately, I've been hearing about the anti's moaning about scoped, high-powered hunting rifles, and have started calling them "sniper rifles". They are also starting to call for "banning" them?!

What the HELL is going on here? What happened to "we won't take away your hunting guns"? (or do we just get to keep lever action 30-30's with iron sights?)

I am REALLY getting sick of this kind or cr*p!
I've been seeing the same thing. Didn't you hear that guns are bad??? ;)

Of course, they never get the wording consistently, so sometimes they're talking about deer rifles, and sometimes what they say would even apply to semi-auto .22s!!!
This is something that a lot of people have been trying to warn those people who are hunters out there.... that the enemy will always vilify something first in order to get the common person (re:everybody that might not be in the crowd being vilified)to go along with the retoric...or at least do nothing or say nothing until it is too late..... I have many friends who are deer and turkey hunters... and for years the warning has gone unheaded. "My rifle is a deer rifle" .... yes... but under the vilification program... it is a "long-range, high-powered, scoped, sniper rifle" and the side-arm you carry for dispatching a wounded deer is "an assault-pistol" (no regard for caliber here.. 22's are just as bad). My bow and black powder hunting friends are beginning to suffer the same type of attacks...."hunting with a bow is cruel and unusual because it inflicts pain on the animal" "Black powder is dangerous and .54 caliber is illigal"...... notice a theme here?? I am sure you do.....by the way,, lever rifles are still "high-powered" and if you have a scope, it then becomes a "sniper" rifle. Cowboy shooters in the the single action shooting society (SASS) are just now being attacked also.
So I guess during deer season will have to put up additional posted signs ;)

dear dennis olson,sir i mean no insult,but to answer your question,--what the hell is going on here---{well it may be}---that you and many people like you ---believed----the antis.have you been fighting for my right to keep and bear what they call assault weapons.i have been fighting for your right to keep and bear what they call sniper weapons,and to answer your next question--do we---get---to keep lever action 30-30s with iron sights.the answer to this is,---yes, you do----until we the anti gunners change our minds.sir, they want your guns,they want all your guns.they want to take away any and all means by which you can assert --any--independece over your life.in closing let me apoligize if i have insulted you personally,that is not my intention,but you asked the questions and i had to respond.-----thankyou---arthur
actually, DiFi is trying to push the anti snipping rifle stuff in congress. A sniper rifle, is ANY rifle that can accept a scope. There is no regard for caliber, or if you actually own a scope. Guess what, that is every rifle on the market.

There's more. On the HCI website, fully automatic weapons are described by a new term. They are "weapons of mass destruction." Guess they aren't satisfied with the 1986 ban on the sale of new fully automatic weapons and think that the approximately 250,000 Americans who own Class III weapons make an easy target. After all, the NRA abandoned us without a fight in 1986.

After having said that and released some of my lingering bitterness over that betrayal-let me add that I am a member of the NRA as well as the GOA and JPFO.
gentlemen ,we have to stick together,in my opinion -all guns are good gun-we all have to defend and support each other.------arthur
Don't tell me this took you by surprise!

The gun control folks have been salami-slicing our rights away for decades - it's just become more prevalent and speedy recently.

But don't worry about it at all. George W. Bush and the NRA will save as many rifles as possible for us. Perhaps we will lose all rifles above .29 caliber. Perhaps they will enforce some other measure to outlaw our guns. But rest assured it all will be "reasonable" and a decent "compromise".

After all, who really needs a sniper rifle to hunt bunny rabbits? It's uncivilized.

Learn to like it folks. Most of you are going to vote for gun control, and compromises, and defeat after defeat.

Remember, I'm the crazy one. I say we should be rescinding gun laws. You say we can stand "just a little" more gun laws.

a senator monyihan wants to outlaw .25cal.,.32cal.,9mm,ammunition-a pennsylvania politician wants to study the criminal use of blackpowder muzzleloading pistols.they want to outlaw .50 cal.rifles.the list goes on and on.we gun owners can not seem to get our act together,why is this.we fight amongst our own ranks,i see no light at the end of this tunnel.how many hunters still think that they will be left alone.---arthur
The antis will pick away a little at a time. They determine their next point of attack by two factors: the ability to demonize the gun type, and the number of users.

They used our own terms against us in two cases of "demonization", the Saturday Night Special and the "assault rifle". Most "good" gun owners hated the cheap revolvers that were termed SNSs. It was hard to defend "assault rifles" especially since pro-gunners let the antis define the terms of the argument around hunting.

They are now in the process of "demonizing" sniper rifles, especially the .50 BMG rifles. There are less than 10,000 out there, so there is no large constituency, and they are hard to defend - "why do you need .50 caliber to hunt deer?" Once again, of course, the antis define the area of the argument.

I will bet that there will be, by coincidence, a mass killing with a .50 "sniper rifle" if/when Congress gets ready to vote on a ban. Someone seems to be getting pretty good at staging those "coincidences".

I've just received the greenlight from the boss here to purchase a sure enough sniper rifle. .308, 26" barrell, stainless, composite stocked, fluted, Savage, and I'm getting the custom trigger.

I've got a few .22's that might not qualify, but every other rifle I own will. I've got a rifle my father built me that has more memories than I can ever recount. It to me is priceless, I can't part with it.

We need to face the fact the socialist will not be happy and content unless we are all disarmed and sending 99% of what we make to Washington for them to re-disperse to us as they see fit. So the question is, what do we do? Are we willing to look past the views and lifestyles of others to form a massive party able to stand-up to the likes of what we face, or like before will we be forced to back-up more and more because of lack of a united front? The choice is yours, Do you want to keep your guns and your money?

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."
Weapons of mass destruction? How misleading. One scoped rifle isn't going to do squat against someone who is going to use real weapons of mass destruction (biological or chemical warfare). Feinstein specialized in sensationalized headline grabbing slogans to keep herself in the media spotlight and the media dogs eat it all up. America, turn off the TV.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you'll recall...the first news reports of the Greensboro shooting termed the guns "high powered sniper rifles"...and a couple polititians made some noises about restricting scopes.

They even used the phrase "No one needs to be able to shoot from great distances".

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
This just makes me want to go buy that 300 win mag Remington 700... just because it will piss THEM off.

I wish I could get that Dakota Arms Longbow...

I wish they would see the difference - Black guns are bad - wood guns are good.

Then I could take the wood grained contact paper off my AR! ;)

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
A couple of nights ago we had the footage of the US Coast Guard shooting out the engines of smugglers' boats with a .50 cal.

It was reported as "snipers, using special high-powered sniper's rifles, capable of penetrating even armour ........"

It was great shooting, yes .... but it was still just a .50 cal.

This just makes me want to go buy that 300 win mag Remington 700... just because it will piss THEM off.

George, if you REALLY want to piss off the bannits, get a Remington 7400 in .308 with the Evil Black Plastic Stock. Drop a scope (even a cheap little Bushnell) on it, and presto: instant sniper rifle.

Or just get an AK-47 with a silencer (sic), 30-round mag, and a folding stock...

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
The term "weapons of mass distruction" is a U.N. term..... see this thread = http://www.un.org/events/ref38.htm#disarmament and follow it whereever you wish.... as you get deeper into the site ... you will find policies of removing small arms from the world in order to make the world a safer place "for the children"

Patriots are not revolutionaries trying to overthrow government. Patriots are counter-revolutionaries trying to prevent government from overthrowing the U.S. Constitution.