Whats the tastiest wild animal ?


I'm not much of a hunter, I love to fish, nevertheless I'm tiring of the "Chicken or beef ?" routine.
May not be PC in the Hunting Forum, but my favorite is salmon. A fresh Kokanee (more available than sea-run here in ID) marinated and grilled, beats anything on 4 legs (or two wings). IMHO.

Healthy, too. Low fat, lots of vit. E, etc.

Trout comes in 2nd.

Also enjoy Chukar and Pheasant. Haven't tried any of those tasty-sounding duck recipes from the forum, yet. No chance to hunt 'em yet :-(
Ha! Good question. I've eaten everything from red squirrels to bowhead whales. IMHO, you can't beat Dall sheep - sweet, savory and delicious. Since those are hard to come by, my next choice is Sitka blacktail deer (a staple in my neck of the woods), followed by young moose. mmmm....hungry.
You can't argue with dall sheep, or young moose. Tender and delicious. I've had red salmon. In the summer salmon is a staple food, and yes it's delicious, but by fall you don't wan't to look at any more salmon till about, well, next summer.
Without question, snapping turtle. Second would be ground hog....also known as whistle pig.

I'll have to try that baby condor. I'll ask in the meat department at the local grocer. ;)


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
Don't forget the little critters. Pheasant and cottentail. The wife would never eat either but all it took was one taste and she was wanting to know when I was going to get some more. She still won't eat deer unless its jerky or sausage though.
I'm with Field-Dressed. Sheep and Goats are both good, but I lean toward Sitka Blacktailed Deer.
I grew up on Michigan White-Tails and lived in Colorado for a while and sampled Mulies but Blacktails are a whole different animal.

A blacktail taken before the rut is as tender as good beef, and far tastier. You can cut a good piece of meat - say, a piece of backstrap - into steaks, and as long as you don't overcook it you can literally cut it with a fork. Theres no need for marinades or sauces or anything like that, just fry or broil it rare and bloody and eat!

My wife says she can taste a hint of gaminess in blacktail, but if so it's too subtle for me. It's just good lean steak, except sweeter and finer grained. Delicious.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
My vote goes for winter caribou...
Caribou harvested in winter is months away from rut, has already shed their antlers and their parasites, and they have been on a lean diet for a few months....
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, rare and lean.......
Blue quail are yummy, and half-again the size of bob-whites.

They're a lot of trouble for the amount of meat, but the little javelina is absolutely flat-out splendiferous. I like to barbecue the hams, and cook the little backstraps alongside as appetizers.

Think I'll go huntin'...

:), Art
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MountainGun44:
Grilled baby California Condor is mighty tasty. [/quote]

Up here (in alaska) you can shoot snowy owl, AND THERE"S NO LIMIT! I'm thinking about doing a hunt and making it into jerky, and handing it our at PETA conventions :D

I've heard mountain goat is tough, and gamey, I've never tasted it before but the guy who got it said it was his last goat hunt, "No way am I climbing to the top of a mountain to shoot something that tastes like week old road kill." I'll still have to give it a try though. If it tastes anything like sheep, and it should, I want some :)
Hmmm, I'll pass on the baby Condor, I prefer Bald Eagles, you can hang em on a spit real easy with those tags in their ears.

So many choices, so little refigerator space.... With Thanksgiving coming up maybe wild turkey would be appropriate ?

Now all I need is a buckeled hat and a Blunderbuss, wonder if those are still legal here in CA ?

[This message has been edited by MTAA (edited October 10, 2000).]
IMHO nothing taste better than a baby ******** when fried or baked. With a side of ***** sausage on the side its a meal fit for a king. I also had some ******* steak but it was a little too tough for me. My wife's favorite is raw ******* with a little salt but they are hard to get around here. Anybody ever try ****** jerky? Any good?

[This message has been edited by PETA (edited October 10, 2000).]
I'll have to put my vote in for Wild Boar. The meat is real tender and juicy. Makes excellent roast and is also good pan fried.
Gotta second Solo. Wild boar, mmmmmmhhhhhh..............That's the only wild meat that I'm actually planning on spending the extra money (guide fees, out of state license, etc.) on. Can't wait to restock the freezer.

For fowl, I'd hafta go with ruffed grouse.
I would have to say cow and pig bought from the store, I wouldn't dare put my mouth on anything else. ;) I forgot the poor little chicken.


[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited October 10, 2000).]
Well down south here we don't get much chanch for those sheep, caribou, elk, or all those others so in our case we just cut the alligators tail off fix it and eat. yum yum

A son is the best friend you'll ever have!
Red heads ? Oyster sauce ? Huh ????

Well, wild boar.....yes, thats it !

I'm a big pitbull fan, anyone hunt with dogs ? Anyone know where to hunt wild Boar in CA ? What kind of firearms does this require ? Will my S&W 686 suffice ? Or maybe just a really nice hunting knife ?
A guy gets arrested for killing a Spotted Owl, and at his trial he is found guilty.
during his sentencing, the Judge asks him:
"why did you kill that Owl?"
The guy responds:
"I love to eat them, They are delicious!"

The judge calls the guy over & asks in a hushed voice:
"what does Spotted Owl taste like?"

"Just like Bald Eagle!" is the response.

